Well this was better than I expected based on the first episode. Turned out fairly kino...

Well this was better than I expected based on the first episode. Turned out fairly kino. Let's not sperg about the religious/political aspects, I just liked the depiction of demonic stuff. What did you guys think?

Attached: Midnight_Mass_Poster.jpg (250x372, 30.92K)

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It is a highly kino show and I really, really enjoyed it when I watched it last year
The only thing that kind of sucks is when the actual "horror" stuff kicks in and the comfy small town vibe dissapears
I would have been more then happy to just watch a show about the town

>Vampires burn down every shelter in town and just die in the sun
That was retarded.

Enjoyed it a great deal and felt it did a good job of portraying how diverse people's relationship with religion can be; some people draw strength from it to be better people and other people draw strength from it for selfishness. The entire cast was really good as well, there was no one who felt out of place or like they were just there for padding and I like every performance. A legit 10/10 for me personally.

I might be misremembering but didn't the remaining humans burn down the vampires' one remaining shelter? You can still say they're retarded but being high off vampirism and becoming zealots for the cause isn't out of place in this story. They reaped what they sowed.

Yeah this was dumb. Also the main character was a whiny cunt.


Imagine the priest actor playing Bruce Banner in a non Marvel Hulk movie. That'd be cool.

Riley? I don't think he was whiny.

Absolute retards. They were burning everyone's homes to get the non turned out and then retiring to the Church but unbeknownst to them that got burnt down. They also all just went mental and didn't really give a fuck what was happening till later on then they happily an heroed in the sun.

I don't get fags problem with him. Dude killed someone in a car whilst drunk. Woman he loved had moved on and was pregnant. He had no job or anything and had to go back to a tiny island he left to begin with.