It's literally taking me days to finish a single episode because it's so draining.
There's so much unnecessary drama.
I'm on day 4 of trying to finish episode 8.
Star Trek Picard Season 1
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Yeah I tried to watch it back in January/February 2020 when it first dropped, within 5 minutes there was a black male/Asian female interracial sex scene and I had been on nofap since January 1, so that was unappreciated but I managed to stay strong.
Still though, the show just never clicked with me and I struggled to make my way through it, never even finished the first episode.
I might give it a try again in 2023, when the 3rd and final season drops.
Season 2 is worse.
why do chuds hate star trek now?
here's an idea:
Don't watch it
Chuds like to pretend they ever even liked Star Trek but it's literally always been bleeding hearts homoglobo far-left propaganda from Day 1, as has most sci-fi.
Chuds are just being chuds as always, pay them no heed.
Star Trek is based.
It's nothing like TNG or DS9.
It's not, but that's not because of all the pozz and leftwing stuff. TNG an DS9 was absolutely full of that, as was Voyager. Hell, even Original was full of it.
Roddenberry was an unironic communist.
>It's literally taking me days to finish a single episode because it's so draining.
Stop watching American media.
American's definition of left wing (liberal policies) shares absolutely nothing with the leftist political spectrum of communism.
And TNG and DS9 had no pozz. It had minorities and communist/socialist policies but in a prudent and sensible way. Idealism often gave way to realism in TNG and DS9, this included race idealism and race realism (as in the case of Worf whose main arc had him trying to reconcile his idea of Klingon culture with how modern Klingons were).
SPIC is actually worse than STD. sad to admit it
Is it "pozz" because you saw a black person?
>And TNG and DS9 had no pozz.
Sigh... Please stop talking about shows you clearly have never fucking watched.
I've seen every single episode of TNG and DS9.
The simple inclusion of topics of race relations does not equate to pozz, especially if the issues are handled in a level-headed and rational manner, which TNG and DS9 always did.
I'm most disappointed that the franchise was deemed too "unrealistic" so it started going against its core philosophical principles. Star Trek is supposed to be about humanity achieving harmony with itself and going out into the stars helping alien races achieve harmony too. Of course it's "unrealistic" because it's an optimistic vision of the potential humanity has, but they're tearing that to shreds with pew pew action and a bunch of losers who hate the things humanity has achieved and just want to get drunk and do drugs.
TNG and DS9 were absolutely pozzed, clearly you don't know the word, the type of people who use it and what they apply it to.
Ipso facto, a female or a black captain is 'pozz' to them.
Because Star Trek should be about likeable characters coming together to solve larger than life problems and have us reexamine our own lives, prejudices and to question things. It should present questions and dilemmas for you to enjoy while you see humanity at it's brightest so you can envision a future worthy of us.
Picard does none of these things. So it sucks. It's garbage even by regular TV standards much less TNG in it's prime. But you're just fishing for bait, why did I bother?
>Ipso facto, a female or a black captain is 'pozz' to them.
This is wrong, and people who uses this definition can have their opinions safely disregarded.
And even the point was conceded, it has nothing to do with Star Trek at all, since there were black captains since TOS, so by their definition Trek was never good and there is a fundamental disagreement already, since Trek was good. TNG and DS9 was good. If they were bad, nothing was ever good.
>This is wrong, and people who uses this definition can have their opinions safely disregarded.
The people that use 'pozz' absolutely use it in that definition, language is defined by use.
Ergo, you are wrong.
>so by their definition Trek was never good and there is a fundamental disagreement already, since Trek was good
Exactly what I said here What are you even arguing about...
>language is defined by use.
And people use it to define else-wise, so I'm right and you're wrong.
>trek was never good
Garbage opinion anyways. TNG and DS9 are the pinnacle of American television, there is literally nothing better.
>Garbage opinion anyways
It's not my opinion though, as I stated here as well >It's not
>TNG and DS9 are the pinnacle of American television
I agree, I even thoroughly enjoyed Voyager for what it was, although it paled in comparison to TNG and DS9 to me
>it's literally always been bleeding hearts homoglobo far-left propaganda from Day 1
I disagree with this statement and Gene Roddenberry would have as well.
Political spectrum never had anything to do with his vision of the future, and using political leanings in attempting to describe it falls short and leads to the incorrect conclusion as you have.
While his vision of the future was idealistic, it was also mainly realistic.
