What exactly was his crime? Why is he hated now?
What exactly was his crime? Why is he hated now?
Because he spits truths and people can't handle the truth
Have you thought about his cock today?
cuz he made fun of orange man. that's literally it. See also patt oswalt.
>made fun
he joined the frothing at the mouth deranged side user, there was nothing merely 'making fun' about it, it was mass hysteria.
He is mostly Wright
This is hilarious.
What was that from? I missed the story apparently
fligu gigu
>What exactly was his crime?
Dating an anti-vaxxer
This was clearly an intentional glitch in the simulation. It has a deeper meaning, for sure.
A few weeks before his suicidal gf committed suicide due to the drugs, stds, and mental abuse that Jim Carey introduced her too, she was texting him about her dead dad and they were discussing Jim’s dead mom and dad as well. And then abruptly Jim sends her a text saying “have you thought about my cock today?” Her family made those texts public.
Based Jim
Are you genuinely implying that Trump isn't an outwardly corrupt blatant retard that took advantage of an army of retards?
Do you really think it takes the MSM and Hollywood to "brainwash the people" into believing the sheer simplicity of this issue?
You can hate progressives bud, but trading one level of retardation for another doesn't make you right.
He made Kick-Ass 2, a violent movie, and then bitched and moaned about violent movies, as though they cause violence, and not blacks.
lmfao so...
And him coming out against the movie and refusing to do press arguably hurt the box office
He looks so much like my dad, I hate that. My dad was a notorious pedophile too. He bought my mom when she was 13 from her crackhead parents for $300 when he was 35 and kept her prisoner in his home deep in the country where no one could help and kept her there for 4 years until she escaped. Also he killed at least 12 people that I'm aware of. Good thing he is dead now. I found one of the dead bodies down by the creek buried in a shallow grave
He killed his gf
He sounds based
Who wouldn't want to talk dirty to their depressed gf? I see no crime here
>falling for shitty pasta
please lurk more
transphobia in ace ventura
I feel sorry for herpes people a bit. I was dating this girl and she confessed to having herpes and I dumped her. She was bawling. Must suck, but I don’t wanna get it unless I find someone who I really like. Ain’t gonna get herpes to fuck some roastie.
Get the fuck off my Facebook wall
Yes. Your stupidity COLLUDED with their lies.
>Biden is incompetent but trump is competent
Do you know how fucking stupid that sounds to actually unbiased intellectuals?
That is a level of embarrassing partisanship that is unmatched in history.
Why is that chick in her underwear? Porn stars wouldn't dress like that in public.
Like every comedian, he failed the predict the future.
You stupid fuck. Biden makes Trump look like Charlemagne, but that's not the point. The point is you were brainwashed by the likes of Don Lemon and Brian Stelter. Want to talk about Hunter Biden's laptop? That's russian disinfo, right? Want to talk about the russians putting bounties on our soldiers? That happened right? Want to discuss alpha bank?
You people are dumb and weak minded. Easily brianwashed.
And, yes, Biden is completely incompetent.
Jim did nothing wrong.
He seems to have gone pretty schizo. But his position on vaccines is coherent and that makes people seethe the most, which is ironic.
I've never liked him, he always plays the same exact character in everything he does.
His constant big loud random noise mouth movements gets so fucking tiring.
He's not a good actor, he has no range.
Look at his face full of wrinkles, all from overacted laughing and making those weird facial expressions. Same with Emilia Clarke's eyebrows resulting in her completely wrinkled forehead. If you want to look young and wrinkle free when you're older, take the No Facial Expressions pill. No smiling, no laughing, no frowning.
My grandpa is 76 years old and has been a stone faced cold bastard his entire life, his forehead is smoother than a baby's, no wrinkles in sight
From what I understand:
>Has 4 STDS because he likes to fuck raw
>Fucks ex-gf who was married because Jim gets pussy
>Gives ex STDS
>Ex, who was already suffering from depression, an heroes
>STDs eventually dissolve Jim's brain and makes him think "there is no me"
Listen man. I'm sure you're really smart and really strong and secure. But your world isn't real.
It's fairy dust.
Let me ask you a serious question..
If trump and Biden took a knowledge competency test of relevant information of things like law and civics and geography and world politics..
What grades would they get out of 100?
