Why didn't the g*rmans just surrender instead of getting BTDO by the romans?
Why didn't the g*rmans just surrender instead of getting BTDO by the romans?
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People should know when they're conquered
Surrendering is gay lol
Any more movies about n*rds/g*rmans getting destroyed by the superior MED BVLL?
Would you?
Why didn't the Taliban just surrender instead of getting BTFO by the US?
It was convert to Christianity or die. Some of them chose death.
Friendly reminder pagancucks were too beta to resist the BCC
What does the barbarian boss yell before the battle?
>"É assim que o meu fusca anda, e é assim que ele vai para!"
What did he meant by this?
>Judeo-christians reveling the thought of putting a knife in the back of their brothers in blood
As expected of a devotee of Rabbi Yeshua.
"The pleasure of being cummed inside."
Me on the left
>ea pesta bestahoodah!
not everyone wants to be subjugated, what kind of retard post is this?
The germs outnumbered Roman forces. It would be cowardly to surrender. Besides they had nothing better to do.
They won in the end
What kind of letters are you using right now?
lol yep
Nice try, heathen. Turks are Asiatic mixed-race mongrels similar to the Jews and Arabs. The 'we wuz turks' is Jew propaganda meant to deceive the pure & Holy Caucasian race to forget who they really are & where they come from. The Israelites migrated into Europe, mainly through the Caucasus mountains after the Assyrian exile & continued to move West - eventually expanding even further into Australia, South Africa, Canada, & America. Hence, why white western civilization w/ European ancestry are coined 'Caucasians'.
can a nigger?
If by "they won" you mean destroying the entire western world and cucking every male for generations to come, then yes. They truly won
Poor little genghismutt doesn't even know his own history lmao
Germanicus did nothing wrong and the Romans should have committed a genocidal ethnic cleansing on Germania. It would have saved the world a lot of trouble
Let's not forget about Teutoburg forest romanboos
What language are you speaking?
No propaganda telling them how evil they are for the past 80 years.
Todos los anglos son putos AJAJAJ
m3dboi/shitskin seethe is illimitable
>Christianity almost destroyed
It sounds more like Christianity almost destroyed Christianity
>Elagabalus (c. 204 – 11/12 March 222) (/ˌɛləˈɡæbələs/ EL-ə-GAB-ə-ləs), also called Heliogabalus and officially known as Antoninus, was Roman emperor from 218 to 222, while he was still a teenager. His short reign was conspicuous for sex scandals and religious controversy. A close relative to the Severan dynasty, he came from a prominent Arab family in Emesa (Homs), Syria
>He forced leading members of Rome's government to participate in religious rites celebrating this deity, presiding over them in person. He married four women, including a Vestal Virgin, and lavished favours on male courtiers thought to have been his lovers. He was also reported to have prostituted himself
Ruled by a shitskin twink topkek
lmao is that Vince Vaughn? what movie is this?
Arabs come from Europeans.
from the gayreeks maybe
Right. Europeans.
Elagabalus biopic starring Ezra Miller when?
Vlad Țepeș
When did the whole Nordic we wuz Emperors and scheiße thing die off? I used to see it all the time
>But the warlike Germans, who first resisted, then invaded, and at length overturned, the western monarchy of Rome, will occupy a much more important place in this history, and possess a stronger, and, if we may use the expression, a more domestic, claim to our attention and regard. The most civilized nations of modern Europe issued from the woods of Germany, and in the rude institutions of those barbarians we may still distinguish the original principles of our present laws and manners.
Oops. Shouldn't have degenerated.
Before /pol/ became basically 99% tranny hate threads, we had interesting and funny historical memes
>be Alaric
>Sack a mostly empty Rome
>3 days later your entire fleet directed towards Sicily is destroyed by a storm
>die of fever shortly after
>he types in a g*rm language
What race are these freaks?
Germanics have been larping as Europeans since 550AD when Jordanes first wrote "Getica" in horrible Latin grammar and attempted to say germanics were Dacians (they were not). Then in the 13th century Snorri Sturilson tried to plagiarize Virgil's famous story The Aeneid by saying germanics came from Troy after its fall (also not true). This obsession to pretend they were Roman continued into the middle ages with the "Holy" "Roman" "Empire" and into the modern ages with the Nazis.
In the end all of this is a larp n cope for being Asian migrants form the ADs. The Russians are trying to do the same thing now in Ukraine. This bullshit has been happening for millennias in Europe.
cope :^)
>their brothers (who raped them and robbed them and burned their villages and enslaved them and murdered them pointlessly and did all of this purely for fun and profit)!
Pagans deserved it, and modern day Neo-Pagans are some of the biggest subhumans on the planet
Europeans can get recessive traits too dummy.
werent these guys celts?
is this the pathetic serb-mutt always coping with these gay ass threads?
reminder: Rent free, you're unironically the only person obsessed with this shit because of your brown manlet complex
You seem to be very opinionated about Europe, so what are Jews according to you? What should people think of Jews?
No, the movie clearly says the battle is taking place in germania
But those dumb Germans went to the moon and ruled Italy with an iron fist?
>What should people think of Jews
They should kneel
lol no. They were the Scythians you see on this map. The celts were mostly wiped after they migrated in the ADs here -
Why have we never gotten any Diadochi kino?