Scenes that change your life
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What is this from, dunston checks in?
Wooow so woke
>I have no interest in making my life suck more
Whoa. Brilliant deduction.
>dont you have to fight your own kind in underpants in walmart today?
they legalized crime in California but it's still not enough
>the mentally ill drug addict who lives in a rented apartment he can't afford is privileged just because he's a white male
>movie takes place in bizarro world where racism doesn't exist and nobody is held back because of their ethnicity
>uhhh actually yes it does and we need a scene with heavy handed social commentary
stupid ass movie
His response should be "True, why would I change a system that benefits me?" Like seriously, wtf is he supposed to say to that? Fucking moron woman. "Take an interest in politics! Dont you want the world to see all white men as villanous monsters? Dont you want your daughters to fuck black men and have ugly mulatto babies?" Fuck off, whites can be vested in their own interests because no one fucking else cares about white men except white men.
i dont care about politics because im going to kill myself regardless of who wins
>"No shit, you dumb black cunt. If you find living here so insufferable you could always move to the blackest part of Africa where it would best suit you."
To be fair saying you don't like politics because its boring is a pretty dumb thing to say.
What is this from. I want to see this scene
>To be fair
Retard. Yoy don't need a valid reason to have an opinion. It's an opinion. If you find something boring then you probably don't like it.
I am so fatigued
>So was Jesus
They know we have engravings, right? And the engravings match the shroud. He wasn't black.
they should have let the little sperg starve to death on facts
>They hate us.
>They refuse to assimilate.
>And yet they refuse to separate.
Fuck, it's tiring.
Wasn't she a karate master or something too lmao fucking ridiculous.
These are all bullshit, bud
Jesus wasn't black though
Saying you aren't interested in politics because its boring sounds like something a child would say, its fine to not be interested but don't say something stupid like that.
I'd be okay with ridiculous stuff like this if it didn't have the impact it does on normies' perception of reality
As a kid I thought he said "girls have a china"
And then for the next few years I thought it was called a china. I feel like Chris-chan..
>Hmm, guess I never thought about it that way but maybe you're right. Oh well!
Now what?
i still can't believe this is real
britain is truly lost
facts don't matter
>you have no interest in changing a world suits you well
What's her point? Aren't we supposed to vote according to our interests?
They pretend that they wouldn't do the same in the position of power, even though all of history proves them wrong.
I can’t wait until blacks get more power and build their nuclear fusion reactor in Wakanda
This scene changed my life in ways you can only imagine.
Imagine how stupid you would have to be to fall for this, or to create it thinking people would fall for it.
>Aren't we supposed to vote according to our interests?
No one actually believes it or falls for it, not the people making it or watching it. But it doesn't matter, because it's still "sticking it to the white male hetero patriarchy" and that's all that matters.
alien tech needs to fall out of the sky, first
>History was more black that tv tells you
>This doesn't somehow prove that Blacks were never oppressed and instead treated as equals across all social strata and are just being whiny cunts in modern times
>No one actually believes it or falls for it
user, I...
Not if you're white, straight, and sane.
... don't have a point to make?
I will never not be enraged that the Doctor didn't respond to her comment with pure confusion. "I really don't understand you humans sometimes!" It'd be much more elegant than drawing attention to the fact that they historically revise the show.
There are absolutely people watching that and thinking it's true
People are fucking dumb
There's quite confirmed user.
I can be as dismissive as I like to people that do not have the capacity to engage in a meaningful conversation in good faith.
Which she wasn't. Which people arguing on facebook aren't. Etc. No one has to justify why discussing the chip on your shoulder is stupid. He's being nice by not saying she's too stupid to discuss politics. Which is what makes it stupid.
Most niggers in the US actually believe they are descendants of the Pharoah but over 72% of them don't even know who their fathers are.
The idea that any negrump, especially a brit brand brownie would honestly believe that they existed in any meaningful capacity in the european history is laughable.
It's not even confirmed this guy existed at all, man
Enola Holmes
>Black Pride is OK
>Asian Pride is Ok
>Gay Pride is OK
>Trans Pride is OK
>White Pride is..... NOT OK, YOU FUCKING BIGOT!!!!
so glad i keep turning this off after 5 minutes
Blacks really think this.
Oh they know. They know exactly what they're doing.
>Chooses not to reincarnate as a POC
Because its clearly only used by racists. Otherwise you’d say
>Irish pride
>Italian pride
>Polish pride
Okay dumbfuck, so why is "black pride" okay? Why not Igbo pride, Amhara pride, Tutsi pride? Or for that matter, instead of Asian pride, shouldn't it be Japanese pride, Korean pride, Vietnamese pride? Your argument makes no sense, niggerfaggot.
You just know if Sherlock were into politics they would have a line bitching about him using his position to further white advancement and keep minorities down. You never win when trying to appease coloreds.
I would fire her and get one less uppity.
>white isn't a race but black is a race
>sherlock holmes played by a gigachad
>mrs hudson played by a negro
>also holmes has a long lost sister
Why is the holmes universe so fucking pozzed
Jesus looked like Howard Stern.
He's Sherlock Holmes, retard.
If it doesn't interest him he's wil do hos best to ignore it.
There's no mystery in politics, no chance for him to test himself.
The fact that some roastie or faggot wrote that piece of dialogue for him shows he's bever read a single Doyle story in his life
lol oh come on
“Some ideas are so stupid only intellectuals believe in them.”
- George Orwell
So that shot looks like 10% black, but England's modern day population is only 1.9% black. If history was truly so colored, then what gives?
> using his position to further white advancement and keep minorities down
Which is what his glownigger brother should have been doing
>anachronistic wokery phrased in suspiciously modern way
You've got to wonder what the point of it all was and how meaningless your contrition and generosity was. White guys forge basically the whole world from nothing, medicine, plumbing, architecture, civil rights, liberalism and after offering the entire world for free they're endless condemned as irredeemable racists and their immiseration becomes virtuous.
His answer should really be "the only reason you have anything is because i have already changed the world"
This isn't just true about Europe and Africa
before Japan, Korea was a third world country. No concrete roads, no cars, no electricity or internal plumbing in homes.
Japan turned them first world. Are Koreans grateful? NO! They are resentful
>Nigger having the last word image/show/video/phrase/book/white woman quote post #127482835234
yeah man, why dont they go to africa again?
Koreans hate Japan, because Japan made them civilized
Why does Hollywood pander to and instigate black terrorism? Who benefits?