Be honest with me, Yea Forums.
What do I think of Moon Knight?
Is It Kino?
moon spelled backwards is noon.
the guy died so by the rules established by dark knight i'm obligated to say it's the best thing ever
It's pretty good I'm waiting to see how they plan to fuck it up
He looked like a gay irishman anyway
Its really mediocre. Still the 2n'd best Marvel tv show. Hawkeye of course being number 1, who saw that coming.
I'm rating it based on me being bored and having no shows to watch and Marvel not making a single good show since Daredevil (to my knowledge.) So that ranks it at "pretty good" which is a fancy way of saying "it doesn't make me want to shut it off or hurt anyone."
It's fucking great and I don't care what Yea Forums says. And the best part? We're just getting started because based Jake is coming
is he just deadpool in white?
Hawkeye was surprisingly good. It took an absolutely worthless character and made me actually care about him, and then introduced a plucky female replacement who was actually flawed and not detestable.
How does it feel to have in depth knowledge of a Marvel character more obscure than Rocket Racoon?
Kinda desu
Hell no
You can jest all you want, Moon Knight is a great character with consistently great runs in my opinion. Hell I thought Yea Forums would love a self-hating Jew who abandoned his faith
I would probably watch Hawkeye I just don't give a fuck about the character or anything he does. I like Renner, he's a good actor, I just don't give a FUCK about anything Clint Barton does. I might give it a chance though. It's not like I actually pay disney for any of this crap.
>it was me, I was the Marvel Studios Presents: Moon Knight all along
I'm not kidding my man, that show did something not a single one of the MCU movies could, it actually made me give a shit about that retard and his family.
Lord they tried in the movies. Kept going to his fucking house, made him all sad when his family got snapped, made sure Natasha died instead of him cos she didn't have a family (lol oops all retcons!). Never worked.
Then you give him a single fucking season of a show where he just wants to go home for Christmas but gets stuck protecting some dumb teenager who got caught up in his troubled past? Fucking nailed it
Kind of a missed opportunity to have Spider-Man cameo so Clint could make web arrows
Just finished the lastest episode. Why didn't he suit up when the baddie was in front of him and smack his ass? Felt very dumb
Which baddie?
The cane guy while they were at the sarcophagus
I get the feeling Marc is hesitant to put on the suit right now given his own mental state. He thinks Steven killed those men, or Khonshu did hijacking his body. He's completely unaware of Jake.
It's not a very well written show.
Why didn't he tell the Gods to ask that fucker where the scarab is?
Why didn't he say literally anything about what that guy had been up to?
Why didn't he tell them to inspect his magic staff which literally contains a fraction of Ammit's power?
Why did that pro skier have a black market sarcophagus on display in an outdoor glass pyramid?
Why did he let some randos come look at it?
How the fuck can Khonshu cause eclipses or rewind the sky to what it was 2000 years ago without literally moving celestial bodies?
Why are the egyptian Gods so much more powerful than Asgardians?
Why did they limit themselves to Egypt?
Whats the fucking point of having avatars as "observers" if they've sworn never to intervene on Earth?
How the fuck do they fit in with Eternals?
Why the fuck was Eternals so much like a DC movie that I had to go look it up before posting?
>Why didn't he tell the Gods to ask that fucker where the scarab is?
>Why didn't he say literally anything about what that guy had been up to?
What proof does Khonshu have?
>Why didn't he tell them to inspect his magic staff which literally contains a fraction of Ammit's power?
Harrow didn't have it with him.
>Why did that pro skier have a black market sarcophagus on display in an outdoor glass pyramid?
Private home, already said it was a private collection.
>Why did he let some randos come look at it?
Because he knew Layla and was curious what she was up to
>How the fuck can Khonshu cause eclipses or rewind the sky to what it was 2000 years ago without literally moving celestial bodies?
But he did?
>Why are the egyptian Gods so much more powerful than Asgardians?
Because they're not stupid fake ass aliens posing as gods. They're from another plane of existence.
>Why did they limit themselves to Egypt?
Because humanity moved on, and they're salty about it.
>Whats the fucking point of having avatars as "observers" if they've sworn never to intervene on Earth?
