Who's the best Bond girl of all time?
Who's the best Bond girl of all time?
the russian one from russia with love.
Money penny.
The goblin with the knife in her shoe?
lol that's the only girl bond fucks in this movie
he literally simps for olga kurylenko and she just tells him to fuck off. what a fucking cuck. craig is really the worst bond
almost eva green, but her retarded accent ruins it
Italian mommy and her Italian mommy milkers
this guy has it right
this desu
no contest
Eat me
Is she looking at me or the waiter on the other side of the room?
She cute
both, she's a spy
You mean the best BOND?
Its 2022 user. Pic very rel.
why did boomer women have so horrible fridge bodies?
ESL moment
user, No Time to Die came out nearly six months ago. Your memes are over.
These are all men. Since when did Yea Forums lose the ability to distinguish between trannies and women?
>I spy with my little eye
Kill yourself tranny
If God meant for women to have dicks, Mr Kitt...
He would have called them men, Mr Witt?
>calls trannies women
>Accuses the person exposing it of being a tranny
Kys schizo.
Miss Moneypenny
Jane Duty Dench
The creepiest gays ever to have appeared on film.
The celloist from The Living Daylights. Perfect woman.
Also they wasted Gemma Arterton on this throwaway scene, she deserved more.
your probably both a little schizo ngl lol
Kys troon.
stop replying to obvious trolls
That's a man.
Why wasn't she the Bond girl for a whole film?
sexy but not utilized sexy enough
I forget which one is she from?
Her masturbation video made me realise that that’s not good pussy
the worst craig one, which had the sexiest bond girls, as much as i love eva green
Based. I wanted to tickle her Tcaikovsky.
This was the best bond girl threesome. But yeah, D'Abo was the best one.
ur mom's a man
Which was the one that Bond fixed her lesbianism?
The answer is always Eva
Pussy Galore in Goldfinger
based. just look at that shoulders to hip ratio
You actual onions faggot. You must be 5 foot tall with no chin and an ingrown penis.
i was going to say plenty otoole but you're right
How has she not been posted yet?
Best body+face+voice overall scored
She was actually based as fuck though
Gotta agree. Olga is so sexy.
gosh I sure hope no one posts the girl from the start of no time to die. Especially not the shots of her feet. That would be inappropriate.
wtf is no time to die
The vast majority of Bond girls are terrible. A lot of them are there just for eye candy and can't even fucking act and/or are completely useless characters.
I was going to post the shot of her feet but your post made. me change my mind.
> Vesper
> Blonde from The Living Daylights
> Short hair from License to Kill
> Ben Affleck's soulmate from No Time to Die