Recommend Lovecraftian films, I saw Underwater and didn't care for it

Recommend Lovecraftian films, I saw Underwater and didn't care for it

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You must be a big dummy or something

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more like underwear if you know what i mean

The Void

I do not understand??

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From Beyond
Prince Of Darkness
In The Mouth of Madness
just off the top of my head

Which Mass Effect is this? 2?

This movie was a pleasant surprise.

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Even Alien was a little more subtle than this. Not that I'm complaining ;)

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The ending though, woof.

Underwater was a bad movie. It was not without positive qualities but overall I didn't like it either. Too by the numbers and not worthy of the homage to Cthulu.

You've gotta have lore and existential dread...and Underwater just had a big CGI monster because they were pandering to the lowest common denominator.

Here's a list of the best adaptations and homages:
>True Detective S1
>Color out of Space
>From Beyond

If you like video games, check out The Sunken City. It's an open world detective game with tons of great references.

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I agree. The empty man had an amazingly strong first act, followed by and equally strong second act. Maybe they ran out of budget when they had to finish it but man, talk about a let down.

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Underwater didn't go far enough into the lore unfortunately, the ending was underwhelming, but then again I had high expectations

this right here, kino

tolkien and lovecraft are the most cursed threads on tv
never make them
no one here has read a single tolkien/lovecraft thing, they are spamming their decade old mouth breathing low effort retard memes
tv is alright for light hearted shitposts and flavor of the month current tv show, but this board absolutely can not discuss stories and ideas from the books in any meaningful way

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Underwater was frustrating because it had so many elements that could have been amazing if used properly but in the end they chickened out for mass appeal.
So I totally agree with you except i wouldn't call it a bad movie. Just an ok movie that could have been so much better. Kstew did a great job with the script she had, bu tit was a rough script. I still applaud their attempt at making a unique-ish monster movie instead of another transformers/fast and the furious cash grab kind of thing.

Fuck off buddy. You have provided the least amount of quality content in this thread.

There still aren’t any good ones

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we're talking about movies while you're screaming like a retarded faggot, stay on topic or kys yourself

It didn't feel unique at all to me. It was just a space disaster movie set in the ocean. The best qualities of it from my point of view were the sets and production design, which were really well done, and kstew. Her shaved head threw me off though. It was a decent popcorn flick but was completely lacking any cerebral qualities.

Reanimator and From Beyond get posted a lot but everybody forgets Castle Freak (based on the story The Outsider)

What do you guys think about what Hollywood is doing with cosmic horror/Lovecraft?

Thoughts on this plot?
>Gordon Hemingway & the Realm of Cthulhu is “set in East Africa in 1928 and centers on Gordon Hemingway, a roguish Black American gunslinger, who teams up with the elite warrior Princess Zenebe of Ethiopia to rescue the country’s kidnapped regent from an ancient evil.”

Absolutely agree with all of that but I did find the monster somewhat unique. Large sentient underwater god-thing with little humanoid drone soldier creatures that attach to it when they sleep, like little polyps. I think it could have been very interesting and unique if they had spent more time on it and treated it with respect instead of using it as a simple plot device that shows up in the last three minutes out of nowhere.

Oh another thing that i hated was the fucking humor and quips from that one guy. Doesn't he call Stewart a "beautiful flat chested pixie" or something like that at one point? Felt retarded to me. It was a damn frustrating movie

What was the point of all her pressing at her chest? I don't remember them saying she had a condition or anything in the movie. I could be wrong though since I hated the movie.

Could Sphere count as lovecraftian? I know it's Crichton but it has the same "unknowable psychological horror" vibe to me.

Well yeah, Underwater sucked and throwing in Cthulhu at the end doesn't make it Lovecraftian. Anyhow check out In the Mouth of Madness, From Beyond, Re-Animator, Dreams in the Witch House (Stuart Gordon directed episode of Masters of Horror), Color Out of Space, Event Horizon, and Castle Freak (the 1995 version - only very loosely based on a Lovecraft story).

Sounds awful, but I'm sure they delight in knowing that Lovecraft is probably spinning in his grave over this.

It even seems that they do it on purpose. Why are they so spiteful towards an isolated man who was afraid of everything? Is it envy because he, despite being a mentally ill racist, was able to create something unique and culturally influential?

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Beach House (lean, nice crescendo and the last scene is great)
Dagon (trashy but very fun, great sense of place, Shadow Over Innsmouth adaptation)

Re-animator is such a great fucking movie

Lovecraftian is more linked to cosmic horror whose manifestations are not hostile but rather aggressively indifferent towards mankind

You can see where this SJW lovecraft movement is coming from. Look at these reddit threads:

Cute boy.

I think it all started when they removed the bust of Lovecraft as the World Fantasy Award in 2015. Since then there's been a deliberate movement to inject as many joggers as possible into his work, if for no other reason than a "fuck you" to his legacy. WE LOVECRAFT NOW

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The Void, Kill List, Resolution, A Cure for Wellness, and The Endless all did "supernatural cult makes protagonist lose their sanity" better. I can't believe Jay Bauman memed me into watching this two and a half hour slog

The scene at the camp was really creepy and it had some good moments. But yeah it was overly long, bit of a slog.

Cutest boy

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propaganda never ends

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Black Mountain Side.

Awful garbage. Don't waste your time with this.

Probably for good reason.


Great suggestions. Was pleasantly surprised by Colour.

I guess I have to give them points for setting it in Africa where having blacks makes sense and the setting can lend itself to creative takes on the old ones and other creatures. Too bad it’ll be shot

Necronomicon: Book of Dead

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Is that Steven Universe live action?

That was my experience, too. It was a little heartbreaking to look at the squandered potential.

This leads me to believe that race mixing is a kind of Lovecraftian horror.

I need to rewatch this, I don't recall if it was amazing or shit.

Castle Freak is a fucking classic, I don't know how it's not talked about more here. Great story, great effects, the design is unique.
I read that at the time they didn't have the budget to market it so it got lost compared to other 90s horrors that were coming out.

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This movie was so bad I could only describe it an awful pile of scenes with a Nic Cage freakout every half hour.

Dagon is alright, obviously re-animator and from beyond

This is very comfy

>All this sex and rape
>In a lovecraftian movie
Reading the books and then watching these gave me whiplash.

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I love old stupid movie taglines

It's both

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Is Dagon the spanish one?

I used to complain about there being no big budget Call of Cthulhu adaption but now I'm glad. If it was made today it would be a horrendous pile of CGI shit.

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It's in English but yes it's set in Spain

It's literally unadaptable. The story is about a guy reading through a dead guy's letters and news clippings.

There was nothing Lovecraftian about it, it was a generic monster movie

I always liked this image of K-Stew.

Maybe she and Elliot (formerly Ellen) Page should do a movie together.

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