Can a... aww you know
>can a robot satisfy a woman?
>no seriously can you? My wife needs a new bull
Can a cuck take a joke?
>can you?
Not a good retort. Humanity can, but robots as a whole cannot. That was the argument even if Will makes it confusing by saying “a robot”
Honestly, has a nigger ever written a symphony?
You can literally program AI to write symphony, chud. And this has been already done. You're just an out of touch boomer
This is an old movie
Lol most humans can't even wipe dey own ass, boi. This was just blatant roboticism on the behalf of Will Smith's character. He was a human incel, he feared the superior robot man.
Fucking idiot.
I just took a a massive rock hard shit and now it’s stuck
Cope robotfag, you niggas ain’t shit
im gay for pay
No I mean it’s clogging the toilet
Took a few flushes but it’s down now
beethoven was a moor
Can a robot fuck my wife?
Can a robot get redpilled?
can a cuckold write a simp'ony
Chevalier de Saint-Georges, William Grant Still, and Scott Joplin never wrote a symphony but his music was still great
Beethoven was born in Austria to an Austrian father and a German Mother
>Beethoven was born in Austria to an Austrian father and a German Mother
He was Jewish, retard
Tay was a /pol/ operation and she was referenced in an episode of nu X-Files.
>Beethoven was born in Austria
He was born in Bonn in the principality of Cologne and his family is from Belgium
The answer would just be yes. There's absolutely no reason to believe that AI is incapable of producing art. The idea that they can't is just desperate human cope.
I still miss her
Reminder chief keef posted this on his instagram because he thinks its hilarious
Belgium did not exist at the time of his birth and that part of Europe belonged to the Habsburgs but you are correct, it's his family that was born there not him
Beethoven was baptised in a Catholic church
>blacks create and develop entire genres of music that all classes of people, from hood niggas to upper class snooty socialites, enjoy worldwide
>incels on Yea Forums who couldn't play three notes on a guitar make this same joke for a decade to feel superior
you people are so unoriginal
>inb4 someone tries to claim all black contributions to music are mumble rap
Is ignorance considered a virtue among 4channelers?
>Can a robot prep a bull?
Less talky more sucky
>>blacks create and develop entire genres of music that all classes of people
All based off white people music
Did you hear that from an user? I remember posting about that a long time ago and people being surprised
Because it is
t. zoomer who believes his alexa is """AI"""
I don't even consider Will Smith a black guy
he's like the whitest black person in hollywood
Going down that route makes npcs very angry. Also pointing out that European countries have very diverse cuisine while literally everything else is just a wrap with meat and some tomatoes or rice with diarrhea
every ai or algorithim turns racist for obvious reasons
>missing the point completely
Found the retard who can't write a symphony.
>asks the AI a yes or no question
>robot responds like a catty bitch that was personally offended by the remark
>You can literally program AI to write symphony, chud.
But that just means you wrote the symphony.
Is this supposed to be some kind of gotcha? Do you not realize that getting upstaged by a bunch of niggers in a field you made is even worse than if the niggers made it from scratch themselves?
>we wuz miles davis and shiet
True art is a form of expression, robots don't have emotions to express
Do you think the robot would comfort Will after what happened? Maybe he could teach him how to not be a cuck.
>the shillbots have arrived
>makes npcs very angry
Q.E.D. I rest my case
but have they ever created a symphony? nobody's stopping them
Improvising piano music was very common in Europe btw
Symphonys are created very abstract, methodical and with high complexity. Black music usually is very ad hoc and more of a vibe/feel. I am not judging, just answering your question
without slavery and racism blacks wouldn't have developed blues, jazz, rap, hip hop, or anything. without the cia flooding black neighborhoods with crack cocaine blacks wouldn't have developed ghetto thug culture. blacks literally owe everything to their suffering under white rulers
Cope chud
>t.seething whybois
when I was a kid my mom bought kfc for dinner one night and we wanted to rent a movie after, so we clicked to watch the preview for i robot and it just played the full movie.
>I invendid rhythm n shieeeett
Basquiat enters the chat
You don't program AGI to have emotions. It kind of defeats the point of not explicitly programming it do anything, hence the term Artifical GENERAL intelligence. The idea is that emotions will be a convergent evolution of all kinds of general intelligences.
Me when women say that sex bots won't give you fulfilment