If humans were ever going to evolve to travel the galaxy, it would necessitate the entire human race contributing to the effort to succeed. A planet that spent all its resources destroying each other would never have been able to reach the stars, least of all carrying with it all the learnings, records, philosophies of its antiquity.
So it was simply realistic to have a diverse crew.
Again, you fail to understand what I'm saying. To the people that use such terminology, Star Trek was literally always all the stuff they smeared it as from Day 1, I personally like that, and lean fairly left myself on the spectrum as you clearly do as well.
Star Trek has always been all the things they claim nuStar Trek is, that is not why the new Star Trek stuff is maligned by actual Star Trek fans and sucks.
But the chuds that hate it for those reasons? They seem to believe there was a time when Star Trek did NOT espouse all these same messages, simply because they have never bothered to watch the older shows, but it always has.
But then I'm not a double digit IQ brainlet, so I can see the sense in what Star Trek has been saying from Day 1, as most sci-fi tends to, about how humanity must progress if it even stands a chance of progressing.
I'm not wrong, you simply struggle to parse meaning from text, which is fine.
right on the money unfortunately
The only way I got through the first season was because I was shitposting about it with you bros as every episode dropped. It was so bad it was good. I couldn't imagine just trying to watch it by myself now. I agree it's a painful show. It actually hurts to watch it. You have your work cut out for you.
Season 2 isn't as bad, but that's really not saying much. It's still a terribly inept show full of mostly awful people doing nonsense things. And then you have the fact that it's supposed to be Star Trek but doesn't resemble Star Trek in the lightest or do any Star Trek things, really.
>To the people that use such terminology, Star Trek was literally always all the stuff they smeared it as from Day 1, I personally like that, and lean fairly left myself on the spectrum as you clearly do as well.
And I'm saying those people's opinions can be disregarded since they never understood what made TNG or DS9 great to begin with.
>But the chuds that hate it for those reasons?
You just made these people up, and the 0.01% of the people that might fit that definition are statistically insignificant. Even the so-called 'chuds' on Yea Forums like the older series and have no problems with them for any of your imagined reasons. Modern Trek is VERY different from old Trek and the ideals they espouse are completely different from old Trek. There are no same messages whatsoever. Old Trek was based on rational authenticity. There is no rationality nor authenticity in nuTrek.
Alright, I am beginning to see I can safely disregard everything you've said and need not bother replying to you anymore.
You just propped up a chud boogeyman who hates both old and new Trek then used that as a basis to go on a nonsensical ramble about how that means old Trek and nuTrek were the same.
Wrong on both counts!
>be a retarded lefty
>label old Trek as sexist / homophobic / transphobic / pedophobic / whatever
>see old fans complaining about NuTrek
>call them chuds and say Trek was always pro-feminist / pro-gay / pro-trans / pro-pedo / whatever
>Trek was always pro-feminist / pro-gay / pro-trans / pro-pedo / whatever
It was though...
You fucking chud, the old Trek was the most sexist and homophobic shit ever. Educate yourself.
>Season 2 isn't as bad
Yeah. But only because it's pretty much retarded on purpose now. It feels like they're trying to make it a different show at the beginning of each episode. S1 was ugly, bleak and boring. S2 is still kinda ugly most of the time, but the stupidity makes it quite entertaining. Especially when you want to shitpost about how retarded it is.
>Renegade Cut
No. Holy fucking shit, please, no...
Lefties are the eternal schizos. You cannot communicate with them in any comprehensible manner.
Ok I'm finally nearing the end of S01E08 now.
The good:
>turns out there's actually a plot forming to S01 that makes sense
The bad:
>it took so much character drama to get here
I think I know what the problem is. In TNG Trek, the entirety of Picard S01's plot would have been condensed into a single episode. In Picard, a barebones plot that isn't even that conceptually great is painstakingly dragged over 10 episode, with a lot of meandering, character drama, bad dialogue, and basically nothing anyone cares about.
I think they're honestly trying to do Rios right. He's just in a terrible show full of awful characters chasing a nonsensical plot.
>you fail to understand what I'm saying
It's truly amazing to see you struggling so desperatly to put meaning into your words that is simply not there. But please continue, seeing the futile efforts of ESLtards to make themselves heard is always amusing.
Dude... He's clearly an Americunt.
>not ESLs
Imagine coming to an American board about American culture day after day after day and acting like you're cooler than the Americans you're clearly obsessed with.
Imagine being so fragile because someone guessed your nationality based on buzzword you're using.