This clearly doesn't encompass all skills necessary to be president, but I want to see if youre capable of pinpointing particular strengths and weaknesses
This is the behavior on someone on a strong stimulant. Probably Vyvanse prescribed for ADHD.
at what point does political insanity constitute genuine mental illness? We let too many mentally ill people get away with their insanity as long as they call it religion or politics. This dude clearly doesn't talk politics to people in real life and has some schizo psychosphere impression from whatever crap he reads online that he brainwashes himself with, like actually thinking Twitter in any way remotely represents real life. It's incredibly sad and tragic how many people we're losing to this online insanity.
Which one would surrender Americans to the Taliban? Which one would open the border and give cell phones to everyone that crosses? Which one would sit on his hands while Putin invaded Ukraine? Which one would shut down our oil production and beg Venezuela and Saudi Arabia for cheaper gas? Which one can't get world leaders to take his calls?
>civic test
I feel like you only know what people tell you. Do you consider yourself smart or easily fooled?
Imagine defending Zion Don
My friend. Please relax. I'm not attacking you.
Your erratic responses, bringing up 35 different subjects when I asked a simple question, shows you're very emotionally involved in this subject.
I only give a shit about truth and reality.
The reality is both sides are criminally stupid and embarrassing, wrong a majority of the time due to overly simplified narratives.
Now can you answer my question here?
Made fun of troons in the 90s and now they're out for his blood.
How Foxnewspilled do you have to be to just regurgitate their 100% untrue talking points like this, lmfao. In what interpretation of events is Joe Biden "sitting on his hands" during the Ukraine crisis, and what makes you think Trump, who is openly defending Putin, would do better? Biden, who is ramping up oil production in response to the crisis, and who is arguably harder on immigration?
>always was an over rated actor
>got a hard on for anti-gun politics, and yet acted in 3 roles that year that were primarily about characters who shot guns
>Was asked to put his money where his mouth was and give up his cheque for Kick Ass 2, not only refused but made fun of the guy with a horribly bad skit on funny or die
>Literally murdered his wife
>was behind the shilling for him to play Carnage which would have been fuck awful
>please stop bringing up real world examples and address my straw man
You were brainwashed by the media. Congratulations.
He's an annoying moron these days: youtube.com
>Biden, who is ramping up oil production in response to the crisis, and who is arguably harder on immigration?
Can you answer his question?
what the fuck are you talking about
she mentioned a date , because his girlfriend that he was in love with had passed away. really fucked up.
Also he's right and based
Yes. Trump was way more competent as president than Biden.
HPV is worse
That's not what he asked, specifically
I'm an anarchist and I find him cringe.
Yes, Trump would score higher on a civics test. So what?
Oh. Right.
So Trump is smarter and more competent than Joe Biden and any good test of intelligence and competency will display that. The reason I think Trump was a better president is because they both had the job and Trump was better at it. Simple, right?
Do you feel like you're making a point or just making yourself look more brainwashed? Maybe you can point out something Biden did that displayed intelligence and competency so far as president.
I do not mind holding your hand through this. together maybe we can brake the spell you're under.
I fucking forgot about this
unfunny and obnoxious irl, good in movies horrendous outside of them, his method acting is genuinely sickening.
Not him but that poster isnt really bringing up any arguments or asking any relevant questions, he's just gaslighting saying shit like "both are LE bad and if you dont see why YOU are retarded" pretty stupid stuff, twitter tier centrist discussion
>Why is he hated now
Yeah that's what I wanted
I wanted you to prove in public that you're so biased and self deluding that you would convince yourself of anything, any clearly wrong analysis.
To think that Trump is a "smart person" who "is knowledgeable" and "listens and collects information" is very very very very silly, and shows that you have woefully misread his very very basic and clear psychology.
The mistake of the trump supporter is a very deep but very basic mistake.
"I trust him"
"Trump is a good person who cares and is not doing this for himself"
Once you can convince yourself of these clearly blatantly wrong analyses, you can convince yourself of anything.
I say this as someone who doesn't give the slightest fuck about Biden.
And someone who finds trump very entertaining.
Trump voters are wrong in every conceivable way they can be wrong.
And it isn't the mean MSM and the mean Hollywood people who convinced me of this.
It is the most basic skill of listening to someone talk. Watching them get on stage 4000 times and improvise with the sole purpose of saying things that he feels the audience will clap for.
You may not see this clearly.Maybe you weren't born with an ability to read people.
But someone like me can bet my house on this without emotion, because how fucking painfully obvious it all is.
Stop pretending you're smarter than the other side.
You're just another color of blatantly embarrassingly stupid.