What's next for actress Kiernan Shipka?
What's next for actress Kiernan Shipka?
Hopefully a breastjob.
She's starting to become January Jones.
Imagine getting mogged by your tranny doppleganger.
Kek, look at this dude.
Sex Scenes
Nice duck lips you STUPID BITCH.
proof that exercise doesn't make you attractive
We need to go back.
>tries to get her big acting break as an adult that never comes
>eventually gives up, settles down at her 37th and gives birth to a few kids
>dies at age 89
looks like a female Elliot Page
One thing, I don't know why.
boobjob or nah
>Yea Forums wouldn't bang this
Once again proving this is the gayest board on this site. Even /hm/ isn't as fucking gay
>posts bug webms
>hates exercise
hmm I wonder if this poster is obese?
Hopefully a sandwich.
Sounds better than dying from heart disease at 47 while still living with your parents.
i am not surprisingly
The fuck
>outtie belly button
white skin in general is nasty as fuck
why do all these actresses cultivate this coked out look. It seems purposeful
Why is it covered in little bumps?
literally perfect
I would like that tummy for hours
January Jones and Kiernan 3some would be the peak of humanity
Hopefully she gets put on antidepressants and inadvertently gains 50 pounds. I sense tummykino in her future
Infertility from the looks of her
i can't believe they filmed this
her eyes aren't blue so into the trash she goes
add another 20 or 30 pounds and she'd be pretty hot
unironically too skinny she needs a few burgers in her tummy
Putting Ciri in there is retarded. Hers is literally just shitty makeup and selfies.
Because they're coked out
I love how every time I post there's some waifufag who's ready with copium. It's never the same one either so you know it's just desperate white knighting.
Guess who loves you? It's me.
i guess thot is going to show off a lot this summer
>I'm putting together a team
>a team of women who ran full speed into the wall
>no you can't point out my bullshit aahhh
nothing personnel
to answer the call. it is inevitable- the phone is already ringing.
Pretty realistic portrayal of having a daughter.
Nat is cute but she’s stupid as fuck.
>2ch*n watermark
Nice honeypot, glowie.
looks good to me
Hopefully a visit from the architect
she won
>Nice honeypot, glowie.
damn it user stop blowing our cover
we need to bust people who watch tiktoks
Well it was only one asshole forcing some imaginary "feud" one way, so a fitting end for his freshly walled waifu
>she’s stupid as fuck.
ackshyually *adjusts glasses* nat is in several AP classes
anyone else got a thing for walled women? it's like when people refuse to eat bread because it's got some green bits on it but I just stick in the toaster and eat it
Looks like a coke whore
>22 years old
It’s really sad when girls who dont have a feminine figure at all do lots of running and lose weight to try and get abs or a groove down the middle of their tummy but it doesnt make them look any more feminine or sexy at all
According to the Kikihaters, she's ALREADY had a boob job.
It's always baffling to me how many of you guys have NEVER touched a titty.
>this is a 22 year old woman
>am I cute Yea Forums
Yeah that's bad for you user
I put my trust
In you
someone get Brosnan on the phone
Ah here comes the butthurt faggot now.
Looks like you finally got some Shipka threads instead of invading others, unfortunately for you it's all negative.
she'll be fine if she never gets fillers again and gains some weight back. still gorgeous
Gwen Stefani is looking good these days
She looks 35 wtf
This monke has channeled Shazam.
Is she though?
>huge chin
>huge forehead
>brown eyes
>no lips
>drab face
Why the fuck all these celebrities are aging like shit? Don't they have access to the best doctors?
keeps my immune system employed and working hard
the wall is really brutal this year goddamn
Next time, Batman, I'll have the last laugh!
Almost certain I have masturbated to a tranny that looks like this. Unless…?
Veganism was a mistake.
nat is all lady
She's prettier than any of my female friends and coworkers
Not that hard to take care of your skin, ladies, don't follow Kiernan's example
Blondes with small tits... Yes please
>everyone in my social circle is ugly
That sounds like a you problem.
First, calm down psycho. Second, I'm not whoever you think I am. I'm just a Kiki appreciator who doesn't think her boobs are fake. I like her itty bitties.
You don't want no BEEF???
You can tell she has those Dormer type tiny flapjack tits
Ella Holllywood’s stunt double
No more low res garbage.
I'd fuck her but she could use some architecture.
She legit looks like this tranny that lives near me. No, I haven’t banged him since he won’t answer me on Snapchat…
ignore that other user, incels get uppity when you tell them to touch a real breast or my favorite "have sex"
Stop talking to yourself
post wrists
>itt plebs
this body type is absolute kino
Thanks I hate it