Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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the ring


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>give it us my love
were they banging each other?

Still one of the most kino openings ever

Deagol. his fishing stance was awful allowing him to be pulled into the water and finding the Ring. it's ALL his fault.

>Ring was found in a Shire river
>Isildur was on the other side of the Misty Mountains when he got ambushed and lost the ring.
thats not how rivers work, BRAVO TOLKIEN

Anduin isn't in Shire though


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exactly, and Hobbits dont leave the Shire so why was the Ring in that river?

It wasn't. They aren't hobbits, they're a race similar to hobbits.


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I love that they used the shot in Fellowship of a hand grabbing the ring from the river letting you think it was Smeagol, and then revealed it was Deagol in Return of the King.

wrong, they are Stoor Hobbits.

Two jews fighting over a penny

Tolkien is no hack, the Ring was found in the River Gladden that runs off the River Anduin, the place Isildur died.
filmfags KYS

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Sauron did nothing wrong. He was a craftsman and an engineer by nature who wanted to industrialize and civilize Middle Earth. Orcs were an industrious race and their skill with machinery would have been beneficial for everyone if Men and Elves weren't prejudiced against them. Quality of life would have been better for all under Sauron's rule. Unfortunately the good guys lost and Middle Earth was likely doomed to centuries of disease and famine that could have been avoided by Sauron's technology.

smeagol got a little out of order and insulted deagol a little bit

go to bed sauron

How did he get hired?

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>boon to society
(((wow that sure sounds familiar)))

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He wormed his way in.

Maybe a fish swallowed the ring, and then a bird caught the fish and carried it, and then other shit happened.

maybe u swallowed my cum... then left my dick in ur mouth and carried it... then other shit happened.

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Good handshake technique

>They aren't hobbits,
They are Stoor hobbits that migrated back to the Anduin after the Witch-King of Angmar threatened Eriador (most Shire hobbits are Harfoots with some Stoor and Fallohide admixture).

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diversity hire

He was a Dunlending. It was a cautionary tales about dangers of racemixing (see: Isengard).

lied on his cv

It's a term of endearment but your porn-fueled brain can't see past that

>My name is Grimy Rotcorpse and I’m here to interview for the position of Grand Vizier

I like their clothes, they seem very English, the kind of stuff the man himself would wear. I know they are not Shire hobbits, but it's a comment on the quality of the wardrobe in the movies

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>out for a walk in the woods
>dressed to the nines
Tolkien is such a chad

He was, he could roll his r's and everything


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fpbp & checked

it was the guys birthday

The fish

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Isildur had the One ring. He should have had command of all those around him plus even the orcs bowing to him. Also he was one of those Ubermensch from stronger generations before Aragorn. Aragorn can take on multiple Urukhai easily. How the hell did some small band of orcs get the jump on him? Powerful people like Theoden or the King of Gondor wouldn't be going anywhere without a huge retinue, so why was Isildur?

I get that the ring didn't necessarily want to work for him, but it was already corrupting him. You'd think it would want to convince him to make war on the other factions and set things up for Sauron's return instead of getting lost in a river for thousands of years.

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>tfw will never save Sméagol from his fate

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The ring chose to fall off his finger

he did have a huge retinue though, about 200 strong

It was thrilling to witness in the theater as a 9 year old lad

this. the Orcs would have been under Isildurs command while he wore the Ring.

200 of the ancient badass humans are defeated by orcs? How many orcs were there, 2000? Did they have trolls and felbeasts?

>ugly people are bad

Ugly people are ofentimes ugly inside as well.
They feel their inadequacy, see themselves in the eyes of others and it rots their hearts out.

Based and Grondpilled

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I never understood this scene, so smeagol was always crazy? so much for the thing's power

>Subvertio MacLiesabouthisintentions

This faggot

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Reminder that he is YOU, the reader

knew it was gonna be TOM FUCKIN BOMBADIL before i even clicked it

smeagol took one look at the Ring and it instantly took his mind

you now realize how much willpower and determination Frodo had to have to push through

This, but also Smeagol for being a shit hobbit(?) to begin with. Deagol did nuddin wrong

Deagol looks like a queer.

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>thanks Jackson

They were attacked by an army of orcs which destroyed them. The orcs themselves were routed by dwarves who arrived too late.


>t. barrow wight

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so true. Tom could have kept the Ring safe and stopped all this nasty business.

Here's a direct quote from Gandalf
>He doesn't give a shit about anything and probably would just lose/throw it away

yeah it's implied that smeagol was already kinda evil or greedy. that he wasn't that good.

perhaps that's why the ring wanted to be found by them

There is no others answer, this is the correct one

Here's a direct quote from Elrond
>We should have given it to Tom Bombadil, but he was too big of a faggot