Why hasn't Disney made a live-action Brave yet?
Why hasn't Disney made a live-action Brave yet?
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Because no black woman is brave enough for the role
The right wing loves to imagine stuff that never happened and then get mad at the people they imagined doing
>Don’t mind me, I’m just moving these goal posts so I can get mad at something different
Somebody post the infographic
based unintelligible illiterate lib bot post
You dumb negative IQ faggot. They have already blackwashed the Little Mermaid. The OP is posting a hypothetical, but it's already been done to a Disney princess.
The Little Mermaid has no specific race attached to any of the characters in the original story. The movie Brave is specifically about Scottish people and takes place in Scotland
Uh oh, moving goalposts! Shut your fucking mouth, you fucking BBC-suckkng faggot. The Little Mermaid is a Danish story, and Ariel is a huwhite woman in the animated movie.
Brave was kind of a down to earth story that seemed alot more epic in the trailers. Moana is probably what Disney wished Brave was, and so they're more likely to make that into a live-action film before Brave.
I'm interested in what kind of mental gymnastics you will engage to defend this
That’s not moving goal posts, that’s consistently been what’s been discussed. The role of ethnicity is arguably more central to the story of Brave and not mentioned at all in the story of The Little Mermaid. It takes place in a fictional underwater kingdom that doesn’t really exist. There’s not actually such a thing as mermaids in reality, so who’s to say what ethnicity they are? Certainly not Hans Christian Anderson- he doesn’t bring it up once
I already did here It’s moving the goal posts. We were talking about the movie Brave and all of a sudden he wants to bring up things completely unconnected to that subject.
Is race and ethnicity mentioned in Brave?
Not race, but a little bit of ethnicity or nationality if you’d prefer. The story very specifically takes place in Scotland and involves Scottish characters is the point.
can she do a scottish accent though
>oliver sudden
opinion discarded
>Ugh this summer is going to be so hot
>"Bro summer hasn't even happened how do you even know there will be a summer?!?!"
>casting of a movie is a thing completely unconnected to that subject
>previous casting choices made by the same studio that will made this one is completely unconnected to that subject
ok groomer
Literally just 'STOP NOTICING THINGS!'
You leftists are a joke at this point.
Not a proper analogy for what the right likes to do. A more accurate description would be getting preemptively mad at the weatherman for forecasting a hot summer when he had not forecast a hot summer, but you’d imagined what it would be like if he had
>previous casting choices made by the same studio that will made this one is completely unconnected to that subject
There’s two Disney movies listed there. One stars an animal, and the other stars a mermaid. Lions don’t have any ethnicity, and as I already mentioned neither do Mermaids considering they don’t really exist and that race is never mentioned once in the original story.
No one's buying it, shill. Even Reddit has noticed at this point.
>sage I don’t actually have a coherent response to what you’ve said, so when in doubt just call him a shill
Lmao the right really does love to imagine people doing stuff they haven’t done and then get mad at them for doing it.
Not any of the previous anons, but unironically rope yourself tonight.
>race is never mentioned once in the original story
Well then I guess mermaids all should be black because they must be out in the burning sun all the time while deep underwater.
>it's all your imagination chud
>oh what you noticed that we blackwashed this character?
>teehee skin color wasn't specifically mentioned so black mermaids and elfs and dvarwes are a-ok!
Well then Tolkien didn't specifically mentioned that Aragon wore pants so I guess he didn't and anyone who says otherwise is a right wing chud, maybe he wore a skirt.
See what I meant about moving goal posts? This was supposed to be a conversation about the movie Brave, but all anybody can seem to talk about is The Little Mermaid, and what race mermaids would be if they existed- which coincidentally they don’t so saying they have fucking polka dot spots makes just as much sense as anything else because they’re not actually real
>post mostly minor characters that no one cares about
You forgot about all the ones who were played by Mexicans and other non-whites. You forgot about all the blondes played by non-whites like Jason Momoa as well. But you don't care about those, you only care because they're black. Gingers make up aproximately 2% of the US population and even less of those are actors, and quit the pretend outrage, you never cared about a single of these supporting characters
>not black
>literally has dreads
>theme in every game is always some rap or reggae shit
>ignoring every single argument
Good job shill
>This was supposed to be a conversation about the movie Brave
I see the name "Disney" before anything else in the OP post. Seems like you're the one ignoring the topic at hand in a desperate attempt to defend their questionable practices.
>so saying they have fucking polka dot spots makes just as much sense as anything else because they’re not actually real
>reductio ad absurum
>fiction doesn't need internal consistency because because.... it just doesn't okay?!
Jackpot shill, and you present is this noose.
Defend something that includes Lion King, a film set in Africa, kek
The cold hard truth is, people rather look at blacks than gingers. Nobody likes gingers, not even gingers. They're meant for comedy, not as heroes
No, everything I said still holds up. Mermaids still aren’t real and thus have no ethnicity, nor is it ever mentioned in the story itself. There’s all kinds of that have every color in the spectrum, there’s no reason to think any person could play a mermaid. And yes the thread was initially about the movie Brave, but nobody has much to say about it apparently. Everybody wants to talk about some other movie
*there’s all kinds of FISH that have every color
Really important word in that sentence to skip over
Is she 18 yet?
