anyone got more pics like these?
surely robert will take notice right?
Clean it up janny.
Name that film.
This picture just makes me want to trash the place more, little crybaby bitch
>get job cleaning theaters
>get upset when you have to clean
If i were him i would just pretend it took longer than it did to clean and get out of doing other shit for a minute
>Spider Man fans
This would literally take like 1 minute to clean and I'm the laziest yoomer in the world. No soda spills and it's a movie theater so they're probably not expecting you to be particularly thorough, just good enough so the next plebs will stick their asses in the seats in a dark room.
I'd spill my drink on this faggot while he did his photo-op.
You want money don't you? Do your job and clean that up.
I havent been inside a theater in 5 years
I have some piss bottles saved up, any creative ideas on how to dispose them next month when I make my triumphant come back?
What if somebody had an 8 hour edging session and then went to some showing of a movie where their favorite celebrity actress shows tits and shot a GIANT load all over stuff during like the matinee when nobody was there because they know the shift of a cute girl who works there and that she might have to clean it up?
ever since the batman shootings i've been too scared to go to the cinema. anyone else?
I stopped going because the shootings stopped.
What even is all that paper?
For the ESLs who learn English on Reddit, nobody says "what even is" like this. It's like saying anime fight phrases in the train station.
Yes retard, zoomers say "what even is" all the time.
what even is that all about?
this is 100% "hey should we clean in between showings?" "nah fuck this job" Then make this fake ass victim trash post for trannie twitter virtue points
What even is this fag?
when people use that phrasing I automatically consider them subhuman
20 minutes with a pushbroom, if that
tampon wrappers
Thank god you forewarned me user. You know how much your opinions mean to me
enough to be worth your time replying apparently
why do that to yourself?
>NEET kinoisseur Chad leaves poop dick in the bathroom kinoplex
>minimum wage redditor virgin has to clean it up
Sure it's messy, but what's the big deal? He's getting money and all he has to do is put that stuff in the trash, takes like 1 minute
the "first world" has lost the right to call itself that.
holy kino
They wouldn't have had 20 minutes to clean it
Now kiss.
I'm pretty sure this kind of behaviour comes form all the post of the kinoplex jannies complaints.
why the fuck do they use broom and dustpans instead of just using a shop vac???
>tfw notice cute girl working as a janitor at local kinoplex
>took note of when she usually worked. what days and times
>go to movies during those times
>jerk off during the movie and cum on the flood
>know damn well she has had to clean up my cum before
Not even bad
what a pussy, in all my janitorial jobs i’ve never even been supplied with a scooped dustbin
How about "Is this even true?"
Or do you simply not use "even"?
>Attach a tube to it
>Run the tube down into a seat of a pretty girl
>during the movie, open a valve on the tube and force the piss through, soaking her pants
>whore will think she pissed herself
I worked in a cinema a decade ago and that's not even that bad. That's literally an armful of hard rubbish and a 3 second scoop job. And those seats and rows are fucking massive so you're not squeezing through rows while you work.
Weak cunt if he actually broke down over this.
The floor isn't even carpeted... that would take like 15 minutes to clean if you actually made an effort instead of standing around making videos with your phone
Youre a fucking idiot
In the movie theater there was this toilet in the men's room that was always out of order. It had duct tape but I swear people would just pee between the spaces in it anyways. Pee would be at the brim.
What I am saying is that I would rather clean this then have any bathroom cleaning duties.
I learn English on Yea Forums, not reddit (which I only visit sometimes to fap to reddit girls)
>take a job
>whine when you have to do it
What kind of weak bitch shit is this? Roll the trash can over and throw that shit in. You move row by row and then go chill until the next showing is done. One of the easiest fucking jobs in existence. People will always make messes. Its job security.
fuck off toxic prick
Until the cleaning robots take over...
I'm still talking like that, could give a fuck about if you like it or not
This is just an applied version of the shopping cart theory.
I don't get it. Why is he upset about cleaning that? There isn't even a spilled soda.
I just got back from a Red Wings game (they lost). This is pretty much what the seats looked like when everyone was walking out.
Better make that money doing the job now then before that happens. They don't realize how good they have it right now. They have no other marketable skills and they complain about something they can actually do.
My room gets messier than this and I have no problem clearing it up for FREE. Yet this useless lazy cunt can't bare that? Fucking hell. I bet the little fag dog walks now and thinks that's tough.
If I ever go back to theatres I'm going to purposely make a mess and show them this picture if they ever question why I did it. This little lazy faggot is why.
>nooooooo a job that requires me to do about 1 hour of labour and the rest I can sit on my arse eating hot dogs is so hardsdddd
They just use robots to further demean wagecucks rather than replace them altogether.
I intentionally tip them on their side so the old faggot that works at the Walmart here has to bend over to pick them up.