How was Joker (2019) a menacing villain at all? He an extremely weak, skinny lanklet and literally anyone could beat him in a fight.
How was Joker (2019) a menacing villain at all? He an extremely weak...
Tarntino was clearly in the wrong here. Shouldn't have touched that black niggers face
Why would he think it was okay to put his hand on another person's face?
He just wanted to feel his hair
dudes retarded for letting a nigger get that close to him to begin with
I admire the bravery. I also used to be totally fearless like that. When I was 19 I volunteered worked at a zoo, and I would literally walk into tiger cages to give them their food. Now I’d be too afraid to, and the tigers would probably sense my fear and use it a good point to attack me so I really would get attacked now most likely
this is why im packing heat
You wouldn't have shot the guy though right? It's not like he chimped out, he actually showed great restraint.
What do you mean he didn’t chimp out? The white dude was being an asshole and was probably drunk or something, but you can’t just go from someone rubbing your face to upper cutting them at full strength in the head. If he shoved him away or smacked his hand off his face that would be a reasonable reaction, not a punch. That’s massively overboard
So you can touch people's faces? You gay nigger?
He had a gun
Joker was representing Gotham's frustration and the emblem of a broken city. An allegory of its darkness if you will.
He looks drunk as fuck.
The lanklet was in the wrong here, you don't put your hands on another man unless you want to start a fight, that's just common sense.
Why does a nigger think that warrants seriously injuring someone that's clearly no threat?
I would have filled him full of lead along with every other nigger in that building, in that city, in that country. In the entire world. Every nigger gets a bullet.
As a pro tip don't touch anybody face. People tend to dislike that.
I mean he IS a nigger. But he didn't kick his face in like you would usually expect, was my point.
like harley quin, he's just so curaayyyyze
Dude it was completely warranted. Why would you touch a strangers face
>push/slap belligerent drunk lightly
>he's now even more belligerent and fixing for a fight
Nah, the nigger was in the right for putting the dude down after invading his personal space.
Okay? I didn’t claim that they didn’t. I’m saying if someone weirdly rubs their face giving them possible brain damage isn’t really the appropriate way to escalate it. Shove him away and tell him to back off first at least unless you’re a fucking a borderline retard who reacts with extreme violence to everything
>upper cutting them at full strength
>that love tap
post chin
>, but you can’t just go from someone rubbing your face to upper cutting them at full strength in the head
yes you can
Look at the negro rock back an forth like a gorilla.
>He an extremely weak, skinny lanklet and literally anyone could beat him in a fight.
Have you ever seen mentally ill junkie strength? They somehow have the strength and stamina of 5 men, despite not sleeping right, and eating rotten pizza. It's similar to 'tard strength where normal people have a "limiter" which the druggie and mentally ill don't have. An average person to go to 10 takes a lot of danger and overcoming fear.
Blacks get a pass for everything in this country. Dude is probably always just looking for an opportunity to lay hands on a white guy.
Mentality is scarier than physicality in real life. I’m a 6’3” 290 pound and in the national guard but I still avoid fights at all costs. You never know if the person you’re fighting is some crazy fuck who will pull a knife and stab you in the stomach before you even know what’s happening
>arm comes up from resting position at side
>"full strength"
Maybe don't pick fights with random people if you aren't expecting your bell to be rung
If some drunk guy puts his hand on your face you have every right to punch him.
Simple as.
Do you guys really not realize how cringy you sound when you say shit like this? You've never killed a black and you never will, your LARP is transparent and pathetic and you have no counterargument to this
I think it was his shoulder not his face, so he was probably trying to be sympathetic to the animal and learned why you leave an injured snake alone.
bro you can't just shatter their autistic ego like that.
Kek. That guy thought he was gonna pull a passive aggressive power move on that guy and give him a pat on the shoulder as he walked away and the based negro wasn't gonna let that happen. Dude absolutely deserved it. Don't put your hands on anyone, especially if you're in some heated exchange.
Only if we're both white
Shut the fuck up nigger
Nah, watch the video again. He definitely touches face.
>upper cutting them at full strength in the head
This is what white boys actually believe
If you are so scared of life you need to carry a gun you are either a woman, a gay, or an elderly man.
Anyone else disappointed by Joker?
I just watched Joker for the first time last night, and I am really disappointed. Maybe not so much disappointed, but just wondering why people like this movie so much.
I don’t think the movie is that deep. I would’ve really liked it if it would’ve went in deeper in terms of his mental illness. And the last half of the movie had some pretty gnarly stuff in it, but it didn’t feel earned to me. Yeah it shook me, but it feels like I watched a 2 hour movie and I only remember two things from it.
Anyone else the same way? I have mental issues, my parents are gaslighting narcissistic sociopaths that really fucked me and my sister up in the head. So maybe that’s why I was expecting a little more.
Or maybe it was the pacing? Idk. I just wasn’t that into it and it felt kind of thin. It feels like they could’ve made a way better movie if they would’ve made it 3 hours.
