Are superheros inherently mary sues and gary stus?
Are superheros inherently mary sues and gary stus?
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Yes. That is their entire point. Also Mary-Sue was an actual character in fiction
Faggot Dobson should've done someone like Superman, a character who actually is a Mary Sue. Batman is very strong because he's a rich, depressed man who sold everything so he could train to fight crime.
Being competent isn't what make a Sue. It's being effortlessly beloved by established characters in a way that makes it feel like the author has dreamed about what it would be like to hang out with their favorite ones
imagine being at computers
The male equivalent is called a Gary Stu but of course Dobson chooses to ignore it
Exactly. Pic related.
>mary sue
is gender neutral
>gary stu
is a mary sue but with edgy suffering i.e sasuke from naruto or batman(compared to mary sue superman)
also the retards complaining about muh sexism are the same retards demanding we de-gender language
The problem is that women are not saviors and protectors. They are baby and home makers.
The trope shit is stupid.
Just say what you don't like about a character without buzzwords.
It's no coincidence that these words are mostly used in communities that revolve around the most shallow media properties.
at least the same extent as a character like James Bond.
Batman is far from perfect
Guy who made this comic is a midwit homo
Batman is much worse than Superman.
>Batman is very strong because he's a rich, depressed man who sold everything so he could train to fight crime.
And he never loses, even when he fights gods.
Batman is a Mary Sue but he's a good Mary Sue because his entire purpose is to inspire Gotham city and clear the streets of the mentally insane. Batman isn't entire about Batman, Its about the world and the villians
Yes but Superman is literally a faggot who's invincible and can fight giant robot mechs with Lazer eyes. Batman has bullet proof armor but he isn't bulletproof
Dobson fills me with such a primal rage I can't explain it. Like a chimpanzee making too much noise with his unrewarded mating calls. Such a sad pathetic excuse for a man that you might as well not have any genitalia at all. I wish to get a large club and bash it into his head until there is nothing but a thick paste that once resembled a "human."
Dobson is a fucking retard.
Not necessarily. Depends on how they're written. Back in the golden age of comics maybe this was true as they had paper thin backstories and mostly were just a vehicle for justice and the american way with some POW and BIFF sound effects.
Since then there's been endless variation on the theme including edgy and emo arcs that polluted the entire industry for 20 years.
Of all superheroes Batman is probably the worst example since his edgy era has lasted more like 50 years at this point. Superman would probably be the best example.
>And he never loses
Oh but he does, he continually loses against the same villains so much it's become a recurring self flagellating storyline in Batman comics. You have key stories like Killing Joke where this is explored but the same themes have been done to death at this point. Batman loses sidekicks, friends, his insistence to not kill effectively kills people as the same villains keep getting out.
> even when he fights gods.
There are retarded stories for all superheroes.
This one actually works thematically though
Has this retard killed himself yet?
Batman and superman have no stories left to tell and have been exagerated to a comical extreme.
They ended up being Mary sue after a long journey. A Mary sue is a fan fic character thats written by a retard.
Someone post the Supergirl edit
If you say so. It's still garbage.
Based. Buzzwords are ultra vague and unproductive. Just say a character is unrelatable or too powerful to allow for a compelling conflict.
is this some kind of bait? he's really not
No, Mary Sue isn't just someone who always wins. They also have to be universally loved by everyone and the only people who don't love them are clearly evil. Batman is disliked by a large portion of the Justice League, but the heroes that don't like him are still heroes.
Except Kamina is a well written character that gets BTFO because of his Gary Stuish-ness
Hardly. Most people - especially authority figures - he runs into don't like him. He gets into fights with them, and he just barely escapes death constantly. He wasn't even well-liked in his own village, he was seen as a lunatic. It wasn't until he was proven right, seen doing hard work and constantly risking his own life for others, that he was admired and respected by anyone other than Simon. Asspulling =/= Gary Stu. It seems no one knows what the term actually means.
this is the stupidest shit I have ever seen. One of the key themes of batman comics is that he isn't perfect and is just a man. Batman constantly loses, and even when he wins it's almost never effortless and he always has to bleed and persevere through intense pain and suffering in order to win. One of my biggest issues with batman comics is that they sometimes overdue how batman isn't perfect and have him get beaten by nobodies too much. Even in the golden age he would always get hit in the back of his head with a blackjack and be trapped by the bad guy's goons.
Fucking retard
I'm not surprised that a man with an ego as inflated as dobby blows up because he's too stupid to grasp that the term is a reference to a character, not a gender.
Not liking things is not a personality.
>Superman, a character who actually is a Mary Sue.
90 IQ NPC take.
Every one of the good guys ends up liking him. The girl likes him. Simon deifies him and in the end he tries to become a copy of him.
