they are getting paid millions for this

Attached: tegridyfarms.jpg (1400x700, 129.13K)

its another

>randy sells weed
>sharon gets mad
>current event conflict
>le white people


yeah,it got old pretty quickly. Why Trey and Matt are trying to make their series into the new zombie Simpsons,is beyond me

Who even still watches this

Lefties dont
Righties dont
Millenials dont anymore
Zoomies never did


Yea Forums went pretty nuts over those gay covid specials

Riding the success of the 5 or so actually funny episodes they did

trey and matt are jewish
nuff said

I think at this point they're just riding the cash cow while still trying to have fun with it. I can't blame them really they have it good.

Yea Forums is a shill site.

I watched it it was shit. It just wasn't INSANELY pozzed and that seems to now be the bar because people are so desperate for anything remotely funny

Every show that's been on tv for eternity takes something that should have been a single line joke and run with it and make a whole season out of it when it was barely funny in the first place

yeah too bad it wasnt even funny the first time

so where's my entire season about sneed?

And what are you getting paid for with your comedy critique?

when I heard they are still doing this stupid bit, I didn't even bother watching the new season.

Simpsons did it already

its just lazy writing, same thing over and over. its not like the older episodes at all. at this point they are just milking the cash cow like other anons said. shit is unwatchable. any moron with 2 brain cells could write these newer episodes

It was on its last legs by Season 15 and died right after. Even by then its an internal chuckle once or twice an episode.

it's probably the worst thing they've ever done

>You will never be a National Socialist. You will never be sent to work on a large infrastructure project.
>You will never represent your friends and family at a rally.
>You will never stand shoulder to shoulder with thousands of other ordered and wilful Germans listening to your Führer speak.
>You will never believe your country will last for a thousand years and represent the common man.
>No one will look at you and see a National Socialist.
>You do not pass.
>National Socialists are uncomfortable around you and wish you’d stop coming to their meeting but won’t speak out of fear of being labeled a communist.
>You will look at old black and white pictures and try and imagine you were there; but you weren’t.

Honestly kinda sus how Trey didn't consistently try to dunk on crackas until he married that negress and raised her black son

Attached: Myblackson.png (636x355, 155.71K)

I think the Tegridy Farms episode are comfy, desu.

just stop watching and stop caring about this shitshow user.
it's been dead for over a decade now

>no more episodes with just Stan, Kenny, Kyle and cartman doing fun shit like playing ninjas or playing world of warcrsft of butters and cartman playing robots or Stan and Kenny going to demand a refund from Mel Gibson for the passion while Cartman praises the film and turns into mini Hitler.

It's all "DUDE, WEED" now.

I unironically miss the "I learned something today" period of South Park. It was a bit on the nose more often than not, but modern South Park is just so up its own ass and on ten layers of irony. It's allergic to closure and transparency.


after years of torment I will not watch any of the new shit anymore.
their creativity is gone, ideas are dried up and I'm finally free

I refuse to watch any new stuff and it feels great.

they were actually not bad

t. haven't watched south park since like season 10-11

neck yourself

I envy you.

adults who get high and have a career still watch the show, the show isn't meant for late 20s sober incels who never got a real job

We just had a wholesome episode of them playing Airsoft with their parents.

was fucking boring

Pedophiles, all Yea Forums ever talks about is how they wanna fuck the little boys

Actually I'll agree with you.
That and the Russians episode were the only bad two, I enjoyed the others this season.

I haven't cracked a smile all season.
it's over user, this show is dead and rotting.

They're getting paid millions. They can now fund Casa Bonita forever.

Tegridy is boring at this point. We need a new plot vehicle.

a lot of boards are infected with pedos user.
This entire website is turning into a refuge for these fucking degenerates

As someone who lives in a rural area of a recreational state I think it's a pretty apt depiction of what a lot of marijuana farmers are like. People smoke week more then they drink now.

>adults who get high and have a career
You mean childless losers who have mid-tier job

Attached: bcqkt.jpg (600x900, 63.45K)

Ive never seen any of the show other than manbearpig and the WoW episode. Should I Start with S1 or when does it get good?

yeah, I'm sure there are episodes between then and now that I wouldn't mind but the gigantic arcs that started happening really didn't appeal to me, and watching clips from seasons past that never made me laugh. became way too reliant on ultra topical humor with no subtlety, which is is why I was surprised to find that the covid specials were somewhat decent

>never watched South Park
I don't believe you

They can't think like kids anymore. I guess any rich coastal fag might think about owning a weed farm but never actually do it.

It’s crazy to me that I see women unironically wearing stuff like this outside. Wild times.

I was in 1st grade when it came out and my parents didnt let me put it on. and by the time I was in high school we didnt have cable anymore. Like I said I;ve seen a few episodes because my friends liked it but I never sat down and purposely put it on to watch it

how would they wear it ironically?

I'm guessing paramount had a lot of money riding on those

At what point did Randy go from being the best character to the worst character?

how did you get convinced to watch the specials?
they were decent, but faaar from what southpark was.

season 1 is really crass. Toilet humor mostly but it's more well done than other shows that have attempted the same. Somewhere between 2 and 3 they find their initial stride and somewhere between 4-10 is where you'll personally find the peak but they are all mostly kino. 11-15 is a lot more hit and miss but still decent enough for a viewing. After that, only watch if seeing a show become a zombie of itself doesn't ruin what the show used to be for you (it doesn't for me, I still watch the new ones but they are mostly trash)

And you're seething about it on a turkish knitting forum. Who's really winning in this situation?

this post in on point

The chef episode is where I personally started feeling like Randy was being used too much. He peaked in The Losing Edge and there was nowhere to go but down.

Trey is whiter than 99% of current Americans

one of my favorite characters absolutely ruined by DUDE WEED LMAO

>le weed is only for burnouts meme
Dude, it's 2020. Weed is legal in quite a few places. Grandmas are eating edibles to help with their arthritis. Weed isn't just for druggies anymore. Get with the times boomer.


At a convention or only on Halloween

Quality post.


No it didn't.