Where's the Detective Pikachu spin-off?
Where's the Detective Pikachu spin-off?
Pokemon Go fuck yourself
Not gonna happen. The movie was a flop.
I'd rather have Streetwalker Gardevoir.
It wasn't.
Her arm hair is gross.
150 million production budget
100 million marketing budget
433 million gross
It made a profit so it wasn't a flop. But granted it probably didn't perform as well as they hoped.
I thought it was merely ok, but it didn't deserve being forgotten and overshadowed by Sonic only 6 months later. Pretty funny though
btw cute toes
the newt is a cute!
Aw :)
It's cute actually
Did she really screw Jack Nicholson?
Not to my knowledge.
What did they expect when they put it next to Avengers Endgame?
She cute!
small indie company prease understand
I would kidnap her
Well, she's Marvel now, baby! She's Ant-Man's kid and will team up with Hailee and Pugh.
DC meanwhile is dead. Bury it.
>where is the spinoff of this spinoff movie
And then what?
Pokemon Go to the polls!
Why don't women shave their arm hair?
you have never touched a woman
you have never touched a blonde woman
yes I have
I want Meowth plushie since 2001.
Where's the Furry Joker spin-off?
Not "screwed"
I remember she used to be obsessed with this shit, guess she wasn't a REAL fan after all
are they fucking????
Why would anybody want to.
So get one; you're an adult.
Probably not at this exact moment no.
kino couple tho
I hated her on Supernatural, she was such a bitch
>takes pictures with pikachu dolls
>buys none
this is literally piracy.
I'm dirt poor and live in Putlerland, it's impossible to get one anymore.
Well that sucks.
hairy girls are for...
high test chads to create high test chad sons
Strange, pokemon is pretty much the world's biggest moneymaker. Just look at how their fans lap up the latest copy paste/low effort games. You'd think they would show up for the movie. The movie designs are pretty good too, captures the original design well
who is this semen demon
It got KO'd by Coofing
I don't like her smile. It's narrow because she had bicuspid extractions probably when she had braces. Instantly less attractive with those Emma Stone teeth.
With the big exception of the MCU, blockbuster movies largely aren't doing well in general.
me on the right
The puppet?
Why doesn't she receive laser hair removal
The puppeteer should have had his arm up something else in my opinion.
lewd but true
It wasn't a flop but it definitely was a box office disappointment.
>he doesn't get his cum all over her body hair