ITT: actors you liked until you found out they're Christian

ITT: actors you liked until you found out they're Christian.

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I like him but that troon movie was cringe

>ITT: actors you liked until you found out they're Christian.

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Learn more about the Jewish takeover of America.

>denouncing mackinohey
lmao what a retard

why would someone dislike White Christian Men? Jealously? Revenge? sexual insecurity?

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made me like him more

>((((((((((found out))))))))))
It's not like it's difficult to tell a white from jew.

He looks so much like my dad, I hate that. My dad was a notorious pedophile too. He bought my mom when she was 13 from her crackhead parents for $300 when he was 35 and kept her prisoner in his home deep in the country where no one could help and kept her there for 4 years until she escaped. Also he killed at least 12 people that I'm aware of. Good thing he is dead now. I found one of the dead bodies down by the creek buried in a shallow grave

ITT Jewish hate fetish.

Christians are objectively less smart. Look up IQ charts stratified by religion.

Triggered kike

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Made me appreciate his acting in True Detective all the more

It would seem the most intelligent people are a subset of Christians, in particular White Christians from the Anglo-Saxon cultural sphere.

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This butn unironically.

Before I was redpilled I was always curious why Jewish comedy writers attacked him so much. Same with Nickelback. So obvious now. Judeo Christian values, what a kike lie. I despise these vermin.

>ITT: actors you liked until you found out they're Christian.

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>actors you dont like anymore because they arent pedo satanic tranny faggots

Your kind is trash and nobody likes you at parties.

>being a christnigger

better open up your homes for nigger refugees from africa and turn the other cheek when a gun is pointed at your head!

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I agree.

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>posting that image

stop being christian

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The smartest people to ever live are all Christian

>this is actually how democrats think all day.

YIKES. Rent free bitch. They hate God and put themselves in Hell worrying about this stuff 24/7. Ahhhhhahahahah


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based, fuck christafgs.

>The smartest people to ever live are all Christian
according to christniggers the smartest people to ever live were jews

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it's not because of his christianity

it's that it's really clear once you listen to his interviews he's a literal fucking retard

I hate to listen to these retards but his book is really fucking dumb. when you listen to his interviews with rogan and peterson (who he admires) you can see how fucking dumb this guy is.

Or or or ! I can believe in God and be a patriot and haed working man.

>if your are this type of person i dont like that means you are all these bad things i think about

what a fucking idiot Kek
Parents should really make sure their kids go to asleep at bedtimes and not under the covers with their mothers '98 Nokia.

You will never kill my faith and you will never have any faith of your own in anything. Thats why you give up on anything that takes more than 5 minutes to learn.

>i dont like this actor because of a Joe Rogan podcast

Kek. Faggot normie.

how many refugees have you taken in yet? remember rabbi yeshua said that borders aren't real- you can learn by example from these fine people in pic related

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Have you read this guys book? His mind is fucked

Is he a schizo? True Detective break him?

don't care still love me some matty. guy has charisma out the ass.

even those he feels jewish..

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I like the guy much more now


heckin based masculine christianity

Robert patrick who plays T-1000 i found out was a devout Christian

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dallas buyers club was kino you got filtered

>devout Episcopalian
catholic or bust

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Not an actor but

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You can see that in his performance of Davey in The Sopranos. He has a true compassion for the type of gambling addict degenerate that he was playing, and he was able to better embody it than someone who approached it from a cynical perspective

Jeremy irons?

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Yes he’s an episcopalian but that’s pretty close to being Catholic to many Protestants

don't care once they keep it to themselves

Alec Guinness then. He was a devout Catholic.

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Are you posting this in every thread or what


Giant cope on his part, unfortunately, but makes me love him even more

Who is that?

I’ll have you know that’s the great Peter Steele


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tommy wiseau

Was Charlton Heston a Christian or did he just like playing religious roles?

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Real Christians are based
Faggot /pol/ larpers are CRINGE

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actually acts 17:26 explicitly talks about borders.....


>a g5… Aeroplane?

> "Catholicism guides me," Nicole Kidman says. "I certainly have a strong belief. I try to go to church regularly, and I try to go to confession."

jks. No one likes Kidman anyway.

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“Catholics” like her are disgusting

Real christians don’t reply to bait, fag.