Was this true?
Was this true?
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It was a joke about how poor and pathetic he was.
2022 asking price $687,000
Yes. Marred With Children was a documentary
>citing a sitcom as a real world example
But, yes. This was something you could own as an upper lower class worker. In the next twenty years, expect everything to get much, much worse.
cook food instead of eating mcdonalds every meal
don't buy a brand new iphone every 6 months
cancel the 6 streaming services you don't watch, get a library card.
cancel the weekly artisinal avocado hamper selection
sell your tesla and buy a shitbox shed, learn how to change your own oil.
and in a mattter of weeks you can afford this house.
Hope my fellow zoomers are also inheriting a nice house like I am...
5 million illegal immigrants a year kept housing at a premium and drove down wages.
Now Blackrock and other privite investment firms are the only people who can afford it and they're buying tens of thousands of homes so they can rent them to you lmao
You get what you deserve you fucking low IQ leftist democrat voting retards.
imagine actually believing this
If you recall they never had an ounce of food in the house and were in heavy debt because of pegs spending. The American Dream
why would anyone live in a termite and fungus infested cardboard house?
They bought everything on credit and had massive debt. Zoomers are stupid
i do none of those. nice meme retard
Activating your own almonds instead of getting the store-bought stuff helps a lot too
The new lower middle class will be people who make $100k a year. Anyone who makes 50-60k a year will be struggling, fast food and retail workers will be rare since the pay will be chump change for the average person and not worth anyone’s time.
>They bought everything on credit and had massive debt
That was the gen x cope to rising prices (another was women joining the workplace so households had two incomes).
It's only gotten worse since.
>if you stop paying ten bucks a month for Netflix you can afford a house that's gone up $400,000 in the past eleven years
he bought it in the 1970s it would have cost like $20,000
Boomers had it so fucking good man
I love how people don't even bother reading the entire pasta before (you)ing
No. But the truth is he could get a better job just by walking into a construction specialist firm and agreeing to labor,
I love when you click on “how to save money” bait articles when you are supposed to be working and they have tings like “stop buying star bucks everyday”
Like nigga if You think I am buying 5$ Starbucks everyday you think I have way more money than I do.
Minimum wage in the 1970s was like $1.50
The del taco in my area is paying 21$ an hour
Takeout multiple times a week is what kills the wagie
I really don't understand how my normalfag friends order 2-4 times a week and then complain they're "broke" afterwards.
It's fucking 15-25$ per person every time you order
>5 million illegal immigrants a year kept housing at a premium
this is what teenage chuds actually believe lmao
poor immigrant workers don't make houses they could never afford more expensive. landlords and property investors do.
Immigrants don't make houses more expensive. They make houses.
In the early 90s you could buy a 3 bed detached home for £60k in England. Now it would be 300k
My parents bought their first house in the early 2000s for 100k. Huge backyard, pool, landscaping, the fucking works.
If I want something Similar it would be around 700k right now
Wages have not gone up 7x in this time
It’s fucking over
Well, yes. The only person who would ever work as a shoe salesman and keep his job is a Jew.
>could support a family
He couldn't support his family. That was one of the running gags of the show.
Also he never paid off his house so he doesn't own it.
no a shoe salesman isn't going to be living in Deerfield. not in 1987 and not today.
Yeah, but it’s such a bother to cook for one person.
It's about eliminating small spending retard, Starbucks is just an example
and there was an episode where the bank was about to foreclose them but through a computer error the mortgage was put on hold for like 100 years.
The fuck is deerfield?
>Immigrants don't make houses more expensive. They make houses.
lol this nigga thinks that increased competition for living space doesn't increase the price of living space
To be fair, Yea Forums is infested with subhumans regurgitating Mike Rowe and Ben Shapiro garbage that it's more likely you're reading someone's unironic opinion.
I don't remember that episode. Are you sure you didn't dream it up?
It’s your moms pussy because it’s so bushy
That's why you cook in bulk then have leftovers for a day or two
even if this is pasta, kys
that's where the home is, it's a suburb of Chicago.
Are you sure they didn't stay in one of the other 100 suburbs?
Their neighborhood is supposed to be pretty shitty.
Its like saying in the late 90s two young people could rent an apartment like in friends
Lies desu
Not by 1987. It was a cultural relic left over from the 1950's when that would have been possible.
You got a clip from the episode for the fact claimed? Cause I remember that episode but I don't remember that mortgage thing you mentioned.
In general, if you worked, you could afford a home.
>cook food instead of eating mcdonalds every meal
Unless you're eating pure rice ever meal this won't make much difference, at least not where I live.
>don't buy a brand new iphone every 6 months
Most people don't actually do this
>cancel the 6 streaming services you don't watch, get a library card.
You'd spend more money on the transport to the library than you would for many single streaming platform for the month
>sell your tesla and buy a shitbox shed, learn how to change your own oil.
This is such shitty advice
Before the covid housing bubble, you could easily do that, but mainly in places you wouldn't really want to live, like rural Wyoming.
ok keep being poor see if i care
just trying to help
i'm 30 and own a house based on only this advice
>cook food instead of eating mcdonalds every meal
I cook all my own meals using ingredients from a budget supermarket
>don't buy a brand new iphone every 6 months
I buy a low-end phone every 3 years
>cancel the 6 streaming services you don't watch, get a library card.
I pirate everything, including books
>cancel the weekly artisinal avocado hamper selection
The fuck does that even mean
>sell your tesla and buy a shitbox shed, learn how to change your own oil.
Do you think I can afford a Tesla? I drive a second-hand Opel.
>and in a mattter of weeks you can afford this house.
People with rich parents are hilarious.
U are dumb
i only faintly remembered the episode but i just googled "married with children afford house" and found a leddit thread reddit.com
>I drive a second-hand Opel
The fuck is an opel?
I don't know which suburb in the show but the actual house is in Deerfield. it's actually a pretty nice place. a village with easy and close access to the city.
best of both worlds. it's virtually all white, like 87%. 5.5% Asian, 4.5% Hispanic, 0.5% black and the rest anything else. poverty is like 2%
the only down side is it's ultra pozzed as you would expect from a wealthy community that lives in an ivory tower
It was true. Fiat currency has no value.
Wages have collapsed, no good jobs anymore, inflation is destroying the purchasing power.
Thank you, central banks.
oh also you have to get a job stop being a neet
i grew up poor shut up what you don't know anything about ignorant fool
You're taking it literally like a retard instead of realizing the point. Cut costs, things you don't need, stop doing because you'll save money that way.
Well that's not where the Bundy's live. As that suburb is canonically a shithole.
In this case it’s not the fed, it’s he stupid boomers in congress shutting everything down for 2 years and issuing everyone “”free money””
There is nothing more expensive than free money