News from america
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Are you fucking kidding me? No, I'm not signing up and giving my passport/ID to you, YouTube.
Oh no a nigger died. What a shame.
webm of the best part
Nig deserved it
Why should I care?
Is this another one of those BLM things?
>Yes let me just film this so we can rustle the election tourists again
Not Yea Forums and fuck off.
What movie is this
Why did the police pull the black's pants down?
Is this Buck Breaking 2?
>vehicle improperly registered
>refused to remain inside vehicle when clearly ordered to do so
>can't produce driver's license when asked
>won't put hands on hood of car when asked
>runs instead of submitting to arrest
>wrestles with police officer instead of submitting to arrest
>clearly told to STOP and submit multiple times
>grabs the policeman's taser
You know what? I'm wore out. I hope the cops shoot another 1,000 non-compliant fuckheads this summer. It'll be a good start.
>A Black man, face down on the ground, was fatally shot in the back of the head by a Michigan police officer, the violent climax of a traffic stop
americans are going to chimp out again dont they?
>BLM riots
>with a Dem in office
kek. Dems run the BLM corporation and the antifa controlled drone society. They don't allow either to fake "rebel" during a Dem presidency. Both of these groups are complete fake and controlled by the establishment and the media can turn this stuff off and on like a faucet.. Nothing will happen.
>decent looking
>big following
>jew connections
>american+israeli passport (can travel almost anywhere he wants)
wtf was his problem?
can you stop?
>americans are going to chimp out again dont they?
its not even trending on twitter
everyones tired of niggers
>attempted murder of a judge
Sentence: Death.
You gotten tired of posting this all day? Literally seen this same comment, word for word, on 3 different boards and in reddit comments.
He didn't do nothing!
Crossover events almost always do well. Remember when BLM had the first event during the Corona Crisis? Time for BLM 2 - The Ukraine Crisis Connection.
nah BLM is out of fashion now
This murrica. What led up to the shooting doesn't matter. The cop should have seppuku'd once the suspect ran. this nigga getting a statue asap.
I'm not that guy, but he's correct. There's no political advantage to Democrats for a riot right now, so one won't happen. The media will just skim over it.
Why didn't he grab his own tazer before the nog could have as this seems like a tazer-required immobilization.
Also the way this dude is completely unjarred from doming a nog is fairly startling.
Dis y boi fukt
>didn't handcuff the corpse
must be a newbie
>Another 6 months of riots are coming
>get restrained by police
>fight the cop
>be surprised you get shot
Why are niggers like this?
Fucking this. Wtf how do i get around this?
well everyone is bored with the Russia thing and they need something before they launch Covid 4.0 so.....
Always cracks me up that the same retards who STILL whine about ruby ridge / waco think non-compliance with the law should be an auto death sentence for people they don't like.
i hope mutts riots again, i like seeing their country burn by their own hands
I don’t care that he’s dead but how can’t you just shoot him in the shoulder or something. These cops are so retarded
put nsfw after youtube in the URL
I don't find it funny at all.
I used to think this a lot.
>Why did he run?
its usually because they have warrants and will be sent to prison for years, Or why the fuck would you fight a cop. Unless these fuckers are just that stupid.
Get tampermonkey and get the youtube age restriction script. Shit is cash.
good, there's still lots niggers to go
>another violent nigger got put to pasture by a cop
That doesnt work anymore
'ate niggers
'ate coppers
simple as
Not Yea Forums, fuck off back to your toilet bowl
Looks like he slipped
they need something ghost gun related I'm figuring. That fat nig in NY turned out to be a black supremecist who hates whitey and bought his legally so that one is a dud.
not when its life and death bro, i thought the same thing but at that point youve got to incapacitate the offender. in this case there was no time to think about a leg shot
Why would Donald Trump do this?
>Also the way this dude is completely unjarred from doming a nog is fairly startling.
There are people around him filming and watching the hubbub. Any one or all of them could at any moment decide to rush him so he was maintaining a lookout incase anyone decided to test their luck. What did you expect him to do, drop his gun, claw at his face and scream to the camera on a rig 10ft above him and climbing "WHAT HAVE I DOOOOOOOOONE?!"?
they're trained to only shoot to kill, not for any other reason
ok well how about you suck my cock
guy underneath pulled cops taser away, you can see it in his hand. If cop gets tasered, they'll take his gun and kill him with it.
watch the webm
>drop the taser
>drop the taser
>drop the taser
>drop the taser
>stay back
is basically what was said
>but how can’t you just shoot him in the shoulder or something
Yeah, perforate the brachial artery and have him bleed out before anyone can get on scene to help him. Great idea bud.
>cop was on top of him
>still couldn't stop the guy and had to shoot him instead
>feared for his life over a fucking taser
lmao, white people and cops are fucking pussies. Only fucking way you fight back is by shooting
Fuck me these blacks cant behave.
You're a faggot bootlicker if you think it's ok to kill someone over this
>can’t you just shoot him in the shoulder or something
spoken like a retarded libcuck who has never fired a gun before
>gets hit with taser
>gets shot with gun while stunned
It's more than OK. And I'm tired of pretending that it isn't.
>nobody will know any of this
>they’ll just see the photo of him lying on the ground and start chimping out again
lmao, black people are such fucking retards they don't understand why they get shot for acting like this
Why you got gotta shoot a guy with his back turned? Why not do it to his face pussy. The cop was on top of him and could have easily pistol whipped him to knock him out, but I forgot you guys are fucking weak
the dude filming said he didn't grab his taser.
>can’t you just shoot him in the shoulder or something
I know you don't understand why this is fucking retarded, but it's fucking retarded.
>pistol whipped him to knock him out,
>dude just let them turn around and attack you
one of the core rules of the safe handling of firearms is that you dont point your weapon at something unless you intend of destroying it, people included. Cops are also trained that if it's to the point where they need to fire their gun, they do so until their target is dead, because if the conflict has escalated to that point, it's literally you or them, and anything less puts their lives in danger.
it was in his hand, you can see it in the video
Man, how long until those bucks go extinct already?
The mass abortians, the gang and police killings, the overdoses and rampant homosexuality. There must be a point of no return for this broken community
He could drop the gun doing that. This isn't True Crime.
I wonder how many people who defend cops realize that they could just as easily get murdered or roughed up by a trigger happy cop on his bad day, regardless of what skin color you are. Even if you have a blue lives matter flag on your wall they would wipe their ass with it.
i'm just saying that's also audio if you want to give the webm needing faggot to get it all.
>post 9/11 citation needed
>can't even survive a gunshot to the head
Don't care. This is between niggermonkeys and the globohomo enforcement patrol (police).
>they could just as easily get murdered or roughed up by a trigger happy cop on his bad day
wrong, coping nigger
a law abiding citizen would never be in these niggers' positions
Nah, they don't have the soros bucks this time and pallets of bricks.
Seems like as long as I don’t try to grab a cop’s weapon, I’ll be fine.
Why not? did something happen
I love how they already spin it. Saying that he resisted arrest would be counterproductive in pushing their bullshit. It's gonna be another "hands up don't shoot" bullshit.
i wonder how many people who think cops are le bad realize that they could get beaten to death by a random piece of shit in the street for no other reason than the fact that they think it's funny when you fall down and you might have some money in your pockets.