Castlevania and Halo

The two shows aren't comparable.

If they followed the events of Castlevania 3 exactly the show would have been an hour long lol. I knew they were going to do their own thing. I just needed to see Trevor Belmont killing a bunch of shit, so I got what I wanted and more (to say the least).

Classicvania games weren't exactly heavy on their story, and were more or less different flavors of "drac's back. Git em."

Halo on the other hand does have a well defined story that drives the games, so there's more in it's canon that people expect to see.

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Don't care. Different mediums. They can take any liberty they want. Nerds ruin everything so it's probably for the best

Based take.

Don't watch the show if you don't like it, simple as.

I was gonna watch this show but i nope'd the fuck out once i knew about the gay alucard thing (just fucking why). The fact that the director didn't play the games didn't help either. It's automatically shit in my book right now and i don't even need to watch it

and when they fail horribly we laugh at them here, simple as

You know you don't have to watch ever video game adaptation right? Nobody will notice or care if you stop

Castlevania was great and the games barely have any store or real lore.

Kys. They raped the Castlevania characters
Game Sypha:
>raised as a monk
>Serves the Church loyally
>Sent by the church to stop Dracula
Show Sypha:
>heathen Gypsy
>Says she's an enemy of God
>Says she needs to destroy the Church

Game Trevor:
>Church asks him to stop Dracula after Sypha goes missing
>Devout Christian, prays to Jesus before entering Dracula's domain
Show Trevor:
>anti-religious (like the show's writer who's never played the games)
>retarded drunkard

Attached: Trevor praying.gif (512x480, 1.12M)

Bragging about raping the source material

>Perhaps the most impressive feat about the entirety of the project is that much of its core staff had never even played any of the “Castlevania” games before tackling the project. Series co-producer and writer Warren Ellis noted that in putting together a story that would appeal to a general audience beyond those who play the games regularly, he was, in fact, the general audience. “My dirty secret is that I never played the video game, and had actually never heard of it previous to being approached about adapting it,” said Ellis.

>Warren Ellis: I have never played any of the games, never even looked at them. I wrote this entire show using Wikipedia and fanpages

>Warren Ellis: Famously, I never played the games, so I have no real knowledge of the series except what’s on Wikipedia or a fan page.

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Still better than the reddit/tumblr trash Netflix created

I say this and I look like this

the castlevania show was awful and I don’t know a single actual fan of the games who liked it

>castlevania... but alucard has gay sex and it’s anti christian for literally no reason
It was garbage.

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Doesn't Alucard aka the badass from symphany of the night get ass raped in the Netflix show? Good God imagine what they must've done to Soma.

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why the fuck does hollywood hate me and my white religious family?

What a disgusting gastropod of a man.

honestly both are bad,

>Halo is just bland, boring and ugly,

>Castlevania it's embarrassing

the dialogue looks like something written by a low IQ angry teenager who talks a lot of profanity because he doesn't know how to talk, and the dubbing is bad too especially Trevor, the protagonist, who speaks babbling incomprehensibly ALL THE TIME, I have to put captions to understand him

wtf op, castlevania fans hate the series they only like the fights

You're telling me you thought THIS dude was 100% straight?

Your gaydar needs a tune up.

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>no Grant
didn't watch lmao

Ikr. Not even a cameo appearance. Fuck you warren Ellis.

Where's grant you dickhead

I played almost all of the Castlevania games and I thought the show was fine.

Yes, he is. Why do faggots like you have to pretend everyone is gay?

It would have taken him 1 day to play Castlevania 3. How fucking lazy, christ

castlevania after the first season was so god awful. I am 100% sure the director god addicted to bath salts.

>looks like a woman's sexual fantasy
>"he must be gay"

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That's because there isn't a single fan who liked it

>Pasty white
>Soft body
>Magical vampire powers
>Dresses entirely in tasteful black leather
>Has the most luxurious hair of any character in the entire franchise
>Soft voice
>Very few traditionally masculine features to speak of

That wasn't enough to make you think twice about him being straight?

I... I don't know what to tell you dude.

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And yes a lot of women fantasize about men that are gay.

Gays dont exist in a vacuum. You're a weird product of evolution being unprepared for too much interconnectedness between tribes. Theres nothing genuine about your identity, you're a result.

Yes, I know. You're very triggered right now.

But yeah gays tend to dress and act a little different from straights if you haven't noticed.

>a side scroller from the 1980s
>compared to the Juggernaut of the 2000s


I didn't make these user. They're not mine

because they are legit demon worshipers, they worship moloch the brass bull also known as baal. that's also why they do child sacrifices

could have just watched the game on youtube

I was happy when he got outed as a sex pest.

Um sweety no, gays are going to replace you. Watch your kids

I'm just glad that it made chuds seethe so hard. Now the rest of us can watch our Castlevaniakino in peace while they mald over it.

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they don't you retards donate the most to zionist organizations.
They have to feed your Christian persecution complex so you feel more connected to your (((faith)))
The same reason little jew boys get told a even more over the top version of the holocaust by their rabbi to keep them afraid of people outside their group

Ok you explained what you're doing, and?

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The difference is that Castlevania has big flashy fights for the anime fans to cum over, Halo is devoid of both soul and good action

At least Castlevania started good and even season 3 has a couple redeeming parts that don't involve nudity.


Sorry I'm just not going to watch it (the subverted show) UGH I know I know I'm just not going to watch it is all HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Based. Plotfags are finally outed for the redditor crybaby consoomers they are

Halo is a generic sci-fi show with way too many genre cliches. We’ve already seen this sci-fi film/show, so we already know what’s going to happen. The bad UNSC are gonna be sanctioned with the Space Hitler leader getting killed and the bad Covenant aren’t that bad after all.

None of those triats apply to fags though. Why do faggots like you have to pretend everyone is gay?

So they stopped the shitty Castlevania adaptations right? I hope they don't rape anything beyond Cv3

gays have magical vampire powers? why haven't we staked or burned them all yet?

Because kikes hate Christ.

>they can take any liberty they want
Yes they can and that’s why there’s always the inevitable “Why do Videogame based movies/shows always fail?” threads being made here. Because they take liberties. Plot heavy video games don’t need changes. The only reason these changes are made is because some stupid writer or director simply assumed he could do a better job with the source material than the original writer who made something good enough to spawn multiple sequels, books, and a show while the garbage he made will get cancelled after the first season.

both shows are pozzed as fuck and are both garbage.

>plot heavy
Lol. They don’t fail because they take liberties, most shows fail.

Just because most people who play the games don’t care about the plot doesn’t mean it wasn’t there. Point is the games have a plot. The story is already there and if it was good enough to spawn multiple sequels then there’s no need to take liberties. The number 1 criticism towards any book or Videogame that’s made into a movie are the changes to the source material. Name one live action video game adaptation that succeeded AND took liberties.

he doesn't fit in with the zoomer tranime aesthetic

We do, yeah. You haven't killed us yet because we took a 2 pronged approach with the Jews to puppet master all civilization.

Resistance is futile. You can't win.

The only live action adaptation that I guess didn’t fail was the RE movies but I honestly don’t know how they made so many sequels. I thought they were all terrible except for the first one which I thought was just ok.

Everyone can be adjusted to fit into that. They were just lazy