Just got let go from my wagie student job for was being "too much of a leader"

Just got let go from my wagie student job for was being "too much of a leader"
Any kinos representing the bane of Wagies in today's society ?

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what country? that would be an illegal and invalid reason here if you had a contract

I got promoted and I'm going to make the switch in a few days :D

You should have stayed in your cagie, wagie

>"too much of a leader"
just a nice way of saying you're a complete autist who tried to boss everyone around

I was a month and a half into my two-months trial period, working sales in retail

Probably a mutt. Most states in America have “at will” employment.

You forgot your place and reached too far

>I was a month and a half into my two-months trial period
I have a feeling your company rotates trial workers.

>old women at work complain i am antisocial and standoffish
>boss thinks i'm autistic and possibly retarded
>can't get rid of me because nobody but extreme incel gamers can handle the tedium of high paying contractor work in bumfuck nowhere

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>“at will” employment.
What the fuck does that even mean?

Not really
The entire staff pretty much consisted of 18-20yo girls who dropped out of college and were getting walked over by the manager
I think i shouldn't have told some of these girls that their shifts were illegal from a labor law standpoint, manager most likely got wind of my "advice"

Don't rely on this, user. They're just waiting for someone who will tell them a story and come off as more personable so they'll replace you. Sadly, I've found that technical competence always seems to lose in game of office politics.

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I'm halfway to the two year mark I decided to leave at. I'll just fuck off to even deeper into the Nevadan wastes where they will hire anyone who comes along.

>technical competence always seems to lose in game of office politics
Words to fucking live by
I've seen countless people stay at a company or worse, be promoted, on the sole basis that they were on good terms with everyone
The only way you can afford being an outcast at work nowadays is if you're the ONLY person who can do what you do at your rate in a 100 miles radius

That's obviously a bullshit excuse
You're a good guy user

If that's true then your termination of employment was illegal. It'd be difficult to prove though, unless you could get your co-workers to provide testimony on your behalf.

15.5 years. I'm at work right now.

should have listened to me wagie

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I can't imagine how terrible it must be when you are just a run of the mill wagie.
Luckily, I got a degree in a medical field that's literally always in demand. No HR bullshit in the hiring process, they know they must keep me happy otherwise I'll just leave and there's jobs everywhere.

imagine being a good goy

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Promotion is a fucking meme, especially if you can contract instead. You're just accepting slightly more pay (or in the case of dumping contract for full-time, significantly less) for significantly more responsibility.
>if you're the ONLY person who can do what you do at your rate in a 100 miles radius
Not hard to do when the nearest city is like 3 hours away.

There's a lot of shit i could take them to the Labor Court for ( disregard for breaks' duration, illegal shifts & working hours, safety standards ) but honestly i don't feel like getting into a lawsuit as a grad student with little money whose finals are coming
Plus the payoff could take years and it's just easier to find something else. They do deserve to burn for their practices though

kek fuck wagies lmao

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>he thinks that the people who make his food are the same people who clean bathrooms

Waging is a fucking is a fucking joke user, take the neetpill.

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>Work in a Warehouse
>Have to sit in front of a PC for 8 hours
>Do nothing for 6 hours
>Do somekind of work for here and there for a total of 2 hour
Yeah I dont mind being a wagie

it is if it's a gas station

It means if your a retard wagie theres no red tape to jump through in order to can your worthless ass

Im pending investigation for not wearing the cuck muzzle 24/7 inside a refrigerator.

>work in software testing
>do the same thing but at home
>play supcom while the work pc is open to the side so I don't miss a call

This isn't r/antiwork

This can't be true, Labour voters keep telling me that the EU protects workers. You must be a Le Pen voter, it's the only possible reason you would say such a lie

Your boss can on any day be on a bad mood from his 2 year old son vomiting in the doorway so he shows up at work and fires you to relieve some of that stress and it's totally legal and cool. You are GLAD you're even PROVIDED with a job, aren't you?

employers are allowed to fire you

I had a similar job in the office but I quit cause the company went down the shitter. Over the years we got more insufferable coworkers and management started shitting on everyone as the older managers got replaced.

dont care, not my problem wagie

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Why did you post a picture of yourself?

French labour laws do make workers almost impossible to fire but the only requirement is passing the trial period


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I work from home as a video editor, I work in my dressing gown all day and knock off at 3 to play vidya. I can't imagine commuting anymore, that was hell

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Jesus christ why is that stream of piss so thick?

Yeah, that's what people say about the UK as well. Anyone who has had a job knows that's obviously untrue and constructive dismissal is a doddle. Hell, there is a solicitors office in my nearest town that gives people unpaid redundancy once they've been there just shy of two years and then hires new staff. It keeps on doing this so they aren't required to increase their salary and it's also pretty much open knowledge that there is a loy of embezzlement.
I've worked in places where management have given out beatings and slashings. Worker rights laws are a fiction

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what was her plan here?

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you like footprints user? i like footprints too, but i hate wagies.

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Americans and their HFCS

>management have given out beatings and slashings (lashings?)
That sounds like an indian/paki thing

Why are women like this?

Why is a libtard chick projectile shitting on the wall? This video is a mystery

>gender neutral bathroom
Well, on the upside, the faggots having their grindr meetup in there later that night will enjoy the sweet smell of feces on the walls.

UK, although to be specific about ethnicity, Scot.

Because they support the 'Don't Say Gay' bill.

It's not like they are a party literally founded for workers or anything, mouthbreathing bootlicking tard

good one, Rasheed.

i worked part time janny at a cinema and cleaning shit isn't the worst thing you'd do. hell you'd get used to the smell of shit in a couple of days.

what disgusts me is cleaning the women's toilet. fucking period blood smell disgusts the shit out of me. seeing some tampons and napkins gags me

>socialism will come like a thief in the night
One long night, eh, bootlicker? How many Asians have you bombed today?

then why can't i ever get fired? i had a job where i showed up late every day and mostly just browsed Yea Forums on my phone all day and they still wouldnt fire me

dude this type of job is literal hell it's so fucking boring

>mass privitisation
>capitalist party
>for the workers
Yeah sure thing chud

I'm saying that sounds like something some pajeet or paki manager would do to other pajeets or pakis, with no british man involved in the process, I don't think I've ever heard of such a thing here but I've only ever worked around other engineers so I don't have the most worldly experiences

There definitely are ways to circumvent those laws though, the biggest one for us is most of the new jobs are labour rental so you get hired by an abhorrent company that rents you to the real company that does the actual work, so they can cancel your contract at any time for any reason and they're nota ctually firing you
Then the rental company (this happened to a chinese coworker) pretends to not be able to find work for you for about a year and fires you (they still had to pretend it was because he wasn't good enough at speaking french)

You were making them more money than they were spending on you. Modern productivity is a joke. 3 hours of work per day are enough to justify hiring anyone.

>tfw got a call from hr asking me why i always dodge my job's social events
Why do companies like forcing this bs events?

How is not supporting a political party and a superstate bootlicking? I'd love to hear this.

a buddy of mine used to do some irl janny work too he said the same thing. one of the toilets he had to clean had a drop ceiling and for some reason one of the dirty birds in the building used to stash her tampons up in the drop ceiling. disgusting but i do respect the hustle, not her problem.

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>Modern productivity is a joke. 3 hours of work per day are enough to justify hiring anyone.
if you work a 9-5 office job, sure. try that shit in manufacturing. it's the same reason why four hour work days will never catch on when you have real, tangible quotas to meet.

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Because its a fat dehydrated angry fuck