Because Khonshu is an example of being a custodian of a fundamental force of the universe?
>How the fuck do they fit in with Eternals?
Who cares? Eternals is garbage and deserves to be forgotten honestly.
>Why didn't he tell them to inspect his magic staff which literally contains a fraction of Ammit's power?
>Harrow didn't have it with him.
He literally fucking did, it’s the cane he walks around with
What was the point of spending so much time introducing the billionaire collector mcpoyle if he was just going to be deleted by the end of the episode?
that was mcpoyle??
Mr Moon man show is ok. I don't know any of the comics but it's good. seems a bit stupid the Gods would ignore the warning of that bird guy about amet but hey. And why did he need to spin the entire universe back just to take a snapshot on his iPad why wouldn't he have just calculated it like, humans do? Like oh yeah it's like 2 degrees off so it's over there. a bit overkill if you ask me.
no, it was some french guy who's died in january
show is basically a day in the life of Hawkeye and him getting more and more annoyed and exasperated with the crazy shit that somehow keeps happening to him
he didn't have the cane inside the temple.
>>Why didn't he say literally anything about what that guy had been up to?
>What proof does Khonshu have?
Shouldn't the Gods be able to know what that dudes have been up to though? Why don't they have godly power to Observe, I thought that was their whole point? at the very least I'm sure they could have at least got some secruty footage or whatever. Come on.
>Why didn't he tell the Gods to ask that fucker where the scarab is?
Why? If the scarab exists don't they have a way of being able to obtain it themselves or are they just afraid to ask. Can they not inspect the dig sit he was at. I mean they don't seem to be able to do much at all but they also have supreme power to be able to do all this stuff.
Actually he specifically didn't for that scene
ohh right
the hannibal rising guy.. i thought ryan mcpoyle got ripped
Awite bruv its moon knight innit mate
Man, why is the world in danger every time
because otherwise there would be no need for superheroes. Literally. And then how would actors be all like pew pew pew pow pow pow pow
>We will never get full schizo asylum moon knight
what is wrong with marvel?
Why can't they just beat up robbers or something
Because that's not a challenge
that would be cool right? like a weekly episode where they just make the world an all-around better place in a low stakes way. Like Spiderman should be.
Why can't it be a really strong robber
Moon knight stops a gang of thugs from robbing a convenience store.
Now that's interesting.
why does everything need to be a challenge? And its not a challenge though is it because it's written for him to win.
Ye, just kinda tired of the whole the WORLD IS IN DANGER thing.
idk. Would have liked the batman movie more if it didn't end with bombing the whole city and just stuck to solving murders.
Are you a moron? Yes. How stories/narratives work is giving the protagonist an opposition or struggle, be it internal or external (or both) often presented by an antagonist. There's a rising action, a climax, then a falling action wherein the protagonist learns something in the end or overcomes a trial that betters them.
That's called storytelling, moron
Honestly, it's like these stories don't trust the audience enough to be invested unless they crank up the stake to the max to the point where the WORLD is at stake or whatever.
Time to time I'd like to see a bit of self-contained cape stories
all I wanted was an actual batman movie where he's an actual detective that goes around collects clues and figures out a crime and solves a fucking crime. and the crime is like some kind of document or whatever or a gem or an artefact and it was riddler and it was just because riddler wanted the gem because he just did because he's a crook. and that's it. that's all is that so hard to ask?
>Are you a moron?
are you?
Not everything has to be a feat of super humanism to be interesting. You're boring. you can still be a superhero with magic powers and just help people who lost their cat and it can still be good. You are dumb
You sound like a child who just read their first book on storytelling and now they think they know it. You're like a rick and Morty guy and everything must be written in that circle of a hero's journey. and that is why you lack imagination and inventiveness.
>Not everything has to be a feat of super humanism
These are fucking super heroes, Einstein. Ironically YOU are being boring and unimaginative.
>you can still be a superhero with magic powers and just help people who lost their cat and it can still be good.
