There is nothing special about this girl. Also she is a bad actress
There is nothing special about this girl. Also she is a bad actress
Me on the left
Nice selfie bro
In her new movie she's naked a lot and Ben Affleck starts smooching her ass. KINO
She's pretty when they're spending a lot of money to do her up to look like pic related and the accent works for some stupid Hollywood spy action shlock like Bond but otherwise I agree. Except for Knock Knock which is her best performance from her short body of work so far.
>she is a bad actress
She isn't an actress. She Chinese rooms her lines.
She is special since her birth user
Yeah duh
Weak chin
Would not reproduce with
Muy disgustoso
You sound like a butthurt roastie
>Chinese rooms her lines
whats this mean never heard that expression
I'm hispanic and upper class girls in my country look way better than Ana de Armas. I'm mexican btw
he mongolian weaves his posts
doesn't actually understand english and just emulates sounds
see "chinese room argument"
But.. but she's gonna be my virtual wife
simps btfo'd
she looks like any other white girl you see around. but reddit NPCs obsess over her.
plenty of white latinas all over the place bro, don't tell me you live in some flyover where no cute girls exist?
That second pic can't be real
Ana de Armas means Ana of Weapons in spanish
Left: women’s version of “no makeup”
Right: actual no makeup
I don't even think she looks that bad on the right. Eye makeup makes a big difference I guess
go to bed, Benito.
she's incredibly mediocre and yet somehow she's presented as a world class sex symbol... I mean she's not horrible but she's really nothing special.
the power of marketing. and makeup. lots of makeup. and good angles. and fancy clothes.
you can find better looking latinas almost anywhere there's latinas.
the worst part is that most people believe the hype for no reason.
The Chinese Room is a thought experiment. It was saying she doesn't understand/speak any English. Which surely she does by now but its funny saying she doesn't.
Imagine you're looked in a room with nothing but Chinese language reference books. Occasionally slips of paper are put through a slit in the wall with Chinese writing. If you use the reference books to match the writing with responses and put the responses back through the wall will people outside know you don't read Chinese?
YOU'RE an illiterate retard.
We all know about Yanet García
I've gotta know, do castizo girls ever talk shit about mestizo girls and vice versa on race?
They insult them saying they are ugly and poor. This is very common in latin america, rich girls are usually very european looking, with light brown/blonde hair, pale skin and green/blue eyes
why would you post an Eliza Dushku pic in an Ana De Armas thread tho
If they do it's because of class, they don't give a shit about race.
she's perfect bros
i want her to sit on my face
she looked amazing in that movie
the dress really made her short action sequence pop out
t. simp
I'd smash left
she really made my short action sequence pop out if you catch my drift
I know of a certain girl from spain that looks a lot like her without needing nearly as much makeup and no I’m not sharing
Why would you do this to us?
nobody cares
I'm Sooo Happy
Obvious color filter manipulation on the right pic, she suddenly became a different race
It's called lighting.
They're the same thing.
Because you fags will scare her off the internet
>she's only this pretty due to makeup!
That's all women, bro. I hate to break that to you.
some jew is spending millions trying to make her look good in movies, but they can't do that for her in real life
Someone draw eyebrows on her—I think she’d look fine
Keep trying
had to use ancient photos instead of current ones?
i wonder why
is she chewing gum on both sides of her mouth?
>doesn't keep food in his mouth for later in the day because of busy work schedule
You can keep your 40 year old adult baby. I'm glad I went with my gut back in 2017.
Connelly looks fine in this picture though