Did brits actually watch this shit as kids? Are they retarded?
Did brits actually watch this shit as kids? Are they retarded?
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>Did brits actually watch this shit as kids?
>Are they retarded?
Jimmy wasn't on the tele much when i was a kid
Do remember Rolf Harris being on though
yes, it was very popular.
>he studied by his miner's lamp while working underground
>his avid reading taught him things before he had not found
>he wrestled men, he cycled, he ran marathons we know
>he worked in many dance halls and he worked in radio
>the first guy in 1964 who presented the very first TOTP
>and went on to so much more
>he brought us "jim'll fix it," he made young dreams come true
>raised millions of pounds for charity
>there was nothing he didn't do
>he drove, he walked, he cycled
>john o'groats down to land's end
>and as he crossed the country each person was his friend
>he helped lifeboats, mountain rescue, porter at the LGI
>Stoke Mandeville Spinal Injuries Ward
>was built by this same guy
>knighted by our Queen he was, and knighted by the Pope
>this boy from humble background
>brought to everybody hope
>a legend and a one-off, there's no mystery to unravel
>this miner, DJ, friend to all
>was simply
The average british person is functionally mentally retarded.
>it was good while it lasted
he requested that be written on his gravestone
fucking based
I just can't understand how someone so scary and shady could be so loved, I mean I get that he did charity work and shit but the guy every time he opened his mouth he said something scary and everyone seemed to laugh it off..
Brits love quirky characters, and when they say something disconcerting we just laugh it off as part of their quirkiness. we’re not very good at confrontation and are very used to people hiding behind ironic distance. Unfortunately Saville wasn’t being ironic and we didn’t realise
I used to watch CITV and none of that BBC noncery
CITV was for poor people.
the more outrageous the "character" the more we accept it
look at the clown we have in charge
He looks so much like my dad, I hate that because it reminds me of him and what a great dad he was ;_;
I knew the whole time but I didn't tell anyone for banter.
Haha cheeky
You can shove your Blue Peter up your arse
>commits hundreds of sexual abuse and rapes, with victims as young as five
>protected by the state broadcaster, royal family and government
>dies without ever facing justice, buried in a golden casket
>brits still pay their tv license, vote in the politicians that protected him and sing god save the queen regularly
I don't get it.
Can't shake the feeling that british culture is structured from top to bottom to enable the physical and sexual abuse of children. I'm not kidding, and don't be like "what about epstein." You know what I'm talking about.
Anglogermcucks are very stupid and easily manipulated
t. Filthy immigrant
He looks so much like my dad, I hate that. My dad was a notorious pedophile too. He bought my mom when she was 13 from her crackhead parents for $300 when he was 35 and kept her prisoner in his home deep in the country where no one could help and kept her there for 4 years until she escaped. Also he killed at least 12 people that I'm aware of. Good thing he is dead now. I found one of the dead bodies down by the creek buried in a shallow grave
well it's not working since noncehunting is all the rage in bongcuckistan
though granted they still allow paki rape gangs to rape their chil;dren, don't want to be racist it's their culture innit
But I’m not an anglogermcuck
They did a lot more than watch.
> I'm not kidding, and don't be like "what about epstein."
I won’t deny it. It’s crystal clear there are deeply-rooted institutions that have perfected the pedophile protection rocket over the course of decades. That said, the idea that it’s contained to just the UK is absurd. Saville - The Royal Family - Prince Philip - Epstein. You don’t have to deduce much to realise it’s probably gone transatlantic now.
It's one of the downsides to living in a high trust society. Social proof was used to waive away any sense of oddness people got from him.
Saville was actually a virgin until his thirties then became a wizard and used his magic powers to mind control people in influence within society. "Now then" is an example of one of this incantations, a state of being that is both now and then is impossible, repeating it 3 times in a chant completes the spell and partially confuses and bedazzles anyone who hears it making them more docile and suseptible to suggestion. He also ran up and down anceint leylines (under cover of marathon running) in Britain to absorb magical energy.
I don't think it's necessarily specifically directed at noncery, but I think you're right. We do tend to be very non-confrontational, and there's a huge amount of "who you know" affording people status and power. That means people like saville can get away with stuff. People think he got away with it because of "elite paedophile rings" or something, but really it was much more mundane, and like you say, something that is much more deeply a part of our culture. Once he'd got himself embedded in the establishment the idea that he was "a good chap" completely blinded those with the power to do something to the obviousness of his meganoncery. The ruling classes can't admit they were wrong so once they'd accepted him he was basically untouchable.