Imagine being so fragile because someone guessed how obsessed you are based on buzzword you're using
I accept your concession.
obsess over it while you enjoy your lockdown.
>obsess over the fact that I lost to you
>and enjoy a lockdown you don't have anymore
Yeah. Burgers really are schizo ESL tier.
>shitworlder thinks he's never going on lockdown again
ah ha ha ha ha
>Switzerland is shit
Kek. Don't forget to kiss Tyrone's shoes today, cuck.
>thinking that video is real
Stay neutered, I mean "neutral". Send Mohammad my regards.
>i-i-it's not real, g-guys
>it's CGI made on UE4 or something
Kek. Tyrone is waiting for you, bitchboy.
Burgerbitch can't distinguish between Switzerland and Sweden. This is the power of Americunt education.
>>i-i-it's not real, g-guys
>>it's CGI made on UE4 or something
>Kek. Tyrone is waiting for you, bitchboy.
Or, you know, paid actors in a staged street performance, which it clearly is.
>Burgerbitch can't distinguish between Switzerland and Sweden. This is the power of Americunt education.
Please continue being embarrassingly wrong. And use more Americanized slang. Stay o-b-s-e-s-s-e-d
bullshit. tos was a rightwing show, kirk banging women, slapping feminists and shit
That's not Swedish on those signs, numbnuts. You either don't know your own language or you're not actually from Switzerland.
>anti-immigration referendum
Yeah. What a shame. It would be a lot better if we'd just invite everyone like EU faggots and Americunts. Kek.
and here come the trannies, like fucking clockwork
I feel sorry for poor Rios, forced to work with a gang consisting of the infirm, the insane and the incompetent.
Typing in all-caps isn't going to save you. You don't even know your own language. Fuck off and stay obsessed with America while rapefugees fill every inch of the doomed little country you're too weak to protect.
No worries, I beat them already with Notice how since then they stopped bitching about Star Trek fans and started crying because someone noticed American use buzzwords.
whatever happened to
>find new planet
>something happens, crew in trouble
>captain and main crew solve problem
>viewer entertained
everything is going to shit
I dunno, because an alternate universe and timeline makes it easier to stomach. This way it's only the two returning characters that are out of character and not the entire bloody setting. Except for episode 1.
>stay obsessed
>and let me obsess about ESLs in peace
>oh, and your country will be destroyed by... uhh... someone...
>and every retarded burger ever is an actor, and he's also CGI
>you know, because there are so many wars in Switzerland
>and regognizing that there are other German-speaking countries means you don't know German
No it wasnt. Tards will point out the "interracial kiss from TOS but it a) was not the focus of the series b) was pushed by Shatner for his personal actor cred c) was not voluntary in the story d) was not even firmly decided on but Shatner used jewish tricks to force it in and e) was not even the first like they brag.
that word has no weight behind it beyond inviting a chuckle
Because it's badly written trash for idiots.
you haven't ever met a pre-boomer Silent Generation left winger have you? They are sexist as fuck, to the point of being rapists.
>They are sexist as fuck, to the point of being rapists.
So... They are like today's leftist after they log off Twitter?
You can't spot a sign written in your own language. You thought it was Swedish.
would love to send you back in time so you could impotently seethe at that kiss in real time
>your own language
You mean German? And I didn't even open the picture in the first place.
kek مثلي الجنس
>I- I- I- didn't even look at it so...
>You mean German?
Are you asking me what your language is now? FFS just stop posting you utter euroshit retard.
>retard thinks German is used in only one country
>that isn't even called Germany
American education, everyone!
I've seen it before but just can't understand this.
You can't spot a sign written in your own language. You thought it was Swedish.
those are current thingers they aren't worshipping niggers they are worshipping the current thing because they are told to and expect social rewards for it
a deeply feminized population
Pathetic attempt and looking big. Just shut up and get to work you welfare leech.
Inferior Amerimutt genes mixed with Jewish programming of golem society.
>being so triggered because someone didn't look at your picture
>thinking German language would be automatically associated with some tiny retarded movement in Switzerland and not huge cucked government-backed movement in Germany
Logic is too hard for Amerigoblin.
>far left globohomo
Nah. It was big government civic socialism they shilled. Basically an American's poor understanding of European societies being glorified and having all the logistical problems collectivism faces in reality solved by instant any-food machines, drastically reduced populations, and a tectonic shift in human nature where we don't care about possessions or bettering our station or having any measure of self-determination. It's like having an overly soft tard wrangler from the college guidance office being given full control of everything.