Stop trying to justify your shitty overrated anime.
his comic is still awful but his drawing has improved slightly at least
I wouldn't really call Batman a Mary Sue. He is rich and is well liked, but he still has a lot of issues related to his parents' deaths and his obsession with "avenging" them by stopping crime. There is plot armor, of course, but plot armor doesn't necessarily make one a Mary Sue.
>Simon deifies him and in the end he tries to become a copy of him.
Thank you for your thoughts, ESL-Kun. But it's painfully obvious you didn't pay any fucking attention to the show you were "watching." Simon does mimic the aspects of Kamina, but he does it in his own way. He grabs the flamboyant overconfidence of Kamina, and remains with his calm and calculated side. He makes it his own thing. I can go on.
Yes, spastic, people liked him after he showed his positive character traits, putting his life on the line for others, being loyal, and being a leader. He wasn't well-liked when he was first starting out, he was considered crazy. In order for a character to be a Gary Stu, they have to be flawless in every way and instantly beloved by everyone. He doesn't meet those criteria. He earned his respect over time through hard work.
Neither of them are Mary Sues tbqh. But Superman is definitely closer to that.
Batman is still a mortal in a suit. He's slick, but he will absolutely die if you put him in a room with a thousand armed men.
>I have never seen a single batman movie, show, or read a single batman comic.
>Also I don't know what a mary sue is and so instead I'm focusing on characters that are awesome as a justification for bullshit female characters like Ray Jedi and Captain Female.
No retard, superheros are not inherently mary sues. Batman certainly isn't.
Does anyone have the convention image?
I always thought that a Mary Sue is someone who bends the rules of the setting in their favor and is detrimental to the story as a whole.
Everyone is constantly wowed by this retard despite him doing retard things. 100% Classic Mary Sue Bitch.
As a brainlet buzzwords help me better convey my thoughts and feelings than if I had to do it manually
underrated post
Well the thing is Superman is a power fantasy, that's the whole appeal
Serious Mode: could you take on Dobson mano-a-mano in a fight to the death? Be HONEST.
Great argument, tard.
A character in an original work can't be a Mary Sue. Its a fanfic archetype. Its not "often recognized as a self-insert" it IS a self-insert. A Mary Sue is a self-insert in a fanfiction who is better at everything than all the established characters and they all instantly love and want to smooch her.
All capeshit heroes are
Yes. I think anyone below 400lbs and with half a brain could beat Dobson in a fist fight.
you are actually retarded. how is it possible to be this stupid.
That's fair enough user, but anyone smarter than you better cut it out.
That's the appeal of all superheroes. It's just that some are more flawed/relatable and others are more fantastical.
But character growth is usually established through some kind of struggle for the hero, and when you're completely perfect, you get called a Mary Sue.
In reality, even Superman isn't such a Mary Sue that people think he is, but Batman definitely isn't. His entire life has been him pushing himself to the absolute limit of human potential and making a ton of sacrifices along the way.
The mere fact that a regular human being would even attempt to be a capeshit hero means he's got bigger balls than the vast majority of capes who are meta humans.
He earned his "Mary Sue" moniker.
Legitimately with one arm tied around my back.
I dunno but that faggy blue bear Dobson absolutely is
I'd drop that nerd
I absolutely could
yeah but he'd accuse me of being a mary sue if I did
Warwick Davis could take on him
>And he never loses, even when he fights gods.
t. has never read a batman comic
Alright, what I don't like about Captain Female is she is immediately omnipotent without struggle, never faces anything that is even remotely a challenge to her, yet uses force to get what she wants without hesitation or moral quandary, is cooler than the cool characters, smarter than the smart characters, and stronger than the strong characters, acts like a fucking bitch yet everyone apparently likes her anyway, and all of this is justified entirely by the fact that she is a pretty girl.
What I don't like about Ray Jedi is she is immediately omnipotent without struggle, never faces anything that is remotely a challenge for her, yet uses force to get what she wants without hesitation or moral quandary. She's cooler than the cool characters, smarter than the smart characters, and stronger than the strong characters, acts like a fucking bitch yet apparently everyone likes her anyway and all of this is justified by the fact that she is a pretty girl.
Seems like it would be a lot easier to just come up with a word for this sort of character. Maybe one based on a history of bad fanfic mostly written by girls trying to insert themselves into male dominated franchises in a way that gratifies their own sense of self worth without respect for the franchise or it's fans.
You know most the terrible female self inserts from Star Trek fanfic were named Mary Sue, maybe that would work.
Yeah because good wins in the end. It's a comedy, not a tragedy.
fucking lol
Gary Stus don't die, retard
fuck me that's funny