This might be the most technically perfect movie ever made. It looks incredible, even to this day.
This might be the most technically perfect movie ever made. It looks incredible, even to this day
It’s a movie of extremes for me. Some parts are incredibly well directed, engaging, and beautiful to look at. The beginning 10 minutes with the monkeys and the final 30 minutes with the ending. The middle is just so boring to me, I could barely pay attention.
Little did they know that the future would be a lot more about trannies and a lot less about space travel
I'm still amazed that all these years later no-one else as far as I know has represented atmosphere-less space as being soundless.
it doesnt
The first time I watched it, was with a friend, and spent most of the time not really paying attention because it can be a slow movie in places.
I agreed to watch it again, and has since been my favorite movie ever made. I think I was 16 and am 32 now.
Can't say it's the most entertaining movie, but big thinks are to be had while watching it.
it's pretentious dogshit and a snore fest
It's meant to be watched on acid and only a total pseud would pretend otherwise. Kubrick literally says this in the commentary of the Criterion Collection laserdisc.
The board room scenes have aged like milk but besides that, I agree 100%
Simply stated, its the greatest film ever made.
Not controversial. Now that the dust has settled, purely audiovisual cinema had a clear peak from 1962 until Star Wars came out in 1977. Color tech combined with the creative might of peak hollywood.
i tried to watch it when i was around 16 too
never finished it, i think i went to play some warcraft 3 in the middle of the movie
remember the time a warcraft 3 custom map spawned an entire genre of games? That was weird
warcraft 3 custom maps, home
i did not enjoy spending 20 minutes straight watching a ship dock at a station
it's the music. play something with a womping beat over that bach shlock and it goes by faster
eeh, i listen to pretty much nothing but classical 99% of the time, I still think it was hilariously retarded "emperor has no clothes" tier garbage
well then watch more films kek
>implying it wasn't a brood war custom map
That was the real beginning. WC3 wouldn't have had nearly the same control over maps if the more limited ones in starcraft hadn't taken off.
mate ive watched the 5 hour long napoleon silent film and found it much more engrossing than this. there's nothing good or kino about those massively overdrawn scenes. you are beyond delusional if you think thats good film making. 2001 has some incredible scenes but half of it is actual trash and I refuse to pretend otherwise
>fans create better game with map editor despite corporate attempts to stop them
many cases!
The docking scene is fine, end of story. You don't have to love it, but acting like it's some huge blemish on the film is wild brainlet talk.
your pepe rights have been revoked for being a pleb
Kubrick literally says watching it on drugs will rob you having his intended experience.
The monolith is a screen and right now every new generation is being exposed to phones and tables and their minds are becoming more and more integrated with it.
Thats hard to believe considering act 2 of the napoleon film as all long take action with little substance. 2001 is meaningful from beginning to end.
even the scenes with the animals in the beginning are incredible
floating fountain pen lightly stickied to a rotating pane of glass
kubrick is a hack, none of his movies are that good
pseuds and mediocre brainlets spend all their energy pretending to like them in a desperate attempt to look sophisticated
you forgot to greentext
It continues to put CGI to shame. It was a groundbreaking achievement when it was made and it remains a kinographic masterpiece.
are you deranged? the battle of toulon had way more going on then spending fucking half an hour watching two models getting closer to each other
first time a movie put me to sleep
one of my biggest nitpicks I have is during the stargate scene. It goes from these strange "sci-fi" effects to just helicopter landscape shots with a color filter, always hated that.
You demonstrate no desire to actually discuss the film.
>child shows up on video call wearing clothes from the 19th century
Good movie - kino, even - but no
a challenger approaches
try watching it again user. If you give it full attention you won't regret it probably
Entry level.
2001 is maybe the greatest Lovecraftian film ever made. Even Lovecraft himself only rarely reached such pure cosmic horror sci-fi heights of showing humanity realizing its own smallness and weakness compared to what is out there. I guess maybe Kubrick really was a misanthrope. This film radiates a sort of beautiful contempt for the human species and its monkey antics, although it sort of undercuts that with the baby ending.
>t. didn't listen to the commentary
>19th century
A comical exaggeration, much like your image.
Why didn’t they just tell Dave and Frank what the real mission was before they left? They’re piloting the most sophisticated spacecraft ever built to Jupiter, they’ve earned a degree of trust.
>dude 2001 still looks good
keep repeating this meme, cattle
Your cg trash still doesn't look good, zoomie.
no, let the robot do it and don't tell HIM either. what could go wrong?
I saw when I was 15 and loved it. The fuck are you guys on?
They probably wouldn’t get funding for some alien suicide mission.
>The fuck are you guys on?
It's not like I saw it 25 years later and loved it, it was the next weekend. what are you on about?
hahaha christ, what kind of cop out response is that? its obvious you cant actually back up your opinion with any sort of feelings or logic. im perfectly comfortable explaining that the fight scenes in the battle of toulon were more entertaining because the action itself combined with the visual effects, of the costumes, the music, the whole aesthetic of it, and the context in which those scenes happened. now explain to me why you think its heckin epic film making to make the audience sit for like 20 minutes watching the ship dock, or draw out literally every mundane scene to mind numbingly retarded lengths. the fact that the visual effects used in 2001 were well done does not in any way justify jerking off to them in these huge drawn out scenes depicting mundane things. if it was as good a film as you people make it out to be he would have used those excellent effects as they were actually needed instead of patting itself on the back for them with these bloated scenes that scream OMG LOOK AT THIS GUYS LOOK AT WHAT I DID ISNT IT SO COOL GUYS?!?!?
The OG Star Trek movie is legit underrated.
I did.
There is something meditative about the beauty of the mundane. Not sure how else to phrase it.
How can an atheist make the best kino?
I watched it last night and was hoping for a thread about it. So thanks OP.
Its effects are unsurpassed in over 50 years. Both in quality and imagination.
The slow pace somehow works and is soothing. And gives you time to take in the depth of detail.
I was filled with disgust at today's CGI-filled sci fi and fantasy and comics blockbusters. I realized why I hate them all so much - they're synthetic. Disposable. Not art. You see the love in the effort K and his team put in.
The camera tricks, even to a layman and people not interested in such things, are a marvel that leave you with no choice but to theorize how they were able to simulate a zero-G environment so gracefully.
Keir Dullea is perfect casting.
Now, the conclusion in the conventional living space, is a little goofy - or maybe a lot. But that's kind of counteracted by the thought-provoking inscrutability of the "ages of man" versions of Dave and the reappearance of the monolith.
I don't know what it means. But I want to see and think about it again and again.