No shit but that's not a film plot. Moon Knight
>Fights werewolves
>Punches ghosts
>Slays vampires
>Interacts with deities
>Scares the piss out of supervillains
And yet you want to see a normal Tuesday with no tangible plot or arc, devoid of all sense of imagination or wonder.
Apparently it is.
I liked the animated batman show a lot because of that I think.
It's just him going fron case to case.
I'd love to see a film/show that emphasizes the detecting aspect a lot more though
>you lack imagination and inventiveness.
Says the guy trying to devolve a Moon Knight story into stopping a store robbery. Tell me, how does that work for a two hour film? What's the arc or sense of growth?
Why am I even asking? You're just an attention whore desperate for a (You)
the world is in danger, of stupid circular unimaginative thinking like yours. Perhaps Moon KNoght can give you a master class on storytelling and help you break free from the constraints of ABC kiddie stories.
>Episode4: Moon Knight helps a Yea Forums retard not be retarded.
>A bloo bloo bloo stop being mean to me!!!
We're all waiting for your script pitch. Go on already
Good show
Not a good marvel show
so was khonshu possessing the body at the beginning with the blackouts or is there a as of yet revealed third person?
Right? He solves cases, and he's basically just a cop that dresses like a bat. And its cool. Or it should be cool anyway. And the idea that he accidentally stumbles on something bigger could be good if it was written well, Like he starts out just trying to stop the joker from robbing a bank but in the bank their an Item that is actually a key to an ancient secret and he discovers that. oh well.
yes, I'm going to submit a script to fucking Yea Forums, sounds legit.
Looks like 3rd option
Either it'll be another side personality, or it's g9nna be the true personality with bith sets of skills
Not him but Moonguy's plot goes for a super generic plot that doesn't really have any imagination or wonder to it.
Its literally the same "protagonist but le opposite" man trying to enact his apocalyptic plan.
You can make him fight unicorns for all I care but the premise of the plot itself isn't very imaginitive
you sound like a complete spaz. And your Hollywood storytelling model is rubbish and worn out.
It's Jake Lockley, Marc's 3rd personality. Jake is the guy who asked out that woman at the museum. This is foreshadowed with Steven's 3 mirrors.
>Marc is the original personality, the balance between Steven and Marc
>Steven is everything Marc wants to become, a good man to forget his past sins and start over.
>Jake is all of Marc's negative traits made flesh, indulging in what he wants with no restrictions.
So basically Marc is the Ego, Steven is the Superego, and Jake is the Id
Like maybe the unicorns take him on an adventure.
Sorry meant to say "balance between Steven and Jake". Jake is also a cab driver in the comics, who also had a wife/kid secret from Marc and Steven
*dies in your path*
you bloody spoliery bastard. At least use fucking spoilers fo fuck sake. Like I don't want to know this kind of thing until its revealed you've basically ruined next weeks episode for everyone who didn't know about jake.
fucking fuck face. You're like moon KNight 4th personality, the shitlord asshole who just cant shut the fuck up about stuff.
It'll make it a bit more interesting
It would be cool if like anything else happened other than a council of god convince as the world is going to be destroyed. How about, Moon knight has to drive a Bus and get everyone to work on time but find out the Bus company is actually run by an evil gang leader who sells off brand cola.
First of all, spoilers are common on this board. Second, I can't say any of this is fact. For all I know the MCU may have done their own thing. For example comic Steven is nothing like this, and is a rich actor
>Dies in the mist
>and is a rich actor
Are you saying Oscar Isaac isn't rich?
Yeah, I get that but these are key plot points that are important. I mean They probably will use this 3rd personality in the show something I literally didn't know about moon knight until you said it. So Please, use spoilers.
unironically what I've wanted for superman
fucking snyder actually ruined two of the biggest names in capeshit
that fucking who dr strange is outperforming batman by alot just by early ticketet sales alone
Not really. Think of this show as Fight Club meets The Mummy, but it's much less good than either of those because it's being made by Marvel.
Superman and Lois is a good show And frankly, I'm tired of pretending it isn't;
I want to slap those bother faces so hard though. They look like slap faces imo
relax pajeet, its just some stupid show
I like that they've just gone full magic and gods
No technology no interdimensional energy bullshit
But the action is really lacking