Fantastic Beasts bombs

>Opens only 2 million more than morbius.
>Has a budget of 200M
>might not even open 1 due to Sonic
It's over

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Harry Potter and the Absolutely Dead Franchise

>Harry Potter and the Unwanted Faggots

Who wanted this?

>Fantastic Bombs and Where to Find Them: The Secrets of WB

Harry Potter and the random gay romance subplot nobody asked for

>adds explicitly gay scene
>completely implodes


Watch a different movie. Read a different book.


> explicitly gay scene
I guess confessing your feelings is 'explicitly gay'...if you are from Saudi Arabia.

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Yes, admitting you want to fuck another man’s ass is really gay and a turn off for teen girls

I liked the first Fantastic Beasts movie, it was decent as a spinoff about an autistic guy who is good at catching magical animals. But, uh... the sequel lost the plot so fucking hard that I doubt anyone even remembers it enough to want to see this. It had absolutely nothing to do with the main character, his goals, and his skillset. It was wildly beyond the scope of such a lead character on top of being an incoherent disaster of a movie.

I've never seen anybody talk about these movies

You meant to say
>turn on
of course.

too many white males

>Fantastic Beasts and the Neverending Villain Recast

Potter universe suffers the same way from the Star Wars universe now in that everything has to be connected to the original movies, just taking place in the same universe but with new characters isn't good enough anymore. Dunno if it's the fault of dumb execs or autistic fans but you can't make anything now without cameos, references & extended backstory fill-ins to the original source

No. Despite what tumblr says, most women aren’t Yaoifags. A man getting buttraped by another man is seen as weakness and not attractive.

Good. TERF chuds deserve nothing less

These movies would be better if it was just Newt and Jacob going on adventures and finding exotic magic beasts and less Grindelwald and Dumbledore shit.

Say what???

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Its bombing because Rowling hates trannies

>most women aren’t Yaoifags
Citation needed.

Yeah, sure

Exactly. Shoehorning those characters in and turning the story into this big good vs evil epic does not work at all when the main lead of these movies is still just an awkward, quiet sperg trying to collect Pokémon and keep them safe in his magical pocket dimension zoo. It's a clusterfuck. Newt has no business being involved in this shit, his character has at every conceivable turn even stated as such, and it all crumbles around him because he's not a charismatic action hero from which to build this nonsense around.

I feel the opposite. Catching Pokemon gets boring after a while.

She sadly doesn't, she just disapproves of grooming of teens by the trannydom.

That's the problem

Touch grass

>A five movie prequel series
You would think WB would learn their lesson from the last time they dragged out prequels fir a beloved fantasy series

No. It will do well in the box office because that's a good thing. We want her to gas the trannies irl.

So you have no source and are talking out of your ass. Got it.

Harry Potter and the Plot Nobody Asked For
Harry Potter and the Role Thrice Recast

So are there fantastic beasts in this movie?

Not as boring as drowning babies and Dumbledore’s love life.

I doubt it. Unless you count Ezra Miller's worsening schizophrenia hanging like a cloud over WB's insistence on casting him in everything.

Yes. A magical deer that does the voting. That subplot was retarded.

Wizarding World is a bust, DC is imploding. Warner Bros doesn't have anything left.

They made Fantastic Beasts 3?

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First two also sucked.

HP is still very popular those movies are just trash.

Ezra is a pawn in WB's media machine, nothing more, similar to pete davidson but much smaller time obviously
every single controversy he gets into is manufactured and comes from the top down
right now the next phase is the "redemption arc" where they are going to say everything that has happened so far is discrimination and transphobia
screencap this if you don't believe me

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Incels didn't commit violence on people over The Joker, but LGBTQ+ individuals and sympathizers will ABSOLUTELY attack you for seeing this movie or continuing to support J.K. Rowling. You may as well be publicly declaring your admiration for Mein Kampf at this point.

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>LGBTQ+ individuals and sympathizers will ABSOLUTELY attack you for seeing this movie or continuing to support J.K. Rowling
Who cares what some unemployed basement-dwellers think? What are they gonna do, send me hate messages on twitter? Oh boo hoo. I'm so scared.

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Some. The entire plot runs off of a pokemon that decides an election. The exact problems you would expect to happen with that plot are exactly what happens. But everyone who has said Newt has no place in these films is entirely right. Hell, they relegated the original female lead to cameo status for this one.

Proves people like Harry Potter just for the Sorting hat putting them into houses and school life. The Hogwarts Legacy game is getting tons of buzz.

Seeing adult characters flicking wands at each other is the lamest shit

What was the point of this character?

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Because the setting of Hogwarts and the main cast being kids and teens is entirely where the charm lies. It has universal appeal in the simplicity of its fantasy fulfillment. Everyone went to school, everyone dealt with the drama of first crushes and heartbreak and making friends. Doing that but at a school where everyone has magic powers and has to stop an evil wizard is fun.

Doing an autistic fanfic movie about gay wizard ex-lovers fighting over a macguffin while an autistic man does slapstick scenes involving capturing magic CG rhinos in the background is the opposite of everything that appeals to people about Harry Potter and its characters.

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God, i hate leftists so much

This is a franchise no one asked for. It's a story that no one cares about. What people really want to see is a Harry Potter sequel with Harry, Ron and Hermonie and their kids going to Hogwarts. I don't know how you'd make a good story centered around this but if they actually create a new villain that's as threatening as Voldemort it could be interesting

I would say the main problem of these movies is that most people arent interesting in endless prequels.
A trilogy would be nice, but when there is a never ending stream of movies, each one ending with a new cliffhanger people are gonna lose interest.

The filename is actually not random, what.

I think people just don't want prequels in general. They are a narrative dead end after all. People want sequels. Primarily, exactly what said. They want to see Harry, Ron, Hermione, and their kids having adventures at Hogwarts. They want what Disney utterly failed to give us with Star Wars.

yeah I agree. I was hoping for a new adventure with this set in america but instead it had to start being a direct prequel to Dumbledore story.

Eh. Speak for yourself. Sequels generally suck and leave people unhappy with how their favourite characters got aged/rewritten/destroyed/etc., prequels are not held to the same standard and offer more freedom of what you can do. I'm all for prequels.

It's strange how no one "gets" what made Harry Potter cool.
People couldn't care less about another world ending event or the wizard war before Voldmort, people want the comfy of Harry Potter.

Eh prequesl are fine, but not like this one. No one is interested in a 5 movie story that takes a decade to complete. A one story prequel can work, otherwise you are waiting over a decade for an outcome you already know

You are a single person, not 'the people'.

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And yet The Hobbit did well...

They filmed them all at once and released them every year for 3 years straight. A little different than releasing a new entry every 3-4 years

Didnt take a decade to complete though, you had one movie releasing each year right before christmas.
These movies are released like every 3 year, people lose interest in that time

COVID really fucked them over, they took extra time to try and make a better script because of how bad the 2nd one was and in the time it took them to do that the pandemic came

Reminder that every single harry potter film was critically and commercially successful. fantastic beasts needs to die

Why? Are you so triggerd by it? Just don't watch it.