season 5 is literally unwatchable
there's no way they can save it now
X-Box... thank you
wha happen
i dont know what this is
>here's the kids I was telling you about
no kim feet baka my head
They should of kept it under wraps. Way to spoil the surprise.
I don't know what this means but it sound serious.
breaking bad prequel series
yeah like with the felina teaser they showoed way too much but it probably helps ratings and gets people drawn in to see them return
who gives a shit
I hope its literally just Bryan Cranston stumbling around as a background extra in exactly one scene
undercover Lalo drives by while Walt tries to get the pizza off the roof
>Jesse rescues Gene from his depressing monochrome life and they become bros
Yeah, I'm thinking it's gonna be kino
As comfy as that would be Satan I think that both Jesse and Gene would want absolutely nothing to do with each other at the 'present' day.
How much does BSC overlap with BrBa? I've watched a few episodes and it seems good but based on how much it's posted here I think it's probly kino it just seems boring. I like plot-heavy dramas like Mad Men etc but how does bcs keep its audience captivated for so many seasons ?
>Way to spoil the surprise.
Nobody would be watching the surprise if they don't advertise with this. S6E1 will probably have more viewership than the last seasons due to this alone and then a huge drop towards the end unless they keep Brian&Bitch showing up every episode to keep the drooling retards hooked.
>How much does BSC overlap with BrBa?
The shit from s4 upward is pretty much the garbage due to that overlap you're asking for but maybe you'll like them. S1-3 have very little to do with BB.
Xboxbros, we won
It can't get worse than the season 3 episodes where 10 minute segments went towards pointless Breaking Bad setups. Nothing will top the useless Lydia and Gus visiting the future superlab site. Absolute reddit garbage.
So what do you guys think the appearance it going to be like? I'm calling that it's Walt and Jesse walking into Saul's office at the end of the "prequel timeline"
>how does bcs keep its audience captivated for so many seasons ?
kim and lalo
> I think it's probly kino it just seems boring.
>bcs keep its audience captivated for so many seasons ?
It doesn't. Seasons 2 and 3 are filled with so much embarrassing filler. Not plot-heavy episodes, not atmosphere, literal filler.
Seasons 4 and 5 try to spin things around but then it shits itself over the fact that the only original character in BCS is no longer in it thanks to redditors. It goes back and forth on callbacks (futurebacks?) to Breaking Bad until it's perfectly obvious the show doesn't deserve to exist on its own.
>the only original character in BCS is no longer in it thanks to redditors
What? Who are you talking about?
If that happens, it's probably before the season break.
times are tough
man needs to eat
St. Chuck, the one person who has been right about everything
I think Jimmy is going to see the full aftermath of Walts final stand on the news and that's what will inspire him to return.
Post is referencing either boring blanket bloke, bingo scenes, or old folks home intrigue.
But how does Reddit have anything to do with Chuck's death? You are right about Chuck being the most based character in BCS though, the show never really felt the same after he died imo
Season 1-3 had too much Chuck, felt like his storyline went a little too long. Now it feels like a totally different show
but why was reddit involved?
they didnt like chuck?
>this is all stupid
How is Chuck the most based character?
He's mentally ill, a divorcee, fat, old, a stickler for the rules and for the law (fake and ghey). He's also unlikeable as fuck and a cunt to his brother
What am I missing?
I’m hoping Chuck faked his death, and comes back to fuck over Jimmy one last time
Cranston has nothing else going on right now so will he still be wearing that terrible bald cap?
Because he wasn't wrong one time throughout the entire series. I know that his put downs on his brother seen harsh and extreme, but given what he becomes in BB, he was absolutely right about everything. Even everything that he says in his freak out scene(the one after the magna carte one) is correct, it just sounds insane because noone would believe that Jimmy would actually go through that much effort to sabotage his brother.
>He's mentally ill
So is literally everybody on this website, that doesn't mean that we're wrong about everything
Brainlet. Chuck is the very reason Jimmy became who he is. If Chuck would have just let Howard hire Jimmy he would have gone down a completely different path.
I was trying to find recent images to sugest he shaved his head but couldn't find any.
Modern day bloated Aaron Paul looks nothing like young skinny Aaron Paul, that was distracting in El Camino, not to mention fat Jesse Plemons
>Chuck is the very reason Jimmy became who he is
Jimmy is an adult you retard, I'm not saying that Chuck was right about everything, keeping him away from HHM because of his past was a shitty thing to do, but implying that it's Chuck's fault that Jimmy ends up becoming Saul(especially BB Saul) is ridiculous.
Nah, he lost some weight.
It's surreal to me that they didn't just require Aaron Paul and Jesse Plemons to lose weight before El Camino. I can look past them being visibly older, but Jesse gaining weight while being a literal slave, or Todd gaining and losing weight in between Ozymandias and Felina was retarded
It's really not. He tried his best to quit scamming and become legit and Chuck shat all over him. Your take is one of a brainlet.
Imagine falling so far in life as to be a user of this website and still believe that shitty people are a product of their circumstances in adult life and not determined genetically or at the latest in their early childhood
I bet you're one of those people that also excuses all of Walt's shitty actions because of his cancer and Grey Matter
Is it going to be post BB or? Walt is dead is he not?
I don't get it
>tried his best to quit scamming
Motherfucker was working at a job with a corporate car and was set for life but he couldn’t fight his true nature.
Chuck just saw him for what he was. He gave him multiple chances throughout his life and bailed him out of jail constantly. Why would you continue to try and help somebody whose clearly a danger to themselves and others?
Not at all. And you deflecting with your whataboutism only proves my argument is sound. Walt was a piece of shit and Celina literally hammered that point in to the head of those who didn't realize it yet.
Saul is a bad person, not as bad as Walt, but a bad person none the less. Are you forgetting about when Saul helped Walt poison Brock? Was that also Chuck's fault somehow?
Walt isn't a bad person.
Is this bait? Or are you actually retarded?
>The one person in life you look up to shuns you after genuinely trying to change for the better
Yeah that wouldn't affect someone's outlook on life at all.
No, and no.
Walt did nothing wrong.
>Yeah that wouldn't affect someone's outlook on life at all.
I'm not saying that it wouldn't, but one person you look up to being an asshole to you isn't an excuse to be an awful person for the rest of your life
Seeing as how Jimmy wouldn't be the criminal Saul Goodman without Chuck then yeah he is partially responsible.
Pretty obviously bait.
Care to elaborate?
I'm not saying it's a good excuse, but it is the direct cause. Saul was no saint but when he made an effort to genuinely try and change he was shut down at the critical moment. He was at a crossroads and Chuck's neglect at that moment sent him down Saul Goodman Ave.
No. If you didn't come to this conclusion yourself you never will even if it's spoonfed to you.
Go watch some superhero movies. You will never be able to understand antiheroes.
Jimmy would have been a criminal without Chuck. He might have never been interested in the law without him, so you could argue he'd never be given the platform to help out Walt, but he wouldn't have ever stopped scamming. Realistically, he would have ended up probably getting killed by some nigger in Cicero after trying to scam him