anime is very trashy and infantile
i dunno how grown "men" watch and discuss it
even more funny is the manchildren here who watch schlock like berserk and akira and pretend their above the weebs of Yea Forums
it's all fucking trash for the lowest common denominator
read some fucking melville and faulkner for gods sake
Anime is very trashy and infantile
>posting a frog on Yea Forums
Neck yourself, election tourist.
Whaaat? You mean Japanese who draw cartoons are...manchildren?
I agree that berserk is gay, but so is reading
>Yea Forums board
>Telling people to read
Uhh, did you mean to post this on Yea Forums?
Cry more bitch nigger
>O_O hentai chan! I can see your underwear!
>*character moves in the same 6 frames on a loop on top of a static background*
>uses frog picture while complaining about anime
To each their own, faggot
>To each their own, faggot
niggers there are literally thousands of different shows and movies. it's like saying "tv is very trashy and infantile."
guy who drew that likes anime.
this person serioiusly conflated harry potter with porn, wine and heroin? wow.
if you feel attacked by that image it's because you hate yourself.
>read some fucking melville and faulkner for gods sake
I have, but Melville never made me feel anything like Sword of the Stranger or Maquia did.
You're just a pretentious fart-sniffer.
That is true.
However I watched LogH and every opera Wagner has ever made and I stay convinced that this is the one exception since its literally a Wagnerian opera in space
I don’t feel attacked I just think your drawing is a poor argument.
ad hominem is a fallacy
you are manchildren and still cannot contest OP's argument
>hehe, gotem
nah, japanese people cannot into writing. everything comes off robotic and not genuine. to compare the two is insulting.
omg I know rite?
at least heroine doesn't turn you into a faggot
Snow Country is better than any novel ever written by an American.
>nah, japanese people cannot into writing. everything comes off robotic and not genuine.
Do you speak Japanese?
>u are stupid and thing you like is also stupid
>now contest that
>posting a frog on Yea Forums
this is Yea Forums
did a mod move the thread or something
you're right user, heroin, then the lack of heroin does. I'm just surprised so many people have never seen that image before and are really hurt by it. I feel like it's posted all the time.
Wrong. Japs have the FAUSTIAN spirit too
muh translation is a meme
a great story is good period
dosto comes off fine in english even if the prose is shit
anime website
>too retarded to deduce the argument made by OP
>replies with a cartoon picture of a little girl
great showing, did you already play with your own feces or is that coming up
no, this is acutally /tv lets whine about every fucking shit we whine on pol about, but add some slight connection to Yea Forums-related topics in the OP/
Is that true? every jap novel i have tried reading is soulless. Maybe its just poor translation.
>see I told u u are stupid
>hehe, you play with ur doodoo
Poor argument. Why don’t you go into detail other than just bashing anime watchers for having a different opinion than you. I have no idea what you are getting at. All I know is you don’t like anime and you think less of people who do. I hope Yea Forums hasn’t weakened your use of rhetoric.
>muh translation is a meme
>a great story is good period
Are you complaining about dialog or plot? It sounds like you are trying to move the goalpost even inside a single post. A plot can't be robotic.
Seidensticker translation. just read it. should only take an evening, it's not long.
>read some fucking faggot and another most likely european faggot for gods sake
Lmao no
Ha. I disagree with op’s opinion on anime, but I feel sorry for the person who can’t appreciate Faulkner.
>can't even type outside of meme arrows
>anime soijaking
you are pathetic, you can't even have this (You)
Reminder than in their few measly centuries of existence Americans never wrote anything worth reading and left no mark on world's literature whatsoever.
Why do you think this? For me, American only pale in comparison with Russians.
I find it to be a gross skinner box that rarely ever approaches greatness and the few that do is merely mediocrity in comparison to everything else there is out there. I have no idea why anyone would bother with anime when there's Jiri Trnka, Jan Svankmajer, Yuri Norstein and Marcell Jankovics whom all make high art animations that are well executed with style and substance. People have limited time on this planet and they willingly choose to stew in mediocrity mostly because they're unaware that better exists. In the grand scheme of things shit like angels egg and ghibli is like small fries compared to these masters yet only seems like excellence amongst weebs because it's all they know. Telling Yea Forums to stop clinging to comfort food trash in pursuit of greatness is a fools errand though, instead of an Angelopoulos or Bresson film it's corny 80s schlock.
I disagree, there are a lot of great American authors. Edgar Allen Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Faulkner, Washington Irving, Scott Fitzgerald, Herman Melville.
Correct. The seething manchild responses are further proof
you can watch near the entirety of worthwhile "high art animation" in a couple months.
I still fail to see what makes Alice better than Spirited Away. Could you please tell me. Not even being sarcastic just generally curious why you feel this way?
Which is completely fine. You shouldn't want to consoom forever.
Sorry for switching the punctuation marks
>People have limited time on this planet
not that limited to not being able to not browse through all the places and find it out yourself, also not everything is as aproachable for everyone. Giving ideas like you did is one thing and helpful. What OP does is bs
Some anime is okay. Like Hokuto no Ken/Fist of the North Star, Violence Jack, the two-episode OVA of The Rapeman, and Outlaw Star.
Your problem is, you watched the Berserk anime when the manga is way better.
the story that gets worse and worse and doesn't have an ending because the fat pedo faggot author died is better?
Bump. Please respond I love both movies.