Was he right?

was he right?

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Pretty much

25 but I went to college which I guess prolonged the illusion it might all be worth it someday


I turned 23 today and I've begun to realize how much better life was 10 years ago. Seriously, I don't know what happened but after 2012 it feels like everything in the world got exponentially worse.

Music, movies, politics, the internet, the outdoors, something definitely happened and I can't put my finger on what.

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Hey retard, how many friends do you have?

>I don't know what happened but after 2012 it feels like everything in the world got exponentially worse
*Sept 11th 2001

Not even close.

fucking babby just wait till youre 32
it will only worsen
just wait

Never too late to be what you might have been

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I have a group of about 4 or 5 guy friends that I sometimes hang out with to play magic the gathering or vidya. That's about it. I've put women on hold for now while I focus on bettering myself this year (lifting more, trying to stop drinking/smoking, etc)

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That was the point of no return but we coasted along until 2012. It’s like MH370. The explosive decompression put them to sleep but they still flew around for a few hours until the engines turned off.

If you don't know when you'll die why are you so afraid of living?

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Get women friends. Dont put women on hold, social skills are important and need to be practised.

>Get women friends

This is bad, pointless advice. There is no such thing as a women friends after your school age years. You want women acquaintances in your social circle who are the friends with the GF that your male buddy is dating.

Women friends ONLY exist to give you access to THEIR female friends.

Hell no.
>khv till 20
>lost virginity at 21
>fucked a bevy of girls 22-25 and had fun with my college frens and post college roomies with my newfound confidence
>now 27, engaged to a supportive girl, work fully remote and trade crypto on the side, have a giant loyal dog
>have a friends wedding to go absolutely rage at every few months
Just gets better every year. Only downside is im balding.

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Yeah I can see that, personally I would never bother with pretenses of being friends with a woman.

Instead you just get your buddy with a GF to have her bring her friends to a gathering, then date one of them.

I've had 4 girlfriends in the last two years, I'm really sick of dealing with the inherent nonsensical drama that women bring with them. Besides, even if I wanted women friends how the hell would I get them? I work in a very male-dominated career field.

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20, but then I went into therapy and realized it wasn't.

Women make horrible friends outside of a monogamous pairing, there's a reason they all fucking hate each other

I just turned 26 and things have truly never been worse but at the same time I feel like losing everything I tried to build is an opportunity to start over. I have nothing but that means I have nothing holding me back. It could go either way.

>turned 23 today and I've begun to realize how much better life was 10 years ago.

you will be begging to experience being 23 again 10 years later, it's only going to get worse.

You happened to yourself

There was a post on /fit/ a while ago asking about the 30’s for men. General consensus was if you did the right things in your 20’s you begin to see the fruits of your labor pay off. You have more stability, clarity, and maturity. Conversely, if you spent the entirety of you 20’s jerking off, letting your hatred of the world affect key life decisions, and overall not investing in yourself, things start to feel, look, and well be bad.

The world ended in 2012 user, we’re in our 10th year in hell. I am not the only one who thinks this.

Just wait another 10 years
At least right now you have your health and your youth

Cope, these are modern times, either a neet or a wagie/student you were sucked dry and your mind is filled with everyday nonsense, trash media and propaganda.

Based and Mayan-pilled.


32 here, same misery but much shittier health.

Ain't this based?

Stop using Yea Forums

Not just directed at but at all of you, stop using Yea Forums.

I'd say about mid to late 20s or early 30s at most.

I’m going to b 24 this nov how do I stop coming here?

Jesus man what are you doing to your body to make it awful at 32?

You can just give back the things you learned from this site once you have been here long enough. I have been on this site for almost 15 years at this point, it's a part of me now.

In my early 30s I made a huge, risky career change. It was tough sledding, but my life is way better now that it was in my 20s.
It's never too late to turn it around.

Well, it looks like somewhere along the lines you became a tremendous faggot.

Mostly true.
Kind of hard to justify some of that with how many careers and businesses the coof ruined, and how many millions of people got fucked over in the long run.

>tfw also making a career change
Oh god damn it feels so good. I fucking hate office jobs and if I pull this off I will never work in one ever again.

This is basically it. I didn't start really getting my life together until I was 25. I lost my virginity at like 24. I did most things right beginning at 25. I'm now in my mid 30s and my income in $200k+ and I have a wife and kids. Life's never been better. 30s and onwards have been the best years of my life. Women seem to mostly hate their 30s because they mostly squandered it if they were good looking and their lives peaked. They basically live life as men by the age of 35 because nobody gives a shit about a 35+ yo woman.
The big thing is frying your dopamine circuit. Dopamine drives your work ethic and your motivation to do anything in life, whether that be studying, brushing your teeth, gym, socializing, or anything. If you fry your dopamine circuit with porn, drugs, video games and tv then you spend your tank on bullshit rather than spending it on things that will move you forwards in life. Dopamine is one of those things which are zero sum. If you spend it on porn and video games then you'll be too miserable and lethargic to do anything productive. It just seems boring or painful if you're dopamine fried.
Honestly life is awesome in your 30s. I thought my life was already over in my early 20s. I spent a year of it unemployed and no girl was into me. Things are good now.

