I miss her so much bros

I miss her so much bros

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lol did you photoshop her head smaller?

Remember when her episode premiered and all of Yea Forums was calling her a fat bitch who was ruining the show with her "muh strong womyn is better than the stupid man" schtick, but then when she started sucking Ben Shapiro's cock suddenly everyone loved her?

No because that never happened.

Everyone was complaining that she beat up Mando, kek.

I want her to crushed my head between her pantyhose-clad big thighs

I’d lick her asshole

Where is this show?

It did.

I like to think about her pubes.

It didn't, reddit spacing revisionist rat.

No it didn't

She's blonde now and its beautiful

Attached: Screenshot_20220412-171354_Brave.jpg (1080x2220, 600.5K)

>China Libs
Pick one

>The Mandalorian: Cara Dune Triggers Outrage By Being Female in Star Wars
I can't find the supercut image but there was a great image of the clickbait youtubers all complaining about Cara Dune and then after she was fired changing their mind

>tee hee feelin´ cute might make transphobe comments tonight i dunno

The poster I replied to said Yea Forums, not clickbait jewtubers.

I liked her in the show. Shame she was a chud and won’t get work now. All the other stronk womens weren’t really my thing but she was ok.

I like tall and strong women because I want to bend them to my will

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Rope yourself, you manhole of a creature


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I do remember this. Anons we're complaining about her putting up a fight against Mando and punching him in the helmet without breaking her hand. Yea Forums would still hate her if not for the "controversy"

I said everyone Obviously a generalisation. But people on Yea Forums did complain somewhat about her. And then changed their minds.

Attached: Screenshot_20220412-172122_Brave.jpg (1080x2220, 677.99K)


That makes her hotter.

Wasn't the Babylon Bee originally the Onion for Evangelical Christian jokes?

Transfreaks are disgusting and should be stopped at all cost

I always liked her and I had zero clue about her politics. You guys turned her far right. She used to be a normie, so thanks for that.

She'll rope herself seeing as no one hires her fat, transphobic ass lol

Liberals are hypocrits nothing new to see here

>you guys
What exactly did I do? All I pointed out is that a bunch of people shit on the character and then changed their minds (people on the right disliked her and then liked her; people on the left liked her and then disliked her). Never offered any opinion further than that. So don't strawman shit bruv.

Fatties are better than transfreaks any day of the week.

Politics aside, can we talk about how bad she is as an actor? She stuck out in Deadpool like a sore thumb, completely wooden and awkward. I don't remember her having much dialogue either, might have been on purpose.


I'm right wing and always liked her...who are you talking about?? Tbh feminists are flocking to right wing over the transfreak issue anyways.

Yeah, no surprise you like fat ones.

>who are you talking about??
People on Yea Forums and online in general.

that was like one person, everyone else was posting gifs of her strangling men with her thighs

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Any flaws she had when she started out were squashed under recent good directing. Truth is she has a strong Mek Gibson tier IT factor that has been missing from the screens for a while.



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One guy...ok, I never even heard of him desu

Shhe was WAY hotter before she got fat

How do you know they don't seed out & make up fake controversy like this to distract from genuine parental concerns? its a family company

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Transfreaks can't tell women from men

Meds. Now

Would watch, western + gina can't be a bas combo.

Meds schizo

literally direct-to-video shit

>She stuck out in Deadpool like a sore thumb
Because the others didn't? Shit movie.

They could bring her back,
Pick a different actor, Put them in a full face helmet,
Have speech modulated.
"Oh yeah mando, i got into a speeder accident and now have to wear this cyborg mask"

Her best role was Red Alert 3

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>we want strong womyn
>NOOOO. …. not like that


>Women should be free to make their own decisions

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Omg is this real :'(

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Wtf lmaooo libs are so gross

Yes unfortunately

I'd jizz in her iykwim


Yes. Yea Forums whines about how they can't get a trad wife but doesn't even want one that goes to the gym

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>mommy mommy why isn't my role model in my favorite start wars children tv series anymore??
>Because dear, she had the wrong opinions
