Movies set in canada?
Movies set in canada?
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jews unironically did this
>brown people are Le bad!
>meanwhile, crackers highest rates of incest, drug addiction, starting wars around the world, rape
fuck off /pol/cel
How many whites support it?
Made it better? Great! Fuck ytey
>if only you knew how bad things really were
Why are Canadians like this?
Diwali is based. Chuds are small dicked faggots
>trust me dude
all i see are future bro tiers
you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink
>posting jason goes to hell before this
disgusting worst friday movie by a mile
Sikhs are cool tho
>sikhs are base-
I can save her
Whitey go back to Europe
filename related
Blue Nuit stopped being a thing years ago. And it only show softcore porn, the kind in which there's like 2 hours of exposition dialog and 10 minutes of breasts and buttocks. It's basically that Red Shoe Diary show David Duchovny narrated before fox picked x-files properly.
wasn't there some right wing retard who killed a bunch of sikhs because he thought they were muslim?
that's literally the opposite for rape and incest
think it was just one guy who killed some old guy because he was wearing a turban
It's not the opposite, but blacks lead in both, yes.
when my cat kills a mouse or a rat I'm grateful either way
wasn't this during Dawaili or something?
catch all the kilts during some anglo shit and it's no different. Yes big cities have shit loads of pakis and Trudeau is a faggot. Does this picture mean anything? no. Do autists get mad at the sight of brown people? yes. touch grass, eat ass.
>mass replying schizo
many such cases
Almost 100% diversity
Trudeau is based and way better than all the other shitty leaders we have.
Blacks are so ugly.
Please don't lump toronto and vancouver with the rest of us civilized people
A holler for all the Hungarian gypsies who decided to leave behind our little country for beatiful Leafland!
Toronto and Vancouver are the best places in Canada
Toronto was good in the 60s and 70s. Vancouver was good in the 80s and 90s. These days, Halifax and Montreal are the only good cities.
Seriously, why does it feel like when you're in the street in these places, the majority are ethnics? Statistically, aren't the majority of the population white by a bigger margin? Why does it never feel that way?
Eeh. Hindus and Sikhs are alright. We had tons of Pakistanis and Somalis in Norway. I'd trade them for Hindus any day.
>Live in small town
>Mostly white besides a few asians and indians who run gas stations
>Sister-in-law comes to visit us from Toronto
>Beautiful day so we decide to head out to the lake
>SiL won't stop talking about how it's too white where we live
>Asks why our town has made no attempts to diversify ourselves
>Tell her that there is not an abundance of work here and that most immigrants move to Toronto to stay in communities surround by there own
>gf tells me that her sister things im a racist because of that
Toronto is a disease
You are lying, you either said or implied something else 100%
No way she interpreted "they are actually taking care of themselves" as racist
Should tell her you have no diversity because all minorities caught after dark are thrown into a giant witch's cauldron. Really ham it up too, go even farther and play a banjo while telling her that you grind up nigger bones into flour to make your bread.
Toronto is being abandoned by a lot of white people. The same people who voted shitskins in are now moving to towns and cities outside of Toronto because "for some reason" and "no one knows why" the quality of life there has plummeted. Now, there is an attempt to genteify neighborhoods that the niggers have turned into a slum but only the rich can really afford those spots.
Also, all the immigrants who move to Toronto don't want to integrate with white folk, they want to live in the neighborhoods filled with their own people.
>telling her that you grind up nigger bones into flour to make your bread.
is that the answer to russias diminishing grain export
despite a majority of white leafs being full on leftists white flight is eternal and will always abandon the mess they were brainwashed into creating
Africa was a bread basket once and will be again
SiL is a full blown libshit. Her husband is an East Indian dude who despises his own culture and she blames that on the fact that Canadian society somehow makes minorites feel shame for who they are. She also told my wife she should divorce me after I said the Convoy protesters have the right to protest like anyone else.
>is against racism
>calls white people a racial slur
KYS hypocrite. Be the change you want to see
Whats more is how few of them will admit that they shitskins moving into entire neighbourhoods is why those neighbourhoods have turned to shit. Ask some guy why he moved his family out of the all-Muslim area that was white when his parent's were his age and he'll tell you "it was no longer safe" but he'll never tell you why despite the fact that both of you know why
This slut needs to be impregnated by me
>racemixer is a mentally ill ethomasochist
Huh, what a surprise.
Botched nosejob. She's got them Adam Scott nostrils
highest rate of incest is in Pakistan bubba
Odd thing is her poo husband is pretty fucking conservative deep down. I remember his wife going on about how Trump is evil then he interrupt her to say "Yeah but he says some really funny shit." Then proceeded to go into the "Jeb is low energy" speech, impersonation and all.
QRD on those protesters?
>right to protest
Lol at leafs thinking they have rights
Go to a porno movie website and look at the gay porn movie section.
Feels good being Canadian. The less little dicked ybois we have the better.
You get what you fucking deserve.
Canada isn't a real country. Ask a Canadian from any of the big cities what makes Canada special, and they'll blather something about tolerance or a non-existent "cultural mosaic" that only exists in bank commercials, maybe say something about feeling bad for the indians. Ask a farmer from Alberta, and he'll say something about "freedom" or some other meaningless free mason ideal. Canada has nothing that makes a nation, no shared faith, heritage or culture besides a crude ice game and a donut store owned by Brazilians, and that's because any paki can put on a Leafs jersey and call themselves Canadian. It doesn't mean anything.
Canada is a hollow nation that sold whatever soul it had during the first Trudeau era for a pretend sense of global importance.
Sikhs are as bad as any other pajeet.
>Canadian Government says Truckers need to be fully vaccinated if they are crossing the border
>Lotta Truckers thinks this is bs
>Bunch of them begin a convoy to drive to our nations capital to park their trucks in front of parliament in protest
>Hundreds of transport trucks now clog the streets of Ottawa
>Impossible for traffic to move
>Truckers are honking their horns non-stop
>Some even set up hot tubs, bbq's, even a rave
>Couple of the protesters are waving nazi flags and confederate flags
>Protester organizers tells them to fuck off
>Trudeau uses this as an excuse to say that all the protesters are nazis and he will hide away for a week at his house and refuse to talk to them
>Majority of Canadians shocked that their own just aren't laying down and taking it lile we have been raised to do
>Truckers still protesting 2 weeks later
>Politicians beg Trudeau to talk to the protesters
>Instead he invokes an emergency declaration to allow the police to force the truckers to leave
>Police trample protesters with horses bringing on cheering from liberals
>Until they find out of one the protesters trampled was a female Elder of the Mohawk tribe
>They suddenly go silent and refuse to acknowledge that
>Protesters now gone but their back accounts are frozen