For once in this videos the nigger wasn't in the wrong.
apparently retaliating with asymmetrical force is fine so just blow any darkie away with .50 AE (african eliminator) if they so much as touch you. If you live in a state that isn't cucked of course.
kys massreplyfaggot
The guys clearly drunk as shit. Assaulting a non violent drunk is top notch scum behavior.
I've killed a black guy. It was in self defense though and thankfully my state has stand your ground and doesn't play that shit. He came at me with a knife after threatening me multiple times. The only part of it that sucked was the twelve hours of interviews after. I have no regrets because I know he would have killed me first. I'm not proud of it, it just had to happen. I do agree most of these soigolem ITT wouldn't do shit though. 100/100 times I would do it over the same except for maybe not leaving my house when he was standing on my car roof chimping out and just called the cops and waited, but there is still a chance he would have tried to kick my door in and then I would have still had to shoot him. Everyone with a working brain should CC. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
You won't be saying that when the end of a gun barrel is on your forehead
The gun is the great equalizer, kinda
>groping a muscled nog's face
That literally shows the lack of self restraint or intimidation that leads to a person getting violent. It's like somebody continuing to advance on you after you've brandished a gun at them.
The weak should fear the strong.
Oh, and to add to that I'd have done the same no matter what color he was.
The strong should fear what they consider weak.
oh whoa, this whyboi just slight touched my beard in a nonthreatening but strange way, better unleash a swift and brutal strike with all of my chimpanzee strength on his chin assuredly giving him brain damage.
this is like me genociding the whole nigger block because one of them stole my bike.
>Why does a nigger think that warrants seriously injuring someone that's clearly no threat?
>Why does a nigger think
Oh, my sweet summer child
damn that white boi got bfto
t. No chin.
imagine such a touchless virgin whose mother never gave him a hug that you think it's appropriate to fight someone that comes in contact with you. Get therapy retard
>21st century western "man" vs literally any other man from any other setting throughout human history
t. chin.
That second part seems justified.
There's never been a video where a white guy wins unless he was being racist lol. Whites are cucks and a failed race of genetically fucked virgins
why don't the eagles just fly all the black people back to africa?
You live in Seattle don't you? Or a Yuro?
hopefully police shoots you in the mouth after punching a guy.
Simple as.
>There's never been a video where a white guy wins unless he was being racist lol
In case drunk homosexuals try touching your face?
use their logic against them and execute them. uber based user
you sound like a little bitch
I'll have you know that I have a grand chin. Your comment is false.
the way he uses chopsticks is wrong.
just dont touch me kek
What if you shove him away and he falls over and cracks his head open and dies because he's drunk?
No guns here in Yorkshire lad worst I'd get is a fine
Simple as.
yeah, can't deny that was pretty much bitch behaviour from me. it was verbal diarrhea the heat of the moment. But I do think you should always act with optimal force. Punching a drunk tard that can land on his head and die is a retarded move at best.
niggers are dumb. It is soooo easy to see someone hire revenge murder over assault. They lucky its not a custom in america.
I'm 26 and have literally never been in a fight, not even in school. I'm terrified that I'll have to defend myself physically some day and won't be able to.
You sound tall. Bet you're 6'6"
Just join a boxing or bjj gym. The moment you're actually trained to fight you can destroy about 70% of the male population you run into, and you'll most likely never even need to, the moment a guy sees you stance up and the realization that you actually are trained to fight the fear sets in. I only know this because I'm a neanderthal that used to actually to fight and get into fights.
Go take some classes in anything. Preferably muay thai, boxing, wrestling, or even bjj.
you wont be able to. your adrenaline will surge and youll flail desperately and impotently
Just kick them in the balls or punch them in the throat.
I just got my 23andme results back it says I have ancestors there (Yorkshire). What's it like?
Literally run away. There's nothing you can gain by fighting another person and you're putting yourself at risk of death.
Best advice I can give is: run or fight, don't freeze. Also if you have to fight aim for the face or if you are close trip him by wrapping your leg around his legs.
Maybe I'll do that.
Then you clearly have a tall mindset, or simply look like someone who will hurt someone.
>don't worry sweetie, I'm a negroe whisperer. Ill calm him down
>no problem, kid
No I think it's because I'm generally amiable and very polite to everyone I meet.
Hate niggers, can't stand em. Simple as
Based mass replier
I have a brother and we used to fight, then the wwe came out and we used to practice wrestling moves. Then i joined a karate school, got to yellow belt. 20 years later and im a lazy faggot that smokes weed and watches porn eveeyday. I'm scared to fight
You won't.
Fights are incredibly disorientating. Shit doesn't hurt at all because of the adrenalin, but if you're not prepared and you're not the aggressor, it's impossible to know what the fuck is going on or to get enough time to get your bearings.
t. got attacked for the first time at 28.
I lift, I run, I was taller than the dyel faggot who attacked me. In any athletic competition I'm sure I would beat him.
Dude broke my ribs, my nose, gave me nerve damage in my hip. I got absolutely destroyed.
Run the fuck away.
or this lol
it wouldn't have been a fair fight either way but the nigger still took the childish sucker-punch route.
Yea, you're a suburban pussy