You wanna know how I got these feathers?

>You wanna know how I got these feathers?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>I'm an agent of chaos theory.

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I fucking hate you revisionist sheep. It's bad enough you fags think le birds are le dinosaurs but I've also had it with your shit saying it was normal and accepted to be gay in ancient greece, or, niggers built the pyramids we wuz egyptians and shit. How about you stop with the bullshit and quit confusing the minds of american youths. I'm sick and tired of you sjws pushing your gay nigger dinosaur bird agenda. Just fucking stop posting.

>times you were like the gigantosaurus joker
>visitors come around in their jeeps
>stay hidden in enclosure so they can't see me

>You’re serious, aren’t you? You’re telling us you ate those three young men in the jurassic park branded subway?

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The original dino joker. He was cheeky as fuck for this

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>You're laughing. Your species went extinct and you're laughing.

>Sailed freak terrorizes Sorna?
>Wait'll they get a load of me.

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> l used to think life always found a way…but now I realize…it’s a comedy….

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Hahaha. Whoa.

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>Dr. Wu is going to FREAK!

>Let me get this straight, you think the new spinosaurus is cooler?
>I do. And I'm tired of pretending that it's not.

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>You wanna know how I got fossilized?

>If, tomorrow, I tell the press that, like, a jew lawyer will get eaten, or a truckload of soldiers will be stepped on, nobody panics, because it's all 'part of the plan'. But when I say that one little woman will die, well then everyone loses their minds!"

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True believers understand that dinosaurs are a myth created by Jews.

>The only sensible way to live in this park is without gates!

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>le birds aren't le dinosaurs

What do you get when you take ancient dinosaur DNA, and fill the damaged sequence gaps with trash?

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>Do I really look like a clever girl? You know what I am? I'm a dog chasing jeeps. I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it! You know, I just... *do* things.

Greece was gay varying city-state to city-state though.
What they neglect is that it was mostly older men perving on younger men for pure sexual pleasure.

literal onion quote

Wait wait wait!
>created to be like the Joker

Why so saurus?

>Oh come kn, Rexy. Do I look like the kind of dinosaur that could start a movement? I killed that theri because he was awful. Everybody is awful these days. It's enough to make everyone crazy.

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Come on, Maaalcom

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>It's not about eating. It's about sending a message. Everything bites!

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all these "memes" made within hours of this (not-calculated) headline's release. very organic, thanks fellow netizens

how are these already so many joker dinosaur images?

How is there already so much Joker dinosaur OC already made?

> Not "Do you wanna know how I got these scales?"

It's been a day.

I'm not going to bother watching this trash but the meme are entertaining.

waste of digits

>niggers built the pyramids we wuz egyptians
This one isn't true. It was the Egyptians, who were/are Semitic.


theyre fake

>You just couldn't let me go, could you? This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. You truly are incorrigible, aren't you, huh?. you won't kill me because I bring in customers, and I won't eat you because you're just too much cholesterol. I think you and I are destined to do this forever.

This was posted yesterday.

So what will be the differences between this one and that white one from the first JW film?

>How about another joke Rexy,what do you get when you cross a mentally ill loner with an ecosystem that abandons him and treats him like trash?I'll tell you what you get, you get what you fucking deserve!

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>It's as though we were made for each other. Beauty and the beast! 'Course if anyone else calls you 'beast,' I'll rip their lungs out!

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>Jurrasic Society

>When I was a little lizard and told people I was going to be an alpha predator, everyone laughed at me. Well, no one's laughing now.

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red lipstick

There's so much homoeroticism/pederasty in Plato it's unreal

ah sweet a shill thread

You just know

And how quickly were CIA/Bane memes made?

I actually kinda like that color scheme.
Would be neat if they made a purple and green variant when that skin comes to JWE2.

>Nobody cared who I was before I evolved the claws

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Dinosaurs weren't real.
>be told dinos were a certain way
>the picture of them now is completely different
>and most of the species are confirmed bullshit because the cunts wanted fame and funding so put bones together like retards for the +1
If you still believe in "dinosaurs," your retarded ass needs to eat a curb.

I fucking hate feathers bros

At least they're kinda spitting in the face of featherfags by giving them this ugly fuck.
You get what you deserve.

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>Jurassic Clown World

>We live in a Dinociety


After the ending of the movie where the little girl releases the dinosaurs upon the world to kill thousands of people and it's portrayed as good and heroic, I'm not watching another Jurassic Park movie ever again. Hollywood has completely lost the plot, they are insane faggot retards. Even red fucking China understands heroism better than Hollywood does. Chink bugmen actually make better heroic plots than Hollywood does.

For me? It's Jurassic 5

I'm a gay bird and I assure you, we are related to the dinosaurs

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litraly me

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baneosaurus I am Jurassic park

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