This shit is terrible

This shit is terrible.

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I lost interest in Thompaon when I found out it was all "creative nonfiction" aka made up shit. This would be a great story if it were real rather than exaggerated and imagined bits of a bunch of different stories put together. Also he was a lefty boomer subversive, key component of the whole cultural decline so fuck him.


He was a proto 4channer coomer gooner and more like a pro-gun libertarian than a libshit.

Book is an entertaining romp but the movie is complete dogshit.

But you need to repeatedly come here to post about it? Curious.

Terry Gilliam IS a great director though and this movie is cult rather you like it or not. So what did you not like about it ?

No. Gilliam is the goat director fite me

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>more like a pro-gun libertarian than a libshit.
even worse lmao

Yeah but he was a subversive. People back then were not as retarded and you could do pretty much whatever so it is harder to parse than today when you can see in one second what someone is about. But he was still on the bad side. You can see this by his choice of who he supports and rubs shoulders with. He chose to attack tradition and not attack lefty nuts.

It's the only movie I ever saw that has an accurate portrayal of an acid trip. The visuals when he's in the lobby are perfect and the lizards are a representation of how you start seeing people's actions distilled to their most basic, bestial level.

why the fuck does it matter if it's real or not you tragic faggot? what, you don't feel as cool self-inserting now?


Its just glowie propaganda to make teenagers take weed and acid to turn them into docile zombies, Thompson was a glownigger(no surprise he was a crossdresser too which seems to be required to be one)

>reeeeee adrenochrome isn't real

The fuck are you talking about. The key passage of Feat and Loathing, the "high watermark", is a lament that the Free Love movement stopped and that its followers gave up the dream and accepted a normal conservative life. His other most popular book is an account of him following around the Nixon reelection campaign trying to fuck with them, amd a bizarre wish fulfillment fantasy conversation where Nixon admits to him in a bathroom that he's a piece of shit.
He absolutely was THE lefty boomer.

core pothead redditor movie



Where the Buffalo Roam is superior.

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They're called reptilians you rube. I thought the props were over the top and didn't capture what an actual reptilian is however.

The whole movie is a disjoited mess of practially unrelated scenes that just happen without any purpose or weight to them. Johnny Depp's acting is obnoxious and so is the dialogue. The humor boils down to "dude drugs lmao". It's boring at best and annoying at worst.

Del Toro being super menacing to the diner waitress was kino.

The fuck are you talking about? The vast majority of that book is him covering the democratic primary and talking about what weak phonies most of the candidates were. Did you even read it?

I don't think those kind of kids watched Fear and Loathing, the 90s or now.
And acid doesn't make you docile, most of the time the opposite. The only drug related things glowies ever did was DARE, rappers and the contra

You kid, but I actually get how people come to believe that some others aren't real. People who are heavily over socialized come across as robotic, especially in their facial expressions, and it's not too much of a stretch to start thinking they're not human at all.

How do you watch this and not put it in your top 5 comedies ever made?
5 or 6 big laughs in the first few minutes.

>Where the Buffalo Roam is superior.
No, but Bill Murray is a better Thompson than Depp

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I assure you, it's the better film.

It's not a story about Hunter, he's simply reporting it and he's also a character in the story.

That's Gonzo.

And the majority of Fear is nonsensical drug adventures, what's your point? The dem candidates of that era WERE phonies. Lefty boomers didn't trust any authority, they wanted social justice outside the system before realizing they couldn't, gave up, and joined the system to form the lefty foundation you know and seethe at today.
The point being, the key sequences of both books (not just the ones readers honed in on but ones he was clearly most proud of as he regularly chose them himself in public readings) are fundamentally lefty boomer shit.
Nixon bad man, Free Love was right. No libertarian would ever agree with either of those.

normies getting filtered left and right. You gotta be autistic or a schizo to like this movie SORRRY!

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I know, I liked the Hunter parts a lot but I thought the Gonzo parts got kind of boring after a while. The thing about Fear and Loathing is that there's never a dull moment and every scene is so full of things happening that it's hard not to get invested, Where the Buffalo Roam is a much more reserved film.

