When Toy Story got the propaganda treatment long before? This character wasn't even shown in 3 because anything remotely traditional in terms of gender = bad. And then she got her own rebel movie where she is a mechanic or some shit and LITERALLY says she no longer wants children, kek.
Why are people surprised about Pozz Lightyear?
Other urls found in this thread:
she doesn't even look like a toy on the right
why did they make the characters look like generic cartoon characters instead of toys movies about toys...?
why make a separate thread faggot fuck off
All visionary artists got replaced by quota hires
>why make a thread for a different topic wtf
Kill yourself, Disney pedo
>ahhhh i'm being genocided!!!!
>arrrgh nooo not this character that was barely even in the first movie nooo arggh my livelihood
>aaaarrrrgh no i love the cock
Kek you are not even a real human being. No one goes on Yea Forums to defend social engineering propaganda in a kid's movie. You are some mentally ill tranny pedo and I always laugh my ass off about how easy you people are to spot. Keep bumping
Imagine seething about this lmao
Imagine defending it LOL
she looks more gluable in the pants than in the dress desu
>he's mentally ill
>the guy crying about a cartoon wearing pants says
Because feminine women= Bad
No one is crying, I am making fun of blatant trash. You can't control the narrative in this thread, Jew boy
>arrrrgh noooo GLARK GLARK GLARK
>character that was barely even in the first movie
that just makes it all the more curious that she suddenly got her own movie, though
it's a shame. i miss the 90s and early 2000s so much
It's normal for a brain to malfunction when trying to defend something entirely indefensible. I heard green tea helps.
Brutal mogging.
Why is it so easy to lure out registered socialists and Disney shills these days? No organic poster would go out on a limb to defend fucking Bo Peep
They're getting too cocky.
If women aren't badly imitating the men they hate and see as oppressors then they don't feel valid enough and that's bad.
who's defending anything? you're sensitive
No sane, reasonable, rational-minded adult would go out on a limb to complain about her either
>hey guys why don't we bring back Bo Peep? She was a pretty major character in the first one and basically nonexistent in 2 and 3
>Hmmm. I guess we could, but we don't want to repeat ourselves. She can't do the same old shit we saw already in 1995 and her design made it hard for her to have any dynamic movement.
>Well let's do something new and fun with her then. We can redesign her no problem, I bet no one would even really notice.
I can almost guarantee you the conversation went something like this and had nothing to do with stronk wimyn. You'd think if the culture war was so important, there'd be better hills to die on than children's cartoons
>I can almost guarantee you the conversation went something like this and had nothing to do with stronk wimyn
You have severe autism of you genuinely believe that.
Not your barbie doll slaaaaay
Who better to push their shit politics onto than impressionable children? It's the same reason gays want access to them. You get them early and they're set with your programming for life.
You have severe autism if you don't.
Her new design was cute.
Spoken like an alarmist, histrionic snowflake. That isn't how children work. They aren't blank slates where you just upload a particular program and get the same person every time.
Right. That's why shit like the DARE program has been so overwhelmingly successful
No amount of buzzwords will make what I said any less true. What happens or is told to children sticks with them for life.
>Because feminine women= Bad
The current believe is that femininity is a social construct created by men. ie it's something men created to domesticate women. Thus the only way to free women is to reject femininity.
Nigger she's a plastic toy
SJW trash is ruining every movie because it's so forced. At least back in the day it was subtle
If you're a fan of Bonnie, check out my story
Stop watching American media.
literally who cares. find something meaningful to care about in life and nurture your soul retard
>Toy Story 4
>Wreck it Ralph 2
>Both movies about women escaping from responsibilities, forgoing the message and morals from the previous films.
I dislike this world.
>And then she got her own rebel movie where she is a mechanic or some shit and LITERALLY says she no longer wants children, kek.
she's a toy, user, she can't have children
I'll ignore for a moment the fact that isn't true in the slightest, that children often reject everything they were raised to believe the moment they hit puberty, often settling on believing the exact opposite to such a degree that it's become a trope. Do you have children yourself? If not, do you expect me to believe that you are so humanitarian and god damn compassionate that you believe it is your duty to safeguard and protect all children on the planet and that you feel the best/most effective way to do that is by shitposting on a cantonese basket weaving website? I'm curious, when exactly did the ultimate badasses of Yea Forums who made light of every national tragedy and were phased by nothing start acting like Reverend Lovejoy's wife?
Actually she's porcelain.
Explain how Toy Story 4 conflicts with the messages or morals of any of the other films
You will never be a woman
Bait posters posting bait. That's all it is. There's no conspiracy or shill raid. It's bored losers having a laugh.
You will never have a woman
stop using Yea Forums as you daily planner
Its literally a trend. They destroyed Ralph's character and relationship with Vanellope so she can be the strong independent woman stereotype that young girls need.
speak for yourself i'm no loser
i grew up in the 90s with toy story 1 my favorite movie ever
i actually had no issue with bo peep turning into a badass toy
what i did have an issue with was woody bailing on his family and friends to be with bo peep. im still so fucking pissed i regard the movie as non-canon.
The costume at the Disney parks literally looks like this and it's the funniest thing in the context of a park for children.
TS4 was hot garbage and they know it.
>they completely destroyed the integrity of the Wreck-It-Ralph franchise
Do you listen to yourself?
Find something real to care about OP
Do you see another Ralph film? Or anybody actually loving the second film? Movie 2 sucked. Only redeeming thing was the Princess party, which was already shown in the trailers.
I never saw the first one, user. I'm a grown man after all.
The first one is great. The second one is terrible.
Double whoosh
Children not listening to their parents doesn't mean they get no good or bad beliefs or behaviors from them that stick with them, and it's ignoring the fact that children are still impressionable and Disney ISN'T their parents. It is ironic that I as a complete stranger probably care more about the average kid than their parents do because they let them be raised by everything except them. Instead of putting them in front of tv they now put them in front of smartphones and let them spend most their life in corrupt public schools with other fucked up kids/inmates. Just me pointing this out means I care more about kids than their own parents do, who most likely had said kids as a consequence of sex and not because they were wanted or planned for.
I'm a diff user not really following the conversation, nor its jokes
this you?
>Because feminine women= Bad
but feminine men=good
its classic talmudic inversion