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23 for me, but basically, yeah.

>just make 5x the median US income bro

I didn't start earning that until recently. Even at like 29-30 my income was far less but I was far happier in life. Far far happier. Life gets good for men into the 30s. The 30 yo boomer meme has some truth to it. Except for the divorce raped we are all sitting pretty comfy at this age. It's the single women that are seething into their 30s. It all flips around here

Stop looking for excuses faggot, you choose to live like shit

The trick is to knock a girl up a couple times then you're too busy to seriously self reflect on the depression

yep. your ego is your own worst enemy

Trust me fren, your entire life will be thinking about how much better it was and how many more opportunities you had 5 or 10 years ago.
It never stops getting worse.

It was the gorilla and you know it

But seriously yeah at 23 was also when I began acknowledging the realities of life
I realized my parents were going to die, and not in the year 2070 in some futuristic home with robots and shit but in like the next 20 years, with everything that matters to me and them remaining basically the same as it might have been for THEIR parents' retirement in the 80s & 90s
And that my kids will be born not in some far away time that looks like Marty McFly's 2015, but in like 7 years (from when I was 23)

But it's a great time to get serious about life too
Read Ted Kaczynski for some perspective on the modern world
Do what you need to do, find friends, get a wife, steal some wealth from this gay world and do what you must, whether that's fucking off innawoods with your wife and kids and land, or living an epicurean life in a diaspora of like minded anons in this insane world


Imagine being so bored, you just make up stories on the internet

I blame the popularity of smartphones

>Yea Forums has this exact conversation for the 9000th time
y2k, 9/11, 2007/2008 iphone/facebook/cern, 2012 mayans were right

>Complain about being young in a new financial era
>Wage for 10 years (you have to do this either way)
>Invest it all, don't do stupid shit, just buy good stuff and hodl
>10 years of waging up
Wow that was hard. I wish I could go back and be your age again.
Buy ETH, faggot.

That orange cheeto fucking BASTARD might have had something to do with it...

Caring about politics at all in your 20s is a sign of trying to cope

The real answer is 2

Survivorship bias. For somebody to win, many more must lose.

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I made the realization when I was around 12, when my parents divorced, my mother turned into a whore, and my father became a negligent alcoholic who told me to my face at the age of 14 that he didn't even think I was his, despite the fact that I'm nearly identical to him and look nothing like my own mother. Life is rough when you learn your parents are retarded trash.

I'm 25 in a couple of months, and I'm still struggling to get my degree. I have no idea what to do next, as I realised that I'm not smart or disciplined enough to go into theoretical physics like I wanted to. I'm also fat, balding, relatively ugly, scarred in the face from accidents, and have been friendless for nearly a decade. Needles to say I'm a KHV. In fact, I haven't left my house (beyond throwing away the trash) for 2 months and get all my groceries delivered. I don't really enjoy anything anymore. I boot up a vidya every few months, play for an hour and drop it. I check out a movie every few days, a show here and there, some anime, but they're just ways to pass the time while eating lunch/dinner. I read some books, I hoard data and whatever else, but that's it. I just float by and cope by living in dreamland. I make lists of overpriced things I know I'll never buy, I pretend I'll turn my life around and be "successful" (because I've ruled out normalfag happiness) in my scientific field, and so on.

All that said, I don't feel particularly bad about it. I went through my extreme self-loathing and meme depression phase some years back. Now I'm apathetic, in a sense. I have this deep set certainty that things will work out. Why? I don't know exactly. Throughout my whole life all my plans fell apart. I'd try hard for something and end up dead last, while others would just coast by. I'd barely make it alive in the end to keep going, but I'd never win anything, no matter how much I tried. It happened so many times, in so many ways, that I gave up and started believing that we all have a certain "fate". I accepted mine and that is it. At some point things will turn around and I'll find some small successes, right at the last minute. But I'll never be happy, content or generally "win". I'll see everyone around me surpass me and I'll always be amongst the last. But I won't die homeless, so there's that. And in a way, this assurance keeps me going...

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Yes, though most kids with any amount of self awareness who go to public school learn it a lot earlier than 22. Of course life is shit, nature is mindlessly cruel and the true meaning of life is fucking(in order to create more life). What matters, what really matters, is what the fuck are you going to do about it now that you understand?