Movies about having a little skin in the game?
Movies about having a little skin in the game?
Beautiful and diverse culture. Let them in sweaty
White people have literally spent their entire existence slaughtering each other and only the creation of the atomic bomb and the threat of nuclear Armageddon stopped their bloodthirsty habits
They’re still doing that shit today. It’s called drug cartels
Aztecs are still cool though
To be fair the Mexica were told by their war god that they were getting soft and had to provoke a war.
Whites are more tolerant then most cultures and are responsible for ending slavery
Yes we are truly superior what's your point?
And they say Cortez was the bad guy for wiping them out.
And thank goodness atom bombs are mostly only possessed by whites. Imagine if every African country had atom bombs, or fuck me imagine if the Aztecs were still around and had them, we’d already be in a nuclear hellscape. Honestly thank the white men in your life they know how to wield such power competently, I mean imagine a black woman in charge of nukes, we’d be totally fucked.
The real reason a handful of Spaniards conquered the Aztecs so easily wasn't gunpowder, horses, steel, dogs or disease. It was because the Aztecs were surrounded by a bunch of client tribes who fucking hated them.
So by that logic the Spanish Empire's subjects approved of them.
They would’ve won anyway, a bunch of screaming retards with obsidian tipped clubs that literally can’t stop killing each other if they’d tried vs men with guns and horses and metal armor. They were just dumb fucking jungle people and they didn’t survive when confronted with someone else. Jungle races now have more going for them than the Aztecs did because they’re still around, if you couldn’t survive an attempted colonization effort it means you were just objectively shit. Look how many times people have tried to conquer the Chinese or even the Filipinos. Yet there are still lots of them around.
Of course someone would've conquered them eventually, the point is that Cortes' tiny band wouldn't have been able to achieve much if the Aztecs had "allies" they could rely on.
The Filipinos were conquered too.
Yes and there are still indigenous Filipinos around meaning they earned their survival even if it was just by hiding or running. Like 20% of flips are natives still. The Spanish did indeed fuck them up but they survived and that is literally what separates a loser race from a winner, just surviving. Lots of races are just extinct or will be soon.
yeah wow so barbaric that leaders of mexica had the balls to take a life with their bare hands when they did human sacrifice.
it’s much better the way the US has created an entire institutionalized, automated, and systemic form of human sacrifice that liquifies little girls all over the world with remote detonated drone deployed missiles and forgotten landmines. better still we’ll just send a platoon to one of our countless military bases all over the world where they harass the population, traffick little girls as sex slaves for dollars and drugs, and at the first sign of consequences bludgeon them to death, chop up their little bodies and toss em into a ditch outside the base.
yeah. barbarism died when whitey genocided it. that makes sense.
I am so, so glad that the red man is basically extinct in the US. Cry more leftys, can you imagine if we had an entire continent full of them in modern times?
Right, diversity goes in. That stops the proles from sticking together.
>White people have literally spent their entire existence slaughtering each other
When was wearing the skin of children ever an aspect of that?
whites never did savage things like this
we should have finished the fucking job, there's still too many treeniggers crying about columbus and their casinos.
you don't believe any of what you said
>whites are responsible for ending the slavery they started
Whoa, so tolerant
I went to a native reservation once during some festival they were doing and I listened to an overweight native guy bitch about white people while he was sipping from a starbucks cup for like 10 minutes.
We do a little trolling
whatever helps you sleep at night
to this extent maybe not
but people were brutal on the regular
whites just bred out the psychopaths because we killed them all
this isnt true in the middle east, south america, or africa
seriously bruh? ever seen that pic with a nigger looking at a cut hands of his child done by belgians?
every race that exists today has had savages, thats why they still exist.
Yes it is tolerant, history is bloody and heinous, and yet it was whites that stepped up and decided they wouldn’t do it anymore. Guess where there are still literal slaves?
Only one “white” country here from what I can see. Weird, isn’t it?
No one started slavery
don't forget your daughter-skin coat, it looks cold out.
they needed to learn how to worship jews and black people
Wow thats like so barbaric! Anyway Im off to have my son genitally mutilated just because lmao
your list conveniently leaves out the millions in prison slave labor camps in the US
There are slaves in spain, italy and grece today, the mafia buys and sells people on vegetable farms
Conquistadors did nothing wrong
Uh, retard? That picture was literally a white missionary showing off what was done to them by other Africans. The Belgian Congo never had more than like 250 Belgians in it at any point.
wow all countries just happen to be ones on the CIA no no list
how convenient
cuting someone's hand was always done in Africa to thieves and it's tamer than skinning some girl and wearing her skin as a dress to impress his father
This makes me kek each time
whatever helps you sleep at night bro
don’t forget to eat a NestleTM candy bar with your DoleTM Banana and wash it down with a Coca ColaTM— all three companies responsible for working little girls until their fingers fall off and they die underfed and alone in the corner of a plantation after America’s FinestTM slaughtered their parents for getting in the way you fucking cocksucker
>prison slave labor camps in the US
wtf? i thought prisoners dont have to anything if they dont want to
>White people have literally spent their entire existence slaughtering each other
Nope, try again
>OP about bizzare aztec customs
>turns into no u raceflinging
How did this tread deteriorate so rapidly
So how did the king take it?
They don't
This but literally unironically
Y u mad tho?
It's a good thing the spanish and the portugese wiped them out desu.
colored races have been having it easy for last 100 years and their shit needs to be talked about
Black women made the nukes you beautiful chode bastard. Learn some hystory y pipo
>White people started slavery
>Aztecs practiced slavery before Europeans arrived
So what you're saying is, Aztecs were the real white people all along?
>CIA no, no list
You are retarded.
There is no such thing inthe universe user
are they penalized on food rations or acomodations if they refuse to work?
Actually, India did.
Thry are penalised by getting buttraped and beaten half to death
Congo Belgian violence was nothing but anglo french propaganda
>OP about bizzare aztec customs
Ritualistic child sacrifice meant to get back at your enemies is a "bizarre custom" to you? It's a disgusting cultural practice, what are we gonna call the Greeks fucking little boys " a bizarre romantic practice" next?
I love how you concocted an imaginary scenario and then got mad at it and you think this constitutes an argument versus a historical fact of documented child sacrifice
holy shit is that true?
he hitted a pipe
This post glows
And do you think Indian women are white? Sirs please...