
Thread for the discussion of arthouse films and classic cinema.

They play "Happy Together" today in cinema in my city, i never seen it, should i go? I disliked In Mood of Love but i liked Chungking, 2046 and Fallen Angels. I like visually sumptous films generally, but dislike if they too sappy and sentimental. Should i get drunk before or take some benzo?

>/film/ literature
>/film/ charts
>/film/ directors directory
>but user, how do I make webms with MPV?

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sono poster been real quiet since the news dropped

Not only him and not only since...

Claim your Rohmer waifu

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He’s such a stupid writer

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happy together is supposed to be really good but it's a gay movie. so if you have a problem with gay dudes, maybe skip it. i prefer fallen angels over chungking express.

is /film/ back?

are there scenes of fucking in the ass or sucking cock? Or is it gay like Tropical Malady is gay?

there's nothing like that. The two of them aren't even together for most of the movie

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it starts out with them assfucking

Going to see Ambulance at the kinoplex today. If there's a single second my lizard brain isn't stimulated, I'll know Bay's become a hack and leave immediately

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We never left.

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Probably my least favorite Ozu so far, but it was still good. Just nothing great. 7/10

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actually I've just changed my mind. 8/10

Rec me some lesser known 1910s and 20s films, please. Watched some Yevgeni Bauer the other day (After death and Dying swan, I'd recommend those).

Considering you just rec'd two films I've never heard of, you've probably already seen these, but in case you haven't I'd reccomend The Battle at Elderbush Gulch, Hearts of the World, and White Hell of Pitz Palu

Die Stadt ohne Juden

changed my mind again, 9/10

can someone post the sticky where its got a bunch of blogs u can ue to download movies?

Haven't seen those, so thanks.


>Haven't seen those, so thanks.
Dang. I was expecting you to have seen those. Then here are all the 1910s films I've seen, roughly ranked. They are sorted by my ranking and then popularity. I'd reccomend all of them

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And here's the same thing for the 1920s. I'd reccomend them all with the exception of Within Our Gates and The Broadway Melody, those were just fine

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Much appreciated friend.

No problem. If you still want some more, here are the 1910s films I haven't gotten to yet

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hmm. i prefer days of being wild. and in the mood for love. but those are good too. not much gay shit actually happens in happy together btw.

and the same thing for the 1920s

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Great, just what I was looking for. Do you know the names of the russian ones? I know one is Mother (have seen it), but what about the others? And the Japanese one?

Actually now that I think about it, it's probably his masterpiece. 10/10.

>Kino Eye (Dziga Vertov, 1924)
>Mother (Vsevolod Pudovkin, 1926)
>A Sixth Part of the World (Dziga Vertov, 1926)
>Zvenigora (Alexander Dovzhenko, 1928)
>Crossroads (Teinosuke Kinugasa, 1928)
>The Steep Road (Victor Turin, 1929)
I think I got them all, but let me know if there are anymore I missed

That's all for now. Thanks again mate.

No problem

spies looks pretty weird

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It's a good pre-WWII, espionage thriller. Fun stuff

meant to add. I wrote about it here after I watched it


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I've never seen a Rohmer film. Is A Tale of Winter a good start? I was planning to watch it around Christmas time, but never got to it

what is the most /film/ country + city in the world?

Tijuana, Mexico

>the retard who doesn't know what ADR is

you can start where you want, his style and quality is consistent throughout his career. Tale of Winter is good, but ideally i'd start at the beginning. Watch his Six Moral Tales, The Comedy and Proverbs series, and The Fours Seasons series. They are only very loosely connected so skip around if you want. I started with The Collectors, then MNAM then Claire's Knee.

Tale of winter is trash. Collectioneuse and Chloe at Afternoon are his best

Is this any good?

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hollywood, new york city, paris

Watch six moral tales.

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how do I understand Lacan or D&G applied to film? If you say Zizek I will post cp

What's wrong with Zizek?


I don't know specifically about applying Lacan or D&G as a whole to film but i am a bit versed in Deleuzes cinema "theory" which i find quite interesting and not too difficult to get into. There are plenty of youtube videos about it which you can listen to alongside reading Cinema 2 - The Time-Image (they say you need to read Cinema 1 first but i didn't)

he is more like a DJ than musical instructor if you catch my drift. which is fine if you're already familiar but not for learning something like Lacan. and I invoke him cause he wrote a book specifically on Lacan and film but "Introduction" is a marketing lie

Check out "The Thoughts That Once We Had" dir. Thom Andersen

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oh cool, I liked his Los Angeles film essay

what does film think about 'EAOO' and it becoming the #1 lbx narrative film?

meaningless, its not like the charts on any of these sites (imdb, lb etc.) have ever been too interesting. i mean hell before eaoo it was parasite so who cares.

what the fuck is EAOO?

*EEAAO - Everything, Everywhere All At Once
I think we could do a lot worse for a mass cultural phenomenon. I'm more sympathetic to the cynical takedowns but it's interesting why this film in particular has become such a mass phenomenon with the youth and dilettantes. I think it's akin to this generations Inception.

different user here - imagine you've seen or heard of this


all well-known classic films and a very freudian analysis of course

oh I saw the trailer for that a while ago and immediately forgot about it. I assume it's such a hit just because multiverses and asians are "in" right now. it's also something new that's not just a remake, rehash, retelling, or extended universe garbage

I haven't watched any movie in a month or so.

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Watched Tetsuo 2 recently. Capeshit level trash. Not that the first one was much better, but still.