This guy has sexually harassed women on tv and done blackface
Does he think its 2016
Other urls found in this thread:
Kimmel is unironically funnier than Fallon and Colbert
not exactly a high bar to clear
Jimmy is based
Jimmy Kimmel is a mouth piece for the democratic party.
He was getting talking points from Chuck Schumer when talking about healthcare
These late night hosts are all the same
>this puddle of vomit in the parking lot has more corn in it than that one
He is on the right side of history bro
Further proof that Leftshits just make shit up and spread misinformation when they don't have actual logic or facts on their side.
>asking Ted Cruz if he'd like to suck a dick
HA! Take THAT, conservatives! Epicly owned! You sure look stupid now!
It's Oligarchs. They don't give a shit about regular people outside of exploiting them for more money. They don't even think of you as human, they just want to keep you distracted so you can fuck off and make them more money for them and will go to great lengths to ensure that.
We are literally becoming China, I have read that in the state of Florida it is now ILLEGAL to even SAY the word 'Gay' now.
True, but it's not a high bar
Has any comedian/entertainer ever sold out harder than this guy?
good one
Over what?
He's paid his due to Silverberg. He's forgiven.
no wonder Greg Gutfeld gets more viewers despite being on cable and this faggots being on network
You should be happy, your country is following in the footsteps of communists
Is every talk show political now? Team sport shit is boring as hell. Why not try to do something completely different or creative with the platform?
Lol this.
lol jimmy the alcohol is the only one not holding a drink
It's propaganda and sloganeering but it works
The Vax Scene thing makes me laugh everytime, not for its content but the fact it's literally a pharmaceuticals ad and people cheer it. Colbert has a bunch of people that whine about big pharma, cheering on a big pharma ad. Shows you how domesticated and malleable leftists are.
>We are literally becoming China
>We are literally becoming more like Authoritarian Communists
Imagine trying to “own the libs” so hard you stick up for Raphael Cruz.
it's turtles all the way down in politics, user
come now, don't be retarded
Well they can't be accurate and call it the "Stop deranged Leftist Genderqueers from indoctrinating your Kindergartener into worshipping anal sex"-bill. That doesn't sound nearly as sinister or unreasonable as they need.
>So You Don't Get Corona
but everyone got corona
if kimmel and his stupid sick baby could die in a fire that would be great
The most pozzed people I know already knew that Don't Say Gay was a misnomer, why are these celebs still yapping about it?
how else are they gonna get attention?
is that kid STILL sick?
i didnt
no vax no problem
Yeah, just stop caring and get high while psychotic leftists brainwash your kid. Taking a stance is just TOO much effort.
>but muh BOTH sides!
What "misinformation" are the bill's supporters promoting and relying on?
these people hate us and want us dead
they are narcissists that cant be reasoned with
also jewish
>So You Don't Get Corona
The Coronavaxx literally DOES NOT STOP YOU from getting Corona, unlike every other "vaccine" ever.
Why is Colbert literally spreading misinformation?
>it's muh psychotic leftists grooming kids
I constantly hear this claim, and the /pol/tards always back down and deflect when asked to present evidence for the claim that le ebil demonrats want to indoctrinate kids with crazy sex shit
(because that's not true and they know it/have heard nothing else from the Tuck)
as I said, turtles all the way down. Everyone lies about what the opposition wants, because what the opposition wants usually sounds much too reasonable to be an opportune soundbite for the nightly entertainment "news" that you so very much enjoy.
Ever wonder why both sides say that taxes are unfair, but never list an exact number? Because both sides' numbers are extremely close, and they know that taxes are the issue that matters most to the average voter. Exposing that both political parties are sane and on (relatively) the same page undermines both party's message.
>be vaccine hesitant
>just want to see age-distributed information on each side effect caused by COVID and the vaccine using the same standards of diagnostic certainty so I can make an informed decision
Christ that faggot has the most punchable face on television. I can't believe they still have his show going, nobody can possibly be watching that shit.
>if I call them a tranny faggot that means I win
how many rubles do you earn per post?
is that...what?
>cries like a bitch because the orange man wasn't calling it quits
>just want to see age-distributed information on each side effect caused by COVID and the vaccine using the same standards of diagnostic certainty so I can make an informed decision
but then no one would get vaxxed dumb dumb
it would be more believable if you weren't monitoring the thread so closely
now tell me, you're winning in the Donbass region, right? Definitely not getting your shit kicked in and you asses handed to you, yeah?
You asked for an example of a groomer and he showed you a groomer
Based on Hwat?
Yep hes a godless lib
please take you're meds. you're babbling.
So true.
Is this what they call entertainment in America? No wonder you're all so fucked.
>a female teacher with green hair threatens the gender paradigm enough to need a massive multi-state uprising in response
and conservative ideology is supposed to be natural and sound?
How fucking weak are you, that your entire ideology is legitimately threatened by an SJW tumblrite in middle school?
Remember when you ridiculed SJW tumblrites instead of being terrified by them? HAHAHA of course you don't newfag
The "indoctrination" and "crazy sex shit" is things they don't like and don't affect them or their "kids" in anyway.
