ITT: Great movies that filter midwits.
I'll start: Scarface
ITT: Great movies that filter midwits.
I'll start: Scarface
starship troopers
inb4 spacefaring bugs occupying an entire sector of the milkway cant move a rock using wormholes
I’d say most Westerns, particularly something like The Outlaw Josey Wales.
Westerns fit that bell curve meme pretty well imo, retards love em and those at the far right of the curve understand the nuance most at least tried to have.
The Phantom Menace
Freddy Got Fingered
Jurassic Park 3
Every normalfag on earth loves Scarface. You meant to choose something like Ex Machina.
The Last Jedi
Midwit Siskel trashed Scarface while chad Ebert loved it, so you're pretty much on point OP
Scarface is the midwit film though.
It's the stereotypical film that college students have a poster of on their wall.
retardjaks want more action. like Starship Troopers.
>Ex machina is good film
You have no taste at all.
Prequels are midwitcore
>Ex Machina
I think the midwit threads now just attract midwits desperate to defend films tv shits on
Being there
Miami Vice
ITT: midwits pretending they’re not
Collateral nooooo you can’t just kill a hitman
>The Outlaw Josey Wales
>White families being ruined
>Confederates getting slaughtered
>Government fucking the youth
>Saving women from abuse
>Making friends with marginalized people of color
>Humbling oneself before POCs
Out of touch.
People who know nothing about film think Scarface is a classic because of Tony Montana and all his quotables.
People who are into film, including almost all critics at the time of its release, think it's bad.
People who with above a 125 IQ think Scarface is a classic because of Tony Montana and all his quotables.
>i-it's a cautionary tale dude you're not meant to worship tony
Midwits meme them and laugh at them. Patricians actually get into them and enjoy them despite their shortcomings because greatness is there.
Midwit here, how can giga retards and smarty pants like the same thing?
this is a good one
Herz aus Glas
lack of insecurity
Right, the people who ruined Jake Lyouds life are real rocket scientists
bad take middy
>you're meant to worship tony
>Why doesnt this 40 year old movie align perfectly with my internet meme politics (which are high IQ like myself)?????
My friend is peak midwit and she can’t watch them without laughing or take them any sort of seriously because “Muh prequel memes”. She’s the type to watch educational YouTube videos after not paying attention in history class.
The ultimate midwit filter
the key to a depper understanding / appreciation of the original trilogy is Kurosawa's A Hidden Fortress and the first Dune book, and some grasp of Campbell
remind yourself what the thread topic is
Go back
van wilder
>at the middle of the premiere, Scorsese turned to Bauer and told him, "You guys are great, but be prepared, because they're going to hate it in Hollywood [...] because it's about them."
You read "far right" on the user's post and your scrambled eggs brain thought it was referring to politics. FUCK OFF
unironically one of the best movie posters of all time
I read "films that filter midwits", and then proceeded to point out how that film does the opposite
The answer you're looking for is IDIOCRACY.
Did you seriously get filtered by childrens space movies?
The first half of Full Metal Jacket
You can spam this as much as you want but you’ll always be a Reddit tourist who’s insecure about liking proto-capeshit
Killing Confederates is high IQ
every midtwit i know likes this.
Return of the Jedi
Miami Vice
the correct take is that people 135+ IQ appreciate Scarface for Brian De Palma and vulgar auteurism but know that he's made better films that filter midwits even harder
All the midwits online hate it... though they could be dimwits
Only God Forgives. 7 people walked out of the film when I went to go see it and I was the only one by the end
Also anything by Cronenberg. Never seen so many people walk out of Maps to The Stars and Cosmopolis
These threads never work, it's just retards calling every movie midwit core
Birth of a Nation
midwits love this movie though.
seriously what do you see in JP3?
even as a kid I was disappointed by how soulless it was
You don't know what the word midwit means.