He was cringe and you only liked him because you were a teenager or young adult.
Admit it
Other urls found in this thread:
>he is literally me
I guess it's a good thing I never liked him.
I only liked the Cake videos
Yeah and so what? Teenage content that was viewed by teenagers. What’s exactly the problem?
to me he was zoomer humor personified in 2015
i cant listen to Clair de Lune without thinking of his gay videos :(
the era of these guys was trash as fuck, but somewhat based in the fact sometimes they'd fight back against woke shit
He quit just at the right time when YouTube was getting PC and sanitised
And yet Ethan turned into the kind of woke retard he was making fun of and idubbz became a simp
welcome to the rice fields was funny. keep in mind this was in like 2010 so like the last year before we stopped enjoying ourselves and legions of faggots became bitter and disenfranchised to the point anything once-popular is now shit you were embarssed for watching
fuck you and grow up
with that said, no his videos don't hold up. i STILL laugh at tourettes guy however
I wasn’t a cubicle asshole at the time so yeah, it was funny.
Everybody has forgotten that filthy franks original fan base was Yea Forums meets, alongside reviewbrah.
>frank became a sad boy musician
>idubbbz became a cuck and a shiity emplemon knockoff
>ethan was outed as a snake and became susan's good little boy
It hurts
It was both cringe and funny, I mean that was literally the entire point.
You think "GIBE DA PUSSY BOSS" was supposed to be some high brow comedy? It's non PC cringe comedy in a time where youtube started becoming "standardized" with everyone being strictly PC, which is why he stood out so much. Went out from it all at the right time as well.
>Content targeted towards teenagers/young adults
>You only liked him because you were a teenager or young adult.
Good thread
There were only one or two videos of his I liked
And i would never admit it because I knew a few people who DID like him and they were absolute cringe aspies from undergrad, I can't imagine having been in high school when he was still doing this because I know the exact kids back then who would have latched on to this hard
I graduated in 2008 so I just missed the penetration of smart phones and social media in high schools, most advanced thing was myspace
>I graduated in 2008 so I just missed the penetration of smart phones and social media in high schools,
You have no idea how good you had it, cherish what you had.
i always remember the bit where hes in a cafe in maybe NYC and he sees some girl drawing and he just starts ripping into it. I haven't seen it for years
It's wild to me really, the few friends I had a grade or two under me (who were in marching band with me) would tell me how things were in the coming years after they graduated too and it seemed other worldy hearing about shit happening in tandem on socials and with more kids getting smart phones
Facebook was still a college only thing when I first graduated high school, I remember joining it to see events on my campus and that was about it
The only "youtube/eceleb" people I really ever followed were video game related
always thought he was a fag
Even back then, I considered him too degenerate to watch. It was just repulsive.
What happened to my boy maxmofoe? He seemed to be the basedest
he runs a podcast and sells t-shirts with that fat fella. i think he opens pokemon cards as well
Nothing much really, he just decided to get max comfy and just drinks alcohol with that fat cunt and open pokemon cards from time to time.
Doesn't do bad, hoped he'd dress like a princess ironically more often
No he's wrong. Social media was around in 2008 and earlier. Literally everyone was on Facebook. If you didn't have a Facebook you were a loser.
I didn't make a Facebook because I had no friends.
he waited to get skinny again
Doesn't matter, point is that the majority of all interaction were still in the real world. All these various apps were just a brief gateway and ease of access, not like today where interactions themselves are mostly online fully.
Smartphones literally killed everything
Are they still doing it? They haven't uploaded in a while.
When he was just dicking around in his bedroom doing intentionally shitty impressions and bad music by himself instead of ranting about modern internet culture, it was unironically charming.
Fuck FF. IDubbbz was based.
i was born in 97, Facebook became a thing for my age in like 2009, but even then it was done mostly on a computer, in the evening. Bebo was the same thing and it wasn't until maybe 2011 that nearly everybody at my school had Facebook.
The only person I remember in 2009 ish using social media on his phone was some absolute faggot who watched too much Gadget Show tweeting via SMS
Let's be, ahem, frank, Filthy Frank and that whole scene was like a kiddy bike until you could take off the training wheels and discover Million Dollar Extreme.
i still like him
Lol you were literally 11 years old in 2008. Why are you posting your opinion like it matters.
