What's your favorite blaxploitation movie?

What's your favorite blaxploitation movie?

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Black mamma White Mamma

the classic sweet sweetback's badasssssss song

Live and Let Die

Truck Turner

Jackie Brown

Black Cop White Girl

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Shaft is a good movie

George Floyd arrest video full 30 min dailymail.com


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that one from the theme park that was filmed a few weeks ago was pretty damn kino

WHEN is there going to be a decent copy of Gayniggers from Outer Space

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you posted it

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>Black mamma White Mamma
Beat me to it...

Good taste fren, I used to watch a sitcom with Pam in it and I wanted her brown feet so bad

Outlaw Johnny Black kino when?

yeah what is the story there, any news?


Imagine the smell of those panties...

based grierchad. foxy brown is great too if you haven't seen it.

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Black women are ugly

>Pam Grier foota
I will now watch your movie

Post production. I think it's MJW doing it himself or something.

Pam Grier was one of the few black women who managed to look vaguely colonizable desu.

Black Samurai. It has everything.
>Kung fu.
>Mystic evil demon cults.
>Mysterious islands.
>Cowboy midgets with an army of possessed white tribal people.
>Boobs and bush.

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Just fucking stop. FOOTA, SHITTA, ASSA, POOPA, none of these work. BOOBA works because S and A are right next to each other so it looks like a typo while also evoking "awooga" SECONDARILY. Just adding -A to the end of a body part doesn't make any fucking sense because it's not like you're gonna write FOOTS or SHITTS or ASSS or POOPS (well the last one maybe) but it'd poor memetic mutation and represents a dead branch which can't be elaborated on - i.e. POOPA PITTA ASSA FOOTA are all memetic evolutionary dead ends. So stop trying

More Yea Forums, but Coonskin

Also, the NAACP is ridiculous for hating on this awesome genre. I'd rather call them black movies than blaxploitation because that's what the Nigger double-A Child Porn called it.

Poopa works because it is the logical evolution of the meme to include hams as a play off of booba, not mentioning the fact that it is a mirrorgram of booba.

I'm not that poster; fuck you anyway.

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you got fucking wrecked dude

Black Panther.

No it fucking doesn't, it not only misinterprets the A but then further abstracts it in to straight up niggerdom by having it as a replacement of "er". BOOBA doesn't mean some guy wanted to write BOOBER and decided to get jiggy with it. POOPA is arguably the most missing the point

lmao you are this stupid. Opinion discarded. I will now post poopa, despite not doing it before, you fucking retard.

Good, it'll be easier to filter your dumb fucking posts since clearly critical thinking isn't your strong point.

Yes it does have everything
It's the best and the patrician choice
Check out Darktown Strutters my fellow blaxplo-chad

>can't handle a difference of opinion on Yea Forums
Oh no!

If it bothers you that much, why weren't you filtering it in the first place, rather than throwing a screeching chimpout about it?

Because if I bitch about it hard enough then it'll stop being used for any reason other than to spite my chimpouts, at which point it dies

>When you're being a poopa and not the good kind!

Actually, it's much more likely that, with a few more people using it offhand in the hopes of sending you into another rage, the 99.99% of people who have no interest in your existence will notice and some of them will start using it organically.


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Niggers lmao

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Hah, listen kiddo. I've been on Yea Forums since DAY 1, since it first fucking started. That's like 6 years ago. You were probably still in diapers. I think I know a thing or two about memes.

The Last Dragon

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Super Fly

buck broken

Bitching about the mods is a rule violation btw, so is ban evasion

since I posted this I watched it again and it's as kino as I remember it
downloading Mandingo right now

I've never watched one but that girl looks hot as fuck so im hoing to watch it now

>ban evasion
It was a 15 minute block newfag.

damn, beat me to it.


Her tits are gross.

maybe someday user

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Leprechaun in the Hood

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>When I see any shade of woman

I had to watch this shit for some post-colonial course I had to take in Uni. It was meant to 'subvert expectations'. Uni is a fucking joke

that movie makes me cringe like very little else i have experienced in my life. it's hilarious to inflict on people. then theres back 2 tha hood....

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jim kelly ruled

I wonder if no one ever drew the similarities between this and django unchained because they were afraid to say the title

i'm gonna git you sucka

Nigerian Scat Files

one of the most legendary pairs in the history of cinema