Europeans are slaves, they are just as evil as Chinks, niggers or Pajeets.
Based pedo magic schizoposter
Do bongoloids seriously have a channel called "the BBC"?
Saville is the perfect example of hiding in plain sight. No one expects a pedophile to make jokes about their unsavoury reputation, especially on tv and in the public eye, but I guess it’s because he was so Brazen that people wouldn’t suspect anything.
You are worse than an european, you are an anglo mutt. It boggles the mind reading this coming from someone like you.
There was a short 2-3min Youtube video about 8-9 years ago where he was straight up talking about his experience cannibalism & what his favorite human parts were to eat. When Netflix announced their series on him, I remembered the video and tried finding it again. I looked every where & it's no where to be found.
I am Swiss fucktard.
Yes because there was fuck all else on to watch! The guy was always weird but that's what made him entertaining or stand out. He also had the Friday or Saturday evening slot if I remember right so you'd watch him as you were eating your dinner
>bongs watch a child rapist and cannibal while eating their water seasoned dinner
You sound like you're mixed-race & have no true racial identity.
t. Euromutt
it's before my time but boomers I know often say things like gays and pedos didn't exist in the 70s and 80s, in the sense that people didn't know what they were or didn't want to know/acknowledge them. they even joke about their PE teachers making them take showers naked etc. I guess we are pretty retarded but back then it was probably because they'd rather be blissfully ignorant than actually get rid of the turbononce
Epstein's pedo island was revealed as being completely true and made public knowledge. Celebrities and politicians all over America were implicated. Nobody cares. Joe Biden's daughter's diary got revealed and it turns out he molested her, and nobody cares.
>boomers I know often say things like gays and pedos didn't exist in the 70s and 80s
Wat, thats the sodomy and serial killer golden age.
>buried in a golden casket
So like George Floyd?
Buddy if you somehow still think the elite black magic shit is schizo territory then I don't know what to tell you.
>Joe Biden's daughter's diary got revealed and it turns out he molested her
This was in the 70s/80s where you'd three channels, no internet and your only source of information was newspapers or the nightly news, neither of which knew or reported on any of his heinous acts.
yeah every boomer says something to the tune of "we used to leave our front door unlocked and came home from playing out with our friends when it got dark" and "we just didn't know those sort of things went on"
You'd be surprised how heavily people are willing to go into denial about a guy.
Alphabet niggers even confirmed the diary was legitimate. Not that it matters because nobody cares and nobody will talk about it.
>"Now then" is an example of one of this incantations, a state of being that is both now and then is impossible
retards pick up this same behavior listening to kosher wignats and their "yeah no" shit.
Probably an eastern european rape babby and brown toilet cleaner.
How is your alocholic dad? And your mum is whoring herself on the Turin beltway?
all I think is that saville got away with it for the same reasons that paki rape gangs are getting away with it still today. people don't want to talk about it or they're afraid that if they do, they'll get slated themselves.
lmao, how is sam hyde anything like jimmy savile? You can tell Jimmy is evil he literally looks like the devil
jimmy savile was the first redditor
and hyde doesn't? he literally has that pic with a clearly underage girl bleeding though her nose posted here almost weekly
Hyde looks evil too user.
This really has no right to make me laugh but it does
Stop attacking the poor Brits. It's not like they can decide to not be retarded anymore.
>edit: wow thanks for the knighthood guys!
>vote up if you love kids and vote down if you don't haha!
>from the comfy confines of my whore mother's basement, while sitting on my tattered spunk encrusted chair, I shitpost in anonymity. Where am I from? It's a mystery. What did I watch as an abused tranny child? You'll never know.
Kill yourselves. Do it now.
Redditnonces absolutely SEETHING
How long until his crimes are uncovered?
Won't be for noncing. It will be for shit he did to women when he did the nightclub scene in the 2000's
he's pure filth
I personally hope that Matt Baker is discovered to be a nonce. I hate how nice he is all the time.
I've met him a few times as he also goes to Oxford United games regularly and he seems pretty normal really.