Nobody in this thread is over the age of 22
Modern teenagers have terrible taste. Try being less stupid, dumbdumb.
I'm 24.
I hate this sentence so much.
probably because its true
25 here. Filthy frank and israel arc h3h3 was the peak of youtube
im 23 you just missed by a year
it's unbelievable how he has alot of fans who doesn't know his franku persona
I am 28, 1994 MSN 1337 hax0r
his music is cringe too
Never found him funny. He was the embodiment of all the LOL SO RANDOM XD humor that was prevalent back during the Myspace/Scene kid era. Not like zoomer comedy is any better, if anything I'd say shit has gone down hill since then.
he evolved to maxmoefoepokemon
youre thinking of shane dawson
that wasn't an opinion, it was an anecdote. Aside from calling one guy a faggot I didn't offer a single opinion. If you're going to rage at the sight of somebody younger than yourself, at least calm down before typing.
Ethan is a literal jew and went full blown communist kike.
h3h3 rubs me the wrong way because he developed his politics practically yesterday, but he’s so preachy about it.
he insults people with differing views in the same way that he did when he was an edgy libertarian-type guy, the exact same attitude, but only the politics are different.
It’s unreal how confident and bold the guy is in his preachiness when he’s now insulting the same kind of people he was when he got big on youtube.
It comes across as really insincere and opportunistic since his political views seem to just reflect whatever is popular on the internet at the time, but he maintains the same smug, confident, preachy attitude throughout
I think every kid goes through a phase where zany randomness is the peak of comedy, and he just happened to conicide with this period for zoomers
It's funny when kids nowadays consider the Filthy Frank/H3H3 era the good old days, when the real good old days were Shane Dawson doing rape jokes and Tobuscus vlogs.
pre 2015 h3h3 was max comfy
>that "war" movie he made with jan last year
Made me realize how much I missed Deagle Nation
Now admit it, he's kino now, and it was fucking hilarious watching kpoptwitter try to cancel him because they didn't know he was Pink Guy until last year.
I was 25.
his music fucking sucks but yes he's based for exiting the youtube scene at the perfect time
zoomer fred
While it was funny, his wannabe nujabes shit is pretty gay. He unironically was more creative as Pink Guy. The lyrics were goofy yeah, but the actual beats and flow felt distinct. He could've gone legit as Pink Guy but he was convinced by his sycophant hangers-on (None of whom interact with him anymore IIRC) that his current style was so much better.
I miss deaglenation so much. Is there any dedicated archive of their shit? I loved when Jace was playing sims 3 and had a meltdown when his sim got kicked out of the army
Facebook was ubiquitous in high school till around 2010.
Besides the technology changes so rapidly that even the difference between zoomers and 'gen alpha' or whatever the fuck they're calling them is night and day. My 9 year old niece in grade 3 comes home from school and spends all afternoon in facetime calls and group chats with all her friends.
Everyone in this thread is over 22
I always thought he was cringe, Asians can't be funny
*wasn't ubiquitous
The good ole days are tourettes guy and 8bit d&d
I found him when I was sixteen and loved the shit out of his vids. Fell out when he started doing collabs and doing gross shit like eating hairy cakes for views.
I actually showed him to my gf recently and still laughed my ass off. She didn’t like it. Probably didn’t help that my gf is Asian and he constantly mocks and derides Asians. He’s obviously doing it in an ironic manner though. He influenced my humor and delivery a lot desu, but somehow she laughs at my jokes.
Dizastamusik was a truly based era. If a fan doesn’t know about that they just like his shock videos where he bothers random people. Sadly, he probably popularized the thing streamers do where they walk up to random people and scare them. He did it the best of course and in a country full of bug people that could use some cheering up, but the copycats are faggots.
I just realized the "I'm 16 and my taste in comedy is superior" image doesn't get posted anymore because all those 16 year olds grew up
Am I supposed to know or care who this is? Because I don't.
I am a 58 year old man.
Thank you user I know how I'm spending my night