Retro Yea Forums - Nothing after the year 2005 is allowed ITT

Attached: 1608516321412.webm (1280x698, 2.09M)

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me being 13 wasn't retro

What is retro?

Attached: Gwendolyne.jpg (736x1024, 82.04K)

Attached: 1617919753435.webm (512x384, 794.98K)

This movie is batshit insane but awesome too. The aesthetic was cool too.

did i make this webm? i spent a lot of time looking at this scene.

Attached: elvira3.webm (1280x692, 2.94M)

i also got you, friend

Attached: gwendoline01.webm (688x320, 2.59M)

Attached: Actor-Christopher-Walken.jpg (230x275, 30.8K)


>anything after 1980
I hate zoomers.

Attached: elvira2.webm (1280x692, 1.17M)

why dont you post the movie title, hm friend?

its gwendoline or "the perils of gwendoline"

Attached: elvira4.webm (762x596, 984.06K)

Attached: Gwendoline2.webm (704x304, 2.92M)

Attached: Gwendoline3.webm (704x304, 2.92M)

haha yes! boobies! boobah haha! boobs!

Attached: Gwendoline4.webm (704x304, 2.9M)


Attached: mill.jpg (567x319, 26.66K)

Attached: Gwendoline5.webm (704x304, 2.92M)

the only booba worth viewing on the internet come from theatrically released feature films


Attached: 1649547113390.gif (202x360, 1.84M)

what year would you set it at?


1988. not everything before 1988 is retro but everything after 1988 is not retro.

What the hell is this movie even supposed to be about?


its one of those like 1940s pulp comics that was overtly about bondage and shit and they fetish'd the movie out a lot

>Gwendoline, a runaway nun, arrives in Hong Kong on a mission to find her father, who was last seen in the legendary Land of the Yik Yak searching for a rare butterfly. She's guided on her perilous journey by the selfish mercenary Willard.
from Imdb

Attached: Just Jackin.jpg (1200x1600, 642.24K)

Now I'm even more confused

For me? 2000.

it's basically an indiana jones style adventure with a bunch of "damsel in distress" with bondage and tits and stuff

Yea, it has a bit of Temple of Doom vibes

Attached: Taxi.jpg (854x480, 237.14K)

fair enough

Attached: mary ann and ginger.jpg (2382x1800, 300.92K) booba at ~3:56

The Love Witch. It's a new film but it's kino.

Attached: love-witch.jpg (1439x733, 251.58K)

that is one i didn't ever webm up, good rec

Attached: elveyera.webm (420x304, 272.09K)

God bless whoever put this on network tv for young me to fap to in the pre-internet era

Attached: 1516303616580.jpg (400x400, 20.64K)


Attached: Holli Would.webm (720x576, 2.63M)

Women sure do get pissy when someone wears the same outfit as them.

based edwige throwback

what software do you use to make webms? I still don't know how to do it without them ending up in the wrong format or too large to upload.

Attached: methode_times_prod_web_bin_821c8020-432f-11e8-9618-96ec7a8a2ce5.jpg (2347x1320, 434.55K)

i do all the video editing in blender but i output to lossless video. then i do command line ffmpeg trial and error poking numbers in til i hit close to 3mb

My God I bet his friends at school fucking loved that. He'll be wanking about it even today.

fuck. I was hoping for a simple command line tool or something. I guess I'll just stick to screenshots and youtube clips, although it's very limiting.

Attached: MV5BMTAyOTc5ZWMtMjBlMS00MWIxLThhMGItZmYzYjVjOTg3ZmIxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzEwMDM2NDE@._V1_.jpg (1023x766, 99.41K)

ffmpeg is simple...ish, can't do real video editing with command line though. I chop and move shit around to avoid stuff like still frames with talking and stuff.

>2005 was 16 years ago

Attached: 1638299686057.jpg (640x480, 11.66K)

I'd be happy if there's a command to just take a clip from x to y from a film and compress it correctly to work here. I can get the webms, it's just when I come to upload them, they're 'in the wrong format' or some shit


oh ffmpeg can do that all on its own as things get less and less simple. also timestamps? they're not really real, you can only estimate compressed video time.

as for 'in the wrong format' the .webm default is "libvpx-vp9" when Yea Forums only accepts "libvpx" so throw "-vcodec libvpx" in there before the filename. maybe, shit gets very complicated.

Attached: gallagher.webm (480x360, 1.61M)

I'm watching babylon 5 for the first time right now. it's actually pretty good. people said season 1 is shitty but I'm enjoying it, it's nowhere near as bad as season 1 of TNG or DS9. so far londo is my favorite character

Attached: londo.png (853x480, 748.83K)

Londo will remain your favorite character for forever, Garibaldi sneaks up the list though.

Attached: shampoo bottle blows severe loads..gif (385x243, 2.44M)

Is that Joe Rogan with hair?

Attached: 1637893923275.jpg (641x527, 40.04K)

I'll have to see if /g/ can help me. I have tried several times but even when the filesize is fine, it still complains. I just want to post good booba clips.

Attached: 1605123947811.jpg (900x873, 206.09K)

Tony Danza

Thank you

You can do exactly that. I rip from mp4 files into webms all on command line. You can specify time ranges from the source and output to webm - pulling from multiple source files is also possible by providing a text file list. You can also download YouTube videos directly via command line with yt-dlp too and then just chop those up and compress. Subtitles are easy to add in too.

Attached: janniestove.webm (608x352, 749.78K)

Attached: kilby.png (650x465, 276.28K)

Christine made men of those boys.

Attached: NJKLVCTBT3ZR76EWVM4GOSVMAE.jpg (1400x1047, 181.33K)

Added to list of movies to watch

I need a retard guide. whatever it is I'm doing is making it incompatible with Yea Forums, even when it's got no audio and within the filesize.
it's good fun user :)

The trick to remember is your times are "ffmpeg -ss ##:##:## -i .mp4 -to ##:##:##" is relative time to stop, 00:00:01 second would be start time + 1 second. it's a bitch.

did this one up for yous
> ffmpeg -i /tmp/128698-129063.mkv -vcodec libvpx -b:v 10M -qmin 16 -crf 18 -qmax 24 -an weird_science01.webm

Attached: weird_science01.webm (1280x696, 1.91M)