Any other oldfags who can relate to this level of nostalgia?
Any other oldfags who can relate to this level of nostalgia?
Thanks for the gold kind stranger
I never saw any movies or hung out with friends as a kid, because we lived in the middle of nowhere and my parents were too lazy/poor/exhausted to drive me anywhere. I watched syndicated episodes of the Simpsons on our washed-out CRT while my parents alternated between screaming at each other and screaming at me.
So no.
millennials are some of the gayest losers imaginable
lmao seething zoomer
For me it was staying up all night beating co-op Dynasty Warriors 3 while eating Doritos
>early 2000's
>it's friday night
>your best friend is sleeping over
>your mom drives you both to blockbuster
>lets you pick out a movie and a game
>picks up pizza on the way home
>childhood memories revolve around consooming product
Grim grim grim
>being nostalgic for a whiter more conservative time
uhhhh yikes
before products and brands, what could people miss out on? a war or famine? woah you're so above it all claiming to not like brands and products, meanwhile you absolutely own video games on steam you fucking fag lmao
I'm unironically turning 34 this year.
zoomers be like
>everyone else missed out on sucking [influencer] cock and being an [influencer] sycophant
Reddit chad
I feel sorry for these people because they probably do not have the means to create new memories with friends/family or have been put in the crab bucket leftist circle of misery
I am happy to have created nostalgic memories as recently as 2019 with my friends and the only reason I can do that is because I surround myself with good people and don't live in a corporate enslaved shithole country so I have enough stability in my life to be able to travel and do shit
>no u
Don't care, didn't ask about your shit tier childhood
For me it was split screen perfect dark, conkers bfd or phantasy star
Nah, even back in the old timey days people were like
>Imagine being FRENCH and missing out on WESTMINSTER ABBEY and PROTESTANT CHURCH.
It was always about brands. They just weren't called that.
>you can FEEL this comment
>your poster literally gave me chills
Never happened, cope.
39 this year buddy. My late 20s till now passed in an blink of an eye. Like literally 28 feels like a year ago
You just know that these reddit ghouls either
>are ugly or fat
>participate in leftist circles filled with fake depressed people
>are enslaved to their job so they dont actually do human things
>dont venture into the outdoors
My life has gotten better as I got older and I had a great childhood
As a zoomie I have to say millennials are far better than boomers or Gen xers, those generations are full of apathy, and they think it's a good thing or they're unaware of their apathy, at least Millenals and zoomers recognize it they just don't know how to fix it. Gen xers and boomers were raised to pretend depression isn't real, that you're a pussy if you admit you're a schizo. Zoomers and millennials embrace those harsh realities. For better or for worse.
yes strongly but instead i ate KFC smuggled into the cinema with my trusty urban camo cargo shorts and was so stoned at the beginning of The Mummy that those black spirit things freaked me the fuck out, think i played pod racer instead of Goldeneye later on
I saw Face/Off and Con Air as a double feature as a teen so fuck off
Whether it's on Twitter, Tiktok, Twitch or even imaginary Youtubers, that is literally all zoomers do.
Is this bait
>Gen xers and boomers were raised to pretend depression isn't real, that you're a pussy if you admit you're a schizo.
Yes because depression isn't real and millennials/early zoomers treat all of their issues with microbiome destroying pharma tablets
Seriously, can you be more retarded?
>muuh mental healltthh
WEAK fucking people
depression legitimately isn't real. so much "depression" would be cured if you turned off the fucking screen and picked up some weights and got into gardening or some shit. zoomers and millennials by far are the faggiest pussy generations and i say that as a zoomer. boomers got it right.
Mummy and Matrix were shit movies then and always will be. I had a gf back then that introduced me to crystal meth who worked at pizza hut and would relentlessly cheat on me, but I remember the pizza being really good back then if you had it in the actual restaurant.
goldeneye was good though
>Last year of the decade (1999)
>Muh 90s
Further proof that when millennials say "the 90s" what they really mean is 1997 - 2004.
Why are you on this board. You have the exact same mentality as a leftist redditor millennial.
