TV shows or films about revisionist history?

TV shows or films about revisionist history?

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We lost

This isn't real.

>woman writes state sponsored propaganda to keep the Othering narrative alive to fuel the culture wars for socio-political outcomes

Noooo gg bros this isn't supposed to happen, don't they understand we won?

Gamergate was right about everything, literally all of it
They pay 20 bucks for freelancer press about any billshit it’s all fake lies for money
They’re just actually fighting for literal table scraps, that’s the only thing that was wrong. They’re paid less than a McDonalds wage worker to engage in this propaganda war effort against normal people, it’s honestly just kind of sad :(

I completely forgot about that dude. Is he still doing shit?

Brie Larson and Henry Cavill

Probably won't get made. Even if it does it'll only be a shitty webseries on Kotaku or some shit

Imagine basing your entire life and career around a few critical reddit comments from 2014.

Is this a tranny or?

that "dude" is actually a congressman


Scarlett Johansson was supposed to play Zoey Quinn.

Does anyone actually have a good time line of GG. The events and people cuz I'm writing an essat about it and so far every single site I have gone to is incredibly biased in one direction

He lost and they didn’t bother rigging for him. Sad!

That's still a thing? Does anyone outside Yea Forums even remember this? Does anyone even remember what the fuck it was all about?

I know I've seen the reason many times, but it is so utterly uninteresting, that I just can't recall a piece of it.

So weird to think that gamergate led to the mosque shooting in new zealand

Don’t forget to mention the part where Zoe accused another man of indecency and he killed himself in response and now everyone just pretends someone else made the game he did so they can keep jerking it off in essays on jewtube.

why do you think people like this creature keep trying to bring it up? It was the only thing that got them attention.

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I still don't really understand what it is. Something about a female game dev sleeping with reviewers which was proven to be true but for some reason it's still talked about by both sides as if it's extremely hot topic when it was nothing but a stupid scandal that involved conflict of interest.

I still don't get the whole gate thing. It doesn't merit the name.


I don’t even know what gamer gate is and I browse Yea Forums sometimes

This just proves how much they are still seething about it when most people have long since forgotten.
Honestly though strongly leftist nerds and the stinky unhygienic out of shape sluts that pander to them are two of the most disgusting kinds of persons that exists on the planet.
This won't be news to any leftist nerds as they all have abysmal self-esteem and know well that they are garbage. Their whole thing is petty revenge against the world and God for having made them garbage to begin with.

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because it's been over years except for these homos that need a boogeyman

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fuck off with this bullshit, Zoe. we all know you're a massive whore

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ED does but it looks like it follows that whole agenda that it was primarily a harassment campaign instead of it being about journalism in vidya being shit. Pretty weird to see an article in ED being presented that way but probably due to people simply not giving a fuck, those that know what happened, know, and you wont change anyone's opinion on what actually happened as those who think it was primarily about harassing women, which makes zero fucking sense, have their heels digged in to that mindset and like you say, everything you try and find is incredibly biased revisionist history.

It was also the start of people getting sponsors to pull out of sites because of mob outrage. You have to think of the times. All the tranny retard shit was MOSTLY contained to tumblr. Well the tranny gas started to leaked as tumblr was imploding and gamergate was the spark that ignited the tranny explosion.

Tumblr being shutdown unironically has been a disaster for America.

That's actually quite ironic.

Only rightists actually even care about muh gamergate (as evidenced by this thread.) Trump killed the movement when he blamed Vidya for gun violence.

This looks like it was taken off of that far-left gaming forum whose name escapes me.

The only ones still talking about Gamergate are the seething leftists who saw it as the first battle in their culture war. For most people it was just BTFOing a whore and some cucks.

still shocking that this dumb event kick started the heavy censorship that ruined Yea Forums and forced moot to sell the site

Gamergate didn't do that. It was the Fappening that almost killed Yea Forums

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Britain and everything about it.

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>uh nuh uuhmmm you got us caught red handed but our shitty sites we work for said we are right!!
fucking pathetic, commie talk

It actually isn't. She formed her own production company for it but no network or service ha wanted to buy it. Dead pitch

Nah, gamergate was what forced half of Yea Forums onto /pol/ permanently which had huge ripple effects on the site.

Legit wasted 10 years of my life fighting SJWs over Vidya and nothing came of it. I wish I had never heard of gamergate honestly

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Most people who talk about gamergate don't even know it started because Zoes boyfriend found out she fucked 5 guys behind his back and made this huge (now deleted) blog post about how much it ruined him.
>he said he cant eat at 5 guys any more without thinking of his gf getting fucked

Nah. Fappening came and went pretty quick, brought a bunch of redditors to the site which wasnt good, Gamergate took a while to get rolling but when it went full retard with niggers doing doxxing shit, thats when it made moot take action and start banning discussion about it, which in turn caused the exodus to 8ch and brought a ton of heat to Yea Forums as well because it was being presented as "this site is doing a harassment campaign" and moot just said fuck it. Probably didnt help that fappening happened almost in conjunction with GG though.

>he said he cant eat at 5 guys any more without thinking of his gf getting fucked

Lol any screenshots?

>primarily a harassment campaign
yeah no.

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If you actually did this and arent just trolling, what the fuck did you think would be the best outcome? Youre a retard if you spent any amount of energy into GG shit besides just reading the threads at the time to get a jist of what was happening.

The Fappening exposed Yea Forums to a shitton of legal issues. If moot hasn't shut it down early it could have destroyed the site. GG was nothing compared to that.

This troon hasn't killed xerself yet? Surprising.

That looks like a dude lol.

Don’t blame grifting YouTubers for your autism.


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This fag took one heavy filtered photo 15 years ago. I miss when his interview screenshots were posted as reaction images.

Not any more legal issues than what he was already exposed to in the past, are you new user? The guy went to literal court years before fappening happened. GG was way worse than fappening.

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This is true. Zoomers won’t realize they were contained on tumblr. No one gave a shit about them there. Then they came to Twitter

fappening had serious external repercussions but gg had a lot more effect on Yea Forums itself going forward imo, look at board population on Yea Forums and /pol/ back then compared to today

Sad how Wikipedia is compromised.

Always has

He’s right. Me too does the same thing. Couple thousand retards screeching online for years. Only difference is they have pussy passes while gamers are mouthbreathing retards like Matt Jarbo.

Rian was vindicated by Rise of Skywalker though. Giving SW cucks what they want results in dogshit movies.

archive dot ph/muaky

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where did you do this fighting?

This is one of the most biased articles I've read on wiki.
Most of the internet is compromised.
It wasn't as bad before the cultural revolution.

Unironically stop gaming and get lives.

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