A Serbian Film

This masterpiece truly represents the great Serbian people. It's a manifest of the Serb spirit.

We all know about Serbian contributions to mankind like....uhh...such as...anyway

We all know about the many famous Serbs like....like...for example....well let's move on

This work of art perfectly represents the national soul of Serbia and her people

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Vafangool albo
Make me burek

>he many famous Serbs like....like...for example
Nikola Tesla was a Serb.

Wrong, he was a Turk

I like how this movie is what people will think of when Serbia is mentioned

Bullshit, he was a Serb. It's not even contested.

Sad when people should be thinking of Kusturica or Makavejev instead

He was a orthodox croat.

He was Russian

The cast unironically has some of the greatest Serb actors oat, I'd gladly back this up with their other performances. But that ultimately goes to show what drooling retards all theatre kids are and what happens when they're patted on the back for being up their own ass (since this movie was supposed to be a 'metaphor'). Actors are not very good people

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he was a true american

He was Austrian

he was a nigger

Someone already said that

He was Lithuanian, therefore Polish.

He was Bulgarian

Tesla was Hungarian

I am Croatian you retards.

Nik-Allah Teslooglu? Turkish as fuck

I dont think anyone ever thinks about serbia

He was greek

No you're not, you're Albanian

Burger here. Are Serbs even white? What race are they?

Gypsy turks

>Are Serbs even white

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you just did

Teslaj was 100% Albanian

i can't believe everyday life in serbia is really like this.

Nicholas Taysle was English

Why are serbs like this?

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It's just their rich culture

This is prime coomer material

>be serb
>side with Russia
>live in a shithole just like RUssia
>migrate to some west country like Germany France or USA Canada etc
>same time talk about how retarded and shitty the west is and how great Russia is (never migrate to russia tho)
Why are serbs like this?

What are some "TOP 10 MOST DISTURBING MOVIES OF ALL TIME" kinos that aren't in those same 20+ youtube compilation videos?

Martyrs is the only one i've seen that has been worth watching. The rest are all either boring as fuck (Salo, Melancholy something something) or not even that disturbing.

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They need another bombing

What happened in this movie

Nick Tessa was from the US of A.

The world did not even know Serbians exists before this movie. They have to thank this movie for presenting and divulging their country to the other nations.

How come such a small country causes so much seething?

It's like a part of the population is in favor of the west and the other against. Nah they are probably just dumb.

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More like pity and disgust


Nicolas Sebastian Fernando Santiago de la Trinidad Cortezla was clearly Spanish

He was North-Western Macedonian.

It's really interesting that serbia is so controversial on the internet when in reallity it's just a chill place. It has all the same problems like others countries like state corruption. Nothing out of the ordinary.

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Our neighbors hate us with a passion even though they're just Serbs who converted to other religions.

second human centipede film goes a lot harder and is more interesting

3rd human centipede film is terrible though total waste of time

this is why you live in a shithole that will never improve.
Just read your comment and think over it when you realize whats wrong with it and then you fellow serbs realize it too Serbia will improve.

By american's standards yes by european's no

well the hate is mostly on the past grudges. Not much to do. It will die out with the umpcoming generations.

There's nothing wrong with it though.

you should visit the shithole sometimes. you would be pleasantly surprised.

done it like 4 times. Bulgaria and Greece are better never been to Romania

Nuckolas Tizlah was from New Zealand

>never been to Romania
No one has

It shows serbian culture and people on their daily lives.

Begotten, but it will absolutely test your patience

how pathetic you need to be to make fun of serbs
like we all understand laughing at americans
are you a bosnian

Exactly. All these Russian supporting retards that are loud about how bad the west is, would never want to leave the comfort of the civilized world to live in the Russian dictatorship.

Whats the difference between Albanians and Serbs?

The only discussion worth having about A Serbian Film is the one that's no one in this thread has even bothered to ask?
Which version of the myriad cuts of this film (some based on nothing more than what the censors in your particular country allowed to slip by, or content they felt deserved to be expunged) is the definitive version?
And has anyone seen the so-called Ultimate Directors Cut that was announced a few years ago?
Was it even released as promised?
If so, what differentiates it from every other cut?

Albanians conduct business a lot better than us