I rewatched it with my nephew and it's damn near perfect. How did they do this?
Toy Story 2
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simple as
Pixar then was about telling a good story and making it look as good as possible. Characters were flawed, humbled by the movie's events, and at the end they have grown.
Pixar now is about pushing an agenda and making it look as broadly appealing as possible. Characters are mary sues, they are the ones that show the movie how to be humble, and in the end they have learned nothing.
nah, only the first one is perfect.
Just say Pixar before and after Disney acquisition
was this movie made for weirdo single-parent kids only?
i never identified with the plot and thought 1 was way better
The toys probably had to watch Andy fap to the weirdest shit. Think about that.
Well said
Never seen TS2, never understood appeal of TS - even a child, I preferred Bugs life MUCH more.
Do you think Woody ever killed anyone in Woody's Roundup canon?
Nah you did
>Do you think Woody ever killed anyone in Woody's Roundup canon?
after Lightyear is a success, we are going to get a Woody's Roundup movie
A campy Cowboy movie would be well appreciated
There's that really funny fanfic about that exact event.
Toy Story 3 is the best and it's not even close.
I'm surprised there wasn't a cowboy themed animated series about Woody when Buzz got his own one. That would've been so fun
Tim Allen
But 2 and 3 cover the same story beats. You can make the argument that 3 did it better, but I disagree.
does your nephew have red hair too?
Who would have be pleasure of being hot glued by Andy?
Tbh i never really liked Toy Story as a kid either and definitely preferred Bugs Life, but you learn to appreciate it more as an adult and see how superior it is
Tfw born in 1993 so i was going to college at the same time as Andy. The movie kind of hit me more in the feels because of that
I might've liked Bugs Life if I had seen it more often. I only saw it twice because I caught it on TV. My favorite movie as a kid was either El Dorado or Dinosaur.
Maybe I should see TS2 then - is 3 and 4 worth watching too?
3's kinda emotionally heavy, 4 was okay I think.
>El Dorado or Dinosaur
Never seen those. I loved Chicken Run.
El Dorado's about two thieves in Spain who are mistaken for gods in the New World and the shenanigans that follow.
Dinosaur was this then-groundbreaking CGi movie about a dinosaur raised by apes who has to join a migrating herd of dinos after a meteor shower destroys their home.
same here broh. Saw it in theaters with my mom too.
I still think this is the best Pixar movie, fight me.
Kek, I know what they are about, just didn't see them as a child and now I tried but they just don't appeal to me, similarly to most Disney/Pixar/Dreamworks movies.
Seeing this as a child, I think this character is solely responsible for my obsession with women with big brappers
I guess El Dorado's the more adult-oriented of the two, but it's understandable that you can't watch kids movies anymore. I just got into them again since I'm rewatching them all the time with my niece.
I didn't really watch that much full-length animated movies as a child. I hate musicals so I can't stand many Disney movies. Loved Chicken Run, Shrek, Bugs Life, Incredibles but didn't care for Toy Story or Monsters Inc.
Tried some Studio Ghibli movies and liked them.
>my niece.
I have a little nephew so maybe I'll be seeing them too.
Why was Woody the hardst to find toy when he wouldve been the most popular character and thus the most produced toy compared to the rest?
>Tried some Studio Ghibli movies and liked them.
I have most of them on DVD and I intend to show them to my kids and also my niece, specifically Spirited Away. It's pretty hard to find Disney movies to like if you hate musicals tbf. I didn't have that problem, luckily.
If you really liked some movies as a kid, you should try showing them to him when you get the chance. It's nice to pass on stuff you enjoy to the next generation.
Because kids opened and played with them, nobody wanted prospector so he was available new in box
I guess the implication was that he was a vintage toy since that show looked old as shit, or maybe even the most produced toys weren't mass-produced like a Buzz Lightyear would be.
Wow so funny oh my sides.
1 is my favorite… but both had a lot of heckin sovl.
Pic unrel
>Spirited Away
It's great but I doubt that kids are able to truly appreciate it.
>It's pretty hard to find Disney movies to like if you hate musicals tbf
Emperor's New Groove was surprisingly good, Atlantis was pretty unique and interesting.
>If you really liked some movies as a kid, you should try showing them to him when you get the chance. It's nice to pass on stuff you enjoy to the next generation.
I hope so. That is a pretty wholesome comment.
> How did they do this?
They accidentally deleted the movie so they had to make it twice
yeah but nedry's character didnt even care he was without a box, and was ripped, and was all beat up. Seems like its pretty contrived to say thats the ONLY woody out there, but I guess it was before ebay was really a thing so I guess there was no easy way to find them
I heard Spirited Away is a must for kids before they get older. I'm gonna try when she's 10 or so. I saw it when I was 11 and I loved it.
And how would you know that?
I saw it when I was 28 (?) and loved it.
Can't find the one I saw originally. All I remember was "juicy kawaii cock".
the only part about 2 I don't like is the airport climax, its kind of meh.
I don't know which movie I like more, 1 or 2.
Woody sneaking a peak from the box
You just know he hotglued Bo Peep
The most recent Pixar movie I've seen is Inside Out, but it still had the arc you described. Joy was flawed, humbled by the movie's events, and grew at the end.
The show was said to have been made in the 1950s and ended because of the space craze that started with the launching of Sputnik in 1957
Did you know the family's name was Davis? I didn't, I just found out right now. I googled Mrs. Davis, which is a new thing that Betty Gilpin is going to be in, and it showed me this. isn't that delightful?
1 > 3 > 2 > 4
I knew because Andy’s full name is seen on his diploma in Toy Story 3. Also I always assumed that in Toy Story 1 the reason why the family was moving was because Andy’s parents got divorced and Andy’s Dad got to keep the old house while Andy’s Mom got the kids
The amount of care and attention to detail to making his room look like a kid who grew into a young adult is absolutely exceptional. Man, what happened to Pixar? They literally had so much SOUVL and talent
Anyone upset they made a 4th movie instead of keeping it as a perfect trilogy with a full arc for the toys and Andy? 4 seems so forced, it really didn't need to happen
I havent seen 4 yet , should I?
Reminded me of back in the day when they would release direct to video terrible sequels to movies that didn't need them
That is the only good American Tale sequel.