Anyone else think she's kinda attractive in this film?
Anyone else think she's kinda attractive in this film?
you know me bro I'd fuck anything lol
Imagine her gagging on your cock hahaha
i can see it in 8k in my mind, its glorious
No. The actress from Dr Sleep was attractive though.
yeah bro ur always saying this!
Imagine your Jack stalking the hotel waiting to hack her up and fuck her decapitated skull hahaha
Any nudes or bikini shots?
She does it for me, bigly. I love those big eyes and her lanky (yet feminine) frame.
>Imagine your Jack stalking
i used to do this as a kid to torment my friends. didn't realize it was bad till i saw this movie
Lads... how does this happen ?.
didnt she become an alcoholic?
No, and she's not meant to be. Wendy is plain jane in the flesh, Jack's hatred for himself personified.
What I like:
-dark hair and pale skin
What I don't like
-big ears
Probably, celebrity life is so great you have to destroy your liver or make yourself into a pin-cushion
absolutely and i'm tired of pretending she's not
She does have nudes, decent bod
Yeah, she kinda cute, I like slightly odd-looking women. Either way she's absolutely amazing the film, and even just from a purely visual standpoint, it has to be one of the most iconic "looks" in cinema.
he needs me he needs me he needs me he needs me he needs me he needs me
same bro lol
No. Looked too much like my mom. Same with Deanna Troi.
post a picture of your mom.
As it so happens, this is also pretty close to what my mom looks like nowadays:
Looks like my mom, so no.
Yes. If I was locked away in a hotel with her, we’d be fucking in every single room, including on the front desk of the lobby.
Duvall would be very pregnant by the time the job was done.
So wrong it's right.
I cant imagine being Jack and not just constantly fucking her brains out all winter.
I found her annoying and identified with everything Jack did to her
he was planning on killing her and danny and fucking their corpses. do you still identify with him?
Yes, alcohol, cigarettes and no exercise will essentially turn you into a hideous monster after a couple decades.
He may not
beeeee the best
but he's mine
Duvall was such a strange case and a textbook photographer's example of how everybody has their angles. All she had to do was just turn her head a certain direction and you can understand how someone who looked like her would end up with an asshole like Torrance. However, she would turn it another way so slightly and suddenly she became a 9/10.
She was literally born for the role of Olive Oil.
she was the original aaaay gf, I love her to bits
I want to protect Shelly Duvall
classic user
the only thing holding her back were her smoker's teeth
Only americans obsess over unnaturally white (fake) teeth.
Are these Teletubby names?
smoker's teeth are gross, you dumb faggot
damn white bitches
I think she's living in her car nowadays, so you can at the very least buy her gas or insurance as she talks about how Robin Williams is now a reptlilian.
first thought i had
>ywn tame an Olive Oyl
I wanna make out with her god damn
Watched this for the first time recently. Horrible movie, hated every minute of it
she's very pretty
I just know that if I were alone in a big ass hotel like that with my wife I'd be banging her all day every day. I also would have driven down to the nearest town and picked up booze. What else is there to do?
if you can't appreciate Shelley, I don't want to be your friend.
of course, i also appreciate how she got an asshole like jack, very true to life
i wish i could save her bros
that's probably my favorite pic of her
nice user
Good ol' user and his shenanigans haha
love her
that pic of her with the booty shorts and knee socks makes me hard
The bat swinging is so slow, it couldn't even hurt Jack. Kubrick fucked up there. It pulled me out of the movie.
im gay
She's odd looking but not in a totally bad way. Makes her seem like a normal person.
They are the names of the kids she aborted.
>"If you watch it backwards, it has a plot."
-Robin Williams.