Just take your L and go to bed. It's a school night.
the Vax Scene is a crowning achievement in the history of late night
The Climate Change Cult is really sad.
Hunter mogs Jimmy
They give him fake views
Explain to me how getting a child gender-affirming care when their dumb overly religious parents refuse to is a bad thing?
bro just two more weeks, you're definitely going to secure the entirety of Ukraine!* :^)
*please ignore that the Russian propaganda agencies feeding us this message have been saying that for just about a month now....
Remember when this whole war would be over in 3 days because the Russian military strategically overpowered Ukraine? People without an agenda to push remember!
No one cares about your desperate appeals to small government anymore. The idea that conservatives should adopt noneffective political positions to benefit you is nothing more than entitlement.
I'm not sure what side I'm on in your mind in the Donbass region. Please specify?
>small government is bad
welcome aboard, comrade!
glad you have utterly renounced all your former principles to own the libtards
national socialism is the future, yeah?
because it's not their child.
You'll never have children, but try to pretend, for a moment, how you would feel if someone else decided they knew best for your kid and hid what he was doing to your kid.
Literally swap Stephen's head with Goebbels and it'd make everyone freak the fuck out. If a Nazi did this it'd be evil if the talking head of the DNC does it it's all so cute and funny.
that thing should be nowhere near school age children, the only reason you think it's okay is because you don't have kids and never will.
Do you think grooming means pinning down and raping someone? I genuinely don't understand posts like this one, why is it about user himself and his personal ideology, when you were talking about grooming?
Strawmen strawmanning strawmen strawmanning strawmen
If the races were swapped in any of these situations it would be recognized for what it is
But the age of Equality is over. Now it's time for Equity. And that means punishing white people, and propping up black people
>if I am the parent, that means I have ultimate say over every aspect of my child's life
you're on some Mormonism forced marriage shit, bud
not that I should be surprised, as most of this originates in the deep South, where they have somewhat blurred lines over the concept of ownership of other people.
Kimmel sure does trigger you guys, huh?
>nuh uh, we just constantly bitch and complain about him
>gender-affirming care
They're 5 bro. Why do you keep needing to reaffirm 5 year olds of their sexuality? Not even your own kid, but someone elses?
>teachers were helping them keep it secret
WTF? Number one, why did they think it's any of their business and number two why did they do it in the first place??? What's wrong with teachers?
Liberals openly practice child abuse. At what point is this stuff off the table for debate?
Explain to me how children are easily influenced and don't know what they want to do when they're adults yet in every aspect of life except this one
>if I am the parent, that means I have ultimate say over every aspect of my child's life
Uh yeah, this is correct.
Definitely more than some fucking public school teacher who literally has ZERO say.
still not getting the vax
>revealing personal medical information of minors should be allowed if it adheres to my political ideology, OK???
are you mentally retarded, or have you just abandoned any moral principle related to government not interfering in the lives of private citizens?
THIS JUST IN: user endorses abolishment of 2nd amendment on grounds that it could be unsafe for children, potentially.
The future is female bigot
It's not your fucking kid! You have no say!
I'll say it again, pretend, use your fucking imagination, and pretend someone was talking your kid into going to catholic conversion therapy without your knowledge. How would you feel about that? Someone interfering with how you raise your kid because they decided they knew better?
>gender-affirming care
Take your meds, now.
yes, parents are using the ones who get to raise their children. Sorry that bums you out that you cant make them all your special children.
>that your entire ideology is legitimately threatened by an SJW tumblrite in middle school?
Fake. Get real. The universities are controlled by people with this insane, delusion, fucked-up ideology.
Damn shame what happened to him. The Colbert Report was great. Just another actor who's human garbage behind the character.
this is actually what modern conservatives believe
genuinely pathetic
you have been utterly cucked by the evangelical wing and the Southern Strategy, it's not even funny anymore, there's no concept of moral principles whatsoever just whatever you pull out of the grab-bag of pseudo-religious and "tradcon" beliefs, ignoring any context or possible contradiction
why are you talking about Russia you crazy fuck?
you really are a fucking idiot. Parents are legal guardian of the children, they have a right to their medical history and the school definitely doesn't have a right to interfere.
You can't win against leftists using this line of logic because their ideology is "I am a good person because I believe in these certain things" rather than "these certain things are good for these reasons".
They can do what they do because what they believe in is good, and what you believe in is bad.
The ends justify the means and their whole collective consciousness get led in wild, dark paths trying to compensate for the contradictions in their fantasy-land ideas.
>brings out Russia out of nowhere
absolutely mindbroken
moral principles.
you keep saying that shit. when did you decide that you're right and the rest of the entire world is wrong?
You mean the context of your child's life and such? The media he consumes, the things he's taught in school, etc?
what a sick loser
well if it's just one sjw tumblrite why are you seething this hard over the bill? if you're not grooming children then you have nothing to be angry about, what republicans are banning doesn't exist and never happens right? good to know
I can't even figure out his reasoning. If these same schools were teaching religion or something to the kids he'd be screeching the exact opposite. It's just "I want what I want"
kill yourself groomer
the hormones fucked up his brain something fierce