And...your career is over

And...your career is over.

Attached: john-boyega-black-lives-matter-protest-1591193521.jpg (640x638, 67.73K)

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...Why is he not wearing a mask?

ooga booga to you to, ape.

So you can see him emoting.

You don't have to the virus doesn't affect large gathering of people

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>Disney please!!! can plus me now!!

Didn't places like new york get rated as F in their covid mitigation results?

da popo...dea hea

Live Action I. R. Baboon when?

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I'm pretty sure Pacific Rim 2 is what killed his career.

>screencap of headlines
>no link to the articles themselves

/pol/turds are the worst

the gene therapy injections are complete. the experiment is well under way. the placebos masks are no longer required.

Microphone AND megaphone
>Bla lies mattuh

But did he lay the pipe?

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John...I Take Responsibility

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He does know that all the nice places in the world are much nicer without him in them, and while he is totally dependent on other people, those other people are much better off without him, doesn't he?

His little outburst pretty much served as empirical evidence that black lives don't matter at all. Nobody even remembers his sorry negro ass any more. The sad part of the story is I don't think he's elf aware enough to realize this.

feel free to move the goalpost now

>Boyega expressed his enthusiasm for his new job at the fast-food chain McDondalds
>The South London actor announced his desire for the job this week in an exclusive interview with GQ magazine "I think having a black fast food employee and moviestar in such an iconic fast food franchise like McDonalds would be incredibly powerful - it hasn't really been done before."
>"I've already played a Black Stormtrooper, and I think by having a black Front Counter, it will help give a tired fast food franchise new energy, new direction and a new fanbase
>Boyega also hoped Daisy Ridley would eventually join him behind the counter and that Oscar Isaac might show up once in a while to get a Big Mac

Learn more about the Jewish takeover of America using their stranglehold on global media.

>“No person will be asked proactively if they attended a protest,” Avery Cohen, a spokesperson for de Blasio, wrote in an emailed response to questions by THE CITY.
>dude just trust us lmao

nice try man.

John Ooga-Boyega

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which outer limits episode is this?

This photo was taken before the vaccine was even available, retard. Not surprising you don’t know Jack about shit


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Its funny how Daisy Ridley and John Boyega's careers are dead, while Rian Johnson unironically buck broke the entire star wars fandom and got away with it. He then created his own franchise (Knives Out) and personally pocketed over $100M, while star wars faggots are stuck with reddit tier Disney plus shows forever.
Dont worry star wars cucks, Doomcock said that TLJ will decanonized anytime this century! GO WOKE, GO BROKE! Right? LOL, Do something about it star wars faggots!

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I hope the franchise get bought by china and the empire turns into the good guys
also we would get cool jedi lore mixed with kung fu tao stuff

>That giant nail ripped through the glove.

>lays the pipe
Jesus Christ, this anglo-amerimutt-nigga speak is extremely cringe.

Sorry Boyega. Only one actor per trillogy comes out with their career intact and it wasn't you.

Cope and dilate

>the gene therapy injections are complete. the experiment is well under way. the placebos masks are no longer required.
2 more weeks right?

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TLJ was good and will be redeemed by the eyes of history. The biggest mistake Disney made was listening to retards and pivoting away from it to the absolute trash that was TRoS.

nice reading comprehension you have dopey.

Kek, maybe Rian was based all along


the harrison ford of that shitty trilogy

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>Disney destroys an up and coming actor's career solely to please the Chinese market
>/pol/ applauds this

>up and coming actor

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>that fucking post

did they actually believe this shit? what is it even based on? fucking retards holy shit

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But all of it came to pass user.

You're in a coma right now from the side effects.

You have to wake up.

Wake up.

Wake up.

>You have, 19 new messages
>1st message, *BEEP*
Hey Oscar it's ya boy John, I just wanted to congratulate you on the new Spiderman flick and getting into the Marvel universe... Yep that's some cool shit man I'm happy for ya. Y'know I miss the gang but especially you man, and was wondering if you wanted to, well you know get the team back together hahaha knaw'mean? Anyway if Spiderman needs a cool black guy in their movie you know where to find me and again congrats bro
Hey again man it's John, or you know Finn haha...

Nope. I understood your post perfectly well, if I didn’t you would’ve clarified instead of posturing. You’re just retarded and trying to cope.

There’s really no difference on /pol/ between unironic schizoposting and glownigger psyopposting at this point, since they basically achieve the same thing anyways. Pure brain rot

>There’s really no difference on /pol/ between unironic schizoposting and glownigger psyopposting at this point, since they basically achieve the same thing anyways. Pure brain rot

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He's British, you seething retard.

>imagine taking experimental trump warp speed gene therapies patented in December 2019 and war gamed by Johns Hopkins & Gates Foundation half a year prior
>70k excess mortality in the early Zoomer to millennial age bracket in the past year
Enjoy the rest of your slide thread.

Had some really good British food the other day the Shawarma was to die for.

That blm stunt was actually good for his career, but shortly after he disrespected the mouse. That's why his career ended.

literally who cares?

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/pol/ has long abandoned any notion of reasoning. The 2020 election truly broke them.

You need to go back

It's amazing how quickly /pol/ was overrun with schizos in the last few years. All that Qanon bullshit opened the door to the crazies.

This post has been brought to you by

They want bad things to happen just to validate their fears and redpill the masses. It's really sad.

user, your family has been worried about you since you stopped taking your medication. They're deeply concerned.

He's British with parents from Nigeria larping as an Afro-American.

>if you don’t swallow my incoherent schizo bullshit you must be a leftist!
Fuck off retard, this is neither the time nor the place. Stop being triggered just because some people haven’t succumbed to your favourite internet psyop, no one here wants to entertain your vaxpocalypse fantasies.

Can you imagine his agent when he did this? Disney literally blacklisted him, do you think he gets any royalties from star wars? Otherwise this guy is gonna go have to work at McDonald's lol

topkek. 'groids btfo

>when dey don't dizney plus you

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