>Mermaids still aren’t real and thus have no ethnicity
>except for African of course
>nor is it ever mentioned in the story itself
>everything that isn't specifically mentioned as white must be black
drew this girl yesterday
june 8
Why the fuck is it always niggers tho, they're only 13% of the US population yet completely dominate their media. They probably do it to demoralize white people further, since black genes are the most dominant so if they replace a ginger with a negro it feels permanent and devastating
Can't wait
can't wait to drop her hard?
also, because Brave was complete shit
Mermaids aren’t real so they can literally be any color the writer feels like- you’re the one throwing a temper tantrum insisting mythical creatures have to be white. And descriptions of thing that aren’t specifically mentioned in a piece of source material like hair color, or skin color, or what have you can generally be regarded as inconsequential. It wasn’t even important enough to the story for the author to take the time to tell the reader what it looked like, so who says it needs to look in any particular way at all?
Goblins aren't real either so they can be portrayed by Jews
Mermaids aren’t real, so why would it demoralize you one way or the other what ethnicity they were?
>goblins aren’t real so that’s why it’s cool to attach a bunch of pre existing real world negative stereotypes about jews on to them
Not the same thing at all, no
>thing that aren’t specifically mentioned in a piece of source material like hair color, or skin color, or what have you can generally be regarded as inconsequential
>inconsequential therefore black
>so who says it needs to look in any particular way at all?
Apparently the Hollywood, and you of course, since you are so desperately defending (((them)))
Bro don't act dumb, if blacks had a single bit of folklore and the main character were played by a white they would throw a fit like they did with much tamer things, like that white bitch playing the "Asian" robot in GitS.
They do this shit on purpose to deny whites their heritage but with a veneer of plausible deniability.
>negative stereotypes about jews
Yeah you're right comparing jews to goblins is disrespectful towards goblins. Goblins didn't do anything wrong. Glad we agree.
>mermaids aren't real so that's why it's okay to cast a nignog as a European cultural icon in the context of the American Cold Race War of the 2020s
Not cool
Why does it matter at all what color she is? She’s a mermaid- have you ever seen one to know what color they are?
This is more of what I was talking about earlier- the right imagining a thing that never happened, and then getting mad at how they pretended the people in their heads acted. There’s tons of black folk tales, but no major studios have yet to make any movies about them, so I guess we’ll never know, will we?
and you think the Jews at Disney believe non-white people can't be Scottish?
kys retard nigger
>There’s tons of black folk tales
Hansel and Nigretel?
Made for BBC
In both cases with The Little Mermaid and Harry Potter the issue is ultimately that the right gets triggered any time any media comes out that doesn’t reflect back their white supremacist worldview. Even to the point of getting heatedly mad online about the ethnicity of made up creatures that don’t exist.
>Why does it matter at all what color she is?
Why does it matter to Disney to change her skin color? What's wrong with mermaids being white or asian, or hispanic or literally anything else but black?
Does it make sense that a being living underwater having high melanin and therefore dark skin?
>imagining a thing that never happened,
You tards think the next Hitler will reincarnate every time a milquetoast cuckservative runs for office, but the prospect of nigs chimping out over on-screen representation is an unbelievable hypothetical to you
Why is it so unfathomable and unacceptable to (((you))) that white people are upset about the casting of a character when niggers, chinx, spix, faggots and others are upset about these things ALL THE FUCKING TIME
Lmao there have been people living in Africa for 300,000 years, but no they actually never had any folktales of any kind in all that time, can you believe that?
>the right gets triggered
>their white supremacist worldview
Yeah it's not like left don't get triggered over literally anything right. They have thick skin not like those right wing chuds right.
It’s true, there are in fact no darkly colored fish found anywhere in nature, they’re all the same pinkish color of pigs like white people
If mermaids existed and were white, so what? Your kike ass would still be here defending black mermaids the same way retards defend black Vikings in historical shows
Literally no American nigger has heard of that shit. They have no emotional connection to it and that's why nobody makes movies about these.
Not even Africans would watch it, they just watch Fast and Fyrious
Again just more of exactly what I pointed out earlier: imagining a thing that never happened (and in this case literally can’t ever happen) and getting mad at how you imagined people acted in your head. Mermaids will never be real, so the point is completely moot
>you don't want more blackwashing thrown into your face therefore you're a white supremacist
>scales is the same as skin
>mermaids are just fish with no human half
Then why are people like you defending blackwashing in historical shows? Why does it matter if these characters are fiction or not if in any case we get sniveling faggots defending Hollyjews in these threads?
>Oh no, le heckin' Disney princesserinos!!!!!
grow up
disney exists to make money
focus testing and market research are more important than your pathetic feelings
Everybody is disgusted by child trannies, yet Disney is now trying to force that shit. They don't care about money
>mermaids will never be real but their old and classic depiction as white is wrong and needs modern day (((reimagining))) because... it's just does