How embarrassing to read this, you fucking loser
You should have been bullied
>t. Boomers or Gen xers in denial
Go ahead and use the noose faggots
Why do the old memes feel like soihumor?
longchat, mudkipz, chuck Norris, etc
I bet you have "depression" and coincidentally you're
>live in darkness and chronically online
>take drugs
>dont exercise
i fall into this trap, probably because that time was peak western civ and everything started turning to shit afterwards
Don't worry, there's shit tons of oldfags around, you can never leave, remember.
So pretty much boomers millenials and zoomers are all retarded cool got it
Everything exists within context. Although a lot of that shit was never funny and more about loners feeling connected to a group.
turned 30 last year. broke up with my gf of three years, in fact I kicked her out. haven't been this happy in a long time bros.
Internet and video games fucked kids in the head. Used to be kids were nostalgic about camping trips or messing around with their friends in the woods.
you can have both
I'm so old I remember the night my dad bought an Atari 2600 and we stayed up to nearly 4am playing it
All that happening after watching Toonami until she could drive us
You’re a fucking zoomer faggot
>middle aged zoomers having memories on the Meta Net
>remember when we were kids doing Fornite dances, flossing all night, eating each other's asses, and being fr no crap
Stop blaming the internet and video games, they were fun before leftists took control of it
Everything cancer about the west has come from pic related
ITT: Seething zoomies jealous that the culture they grew up with is so inferior to based 80s / 90s boomer millennial culture
was your dad a gamer?
sure. does that invalidate his feelings?
I want to go back.
>grow up in chicago
>house gets robbed all the time
>house gets robbed again and lose my ps1 and n64
>parents taking me to the movies one weekend
>stop at target for some reason
>they go to the video game section
>tell me to pick out a system and a game to suprise me
>go see rush hour 2 after
>go home and play megaman legends all night
>fall in love with tron bonne
best i got
The person in OP's pic was nostalgic for having fun with his friends as a kid.
you lil niggas were raised on tik tok and identity politics, you genuinely did miss out on a much better world
>sure. does that invalidate his feelings? no.
Jesus christ there has been a reddit invasion of this website I swear to god.
Compared to the channers turds who
>are ugly or fat
>participate in far right circles filled with coping sociopaths
>are enslaved to their job so they dont actually do human things
>dont venture into the outdoors
>what could people miss out on?
>chronically online
Only one that's accurate. Also not depressed
Anymore after being prescribed antidepressants because depression is a clinical condition, a fact which has been proven dozens of times, sorry you're a fucking miserable boomer but us zoomers and millennials can actually acknowledge our issues cope harder.
>Falls for that obvious bait
Damn nigga you really are a boomer.
zoomers are late ‘90s/early 2000’s, you braindead millennial. your generation’s the reason identity politics has such a stranglehold on modern day western society. now quit deflecting blame and take accountability for once, you dead weight mong
>borrow The Incredibles on PS2 from a cousin
>wait to play it with a friend
>get to stay over at his house for a night
>his mom asks what we want for food
>friend says pizza and his mom readily agrees
>me, a poorfag, is amazed at this
>friend asks what I want to drink
>say idk, anything's fine
>he brings up a bottle of coke (actual Coca-Cola®©™, not the store brand stuff)
>beat the video game in one sitting; eat pizza and drink coke until we're both sick
>his mom comes upstairs
>"how are you boys doing? just wanted to let you know there's ice cream downstairs if you want it, feel free to watch a movie on the big TV if you'd like"
>get to eat fancy ice cream and stay up late to watch Shrek 2 on DVD
Man, those were the days. I could do all those things with a friend now but I doubt I'll ever recapture that sense of care-free fun.
My childhood was probably very similar to a millenials. People don’t understand zoomers at all, you’re just a bunch of know-it-all schizos.
>he took pharma meds to treat his made up illness
Enjoy your health problems down the road you retard
Comfy. I realize that it might have saved them, and it was Power Rangers for a new generation, but Lego really went to shit with Bionicles and all the non-brick stuff.
Why does lmao get you faggots so upset? You know that’s been around for internet lingo before zoomers were even born right?
>omg le pills cured me!! Suddenly my entire brain chemistry (according to you retards) is fixed permanently!
Do you UNIRONICALLY believe this?
>any discussion on this website
>American starts to seethe about muh red team vs blue team
Go back to your containment board