I watched this with my father and brother its nice

Wrong on almost all counts except Johnny Depps acting

Del Toro was 10/10. Fear and Loathing will always be a guilty pleasure of mine

I watched this with 's mom

>le democrats aren't left enough!!
Yeah what a rebel

>adrenochrome scene
i think gilliam knows too much

Different user but both of you are wrong.
This is easily Jonny Depp's best performance. If you've seen any interviews with Thompson then you'd know he nailed the character perfect.

Yeah it's a bit of life of a journalist that covers a race in Vegas and a seminar on drugs also in Vegas.
The journo did it on a lot of drugs to live the Vegas xperience at its fullest. And it was a différent context it was Vegas during the Vietnam War. Everything was a Silly distopia.

this happened

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Wew lad

Cheryl is hot.eeeeeeeeee

>The whole movie is a disjoited mess of practially unrelated scenes that just happen without any purpose or weight to them
Thats basically why I love it. There is really no plot, you are just along for the ride wondering where its going to lead..

>The whole movie is a disjoited mess of practially unrelated scenes that just happen without any purpose or weight to them.
Wow, just like the book it was based on.

The movie follows the book exactly, literally every scene and bit of dialogue in the exact order written.

I went in to this expecting complete and utter 0/10 but it was surprisingly like 6/10. The guy was no Depp at impersonating Thompson but it was respectful to the source material and he didnt play Thompson overly flandarized, he played the real Thompson. Not Raoul Duke

Dude drugs lmao

Theyre like driving a car... but THEY'RE ON DRUGS, get it?

I tried to fix it

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fun until the first casino scene but hard to make it through unless you're on drugs in my opinion


>cries about attackink tradition
where do you think you are?

One of my favorite books. Everything up to the race still feels like a separate movie and book.

Shame that Thompson was a liar and complete degenerate boomer who had the most boomer political takes you can imagine to the point he was a stereotype.

Not him, but adrenochrome is real. but Thompson was a liar who made up tons of shit all the time. He played a character and in the end had to put on an act for everyone, including his own family because he felt like he had expectations to meet up to.

This is in part why he killed himself. It made him depressed he felt like he had to be Raoul Duke all the time

One good scene that's it

I don't think you know what libertarian means

The books is enjoyable enough, nothing crazy, but I think the movie is only enjoyable if you're obsessed with Thompson or have taken hallucinogens. It captures the sweaty, creeping anxiety that accompanies tripping really well.
His beliefs are kind of cringe, but he really meant what he said and did his best to practice what he preached, even if what he preached was "everythings fucked, steal a little piece of America and get high and write all the time"
You must respect.

The high watermark is how the ideal was ultimately corrupted by the free love and drugs. That's why the wave couldn't penetrate past the west.

Nah, he killed himself because all the abuse he put his body through made him an incontinent retard living in constant pain.

Soft disclosure of reptilian humanoid consciousness occupying another dimension accessed by psychedelics and hedonism see term "lounge lizards" suit and tie wearing business types hanging out at bars for "business meetings" middle aged midlife crisis boomers too old to be hanging out but hanging out anyway why their repitloid consciousness gets to mingle before they leave back to their reptilian hive in the meantime they get to form their reptiloid cliques signalling "I get it" to each other in their own way not discovered not being found out until you take the stuff "it's illegal" why is it illegal but cigarettes and coffee are fine substances to alter your perceptions ever so slightly but the good stuff is "off limits" maybe it's so you don't accidentally run into alternative consciousnesses discussing trafficking substances made of human flesh "I tried that stuff it doesn't do nothing" yeah you lack the proper receptors for it the reptiloids get off on it why do you think he has the flag on him when he's discovered how to be a reptile it's because he's dead let the secret out and you're dead kill Johnny Depp I dare you I bet you ain't got the balls that's what the director is saying to the lizard assassins and their black-tie wearing minions you don't belong here you aren't in the right consciousness field yeah yeah see what happens when the public gets just the slightest hint of what you fucks are doing and oh it's a bad movie oh okay.

No one made you watch it?

the whole movie shows how quickly hippy rich kids washed up in the 70s and turned into pieces of shit, I'm not sure how your theory works