Miyazaki on Lord of the Rings

Miyazaki on Lord of the Rings
>“How many people are being killed in attacks in Afghanistan? The Lord of the Rings is a movie that has no problem doing that [not separating civilians from enemies, apparently]. If you read the original work, you’ll understand, but in reality, the ones who were being killed are Asians and Africans. Those who don’t know that, yet say they love fantasy are idiots.”

Miyazaki on Indiana Jones
>“Even in the Indiana Jones movies, there is a white guy who, ‘bang,’ shoots people, right? Japanese people who go along and enjoy with that are unbelievably embarrassing,” he explained. “You are the ones that, ‘bang,’ get shot. Watching [those movies] without any self-awareness is unbelievable. There’s no pride, no historical perspective. You don’t know how you are viewed by a country like America.”
source: faroutmagazine.co.uk/hayao-miyazaki-hates-hollywood-films/

Is he right?

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>How many people are being killed in attacks in Afghanistan? The Lord of the Rings is a movie that has no problem doing that [not separating civilians from enemies, apparently].
he definitely did not even watch any of these movies

No hes a fag

Okay? I still like Miyazaki and Lord of the Rings

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Miyazaki has never been wrong about a single thing. It's time for you manchildren to grow up.

>calling other people children while enjoying Japanese cartoons for kids

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pretty sure this old man loves cunny

miya is right /thread

He might not be wrong but he is a hypocrite. I've seen this shit posted maybe a hundred times but everyone on this site is as dumb as he is so nobody ever explains.
This faggot probably lives in Japan, right? A place that's entirely Japanese. Why doesn't he go live in some diverse shithole if he loves diversity so much? You just know he doesn't so he's pretty much just complaining that it's white people killing non-whites in a movie. I'm sure he'd be okay if it was Japanese killing non-japs.

>yet another "spics pretend they understand LOTR" thread

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Cry more you nip fuckward lol

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I think he’s right but I don’t care, his shithole “country” lost and lost bad. Losers always whine about shit like this. Maybe if your nip countrymen weren’t dumb enough to run into machine gun fire at Peleliu you might have gotten somewhere.

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I'll take Miyazaki shitposting over Hideaki Anno faggotry literally any day. At least Miyazaki's takes are completely harmless and easy to dismantle, Anno's schizo garbage knows no bounds and has ruined generations of weebs.

>I think he’s right but I don’t care
That's pretty what I said.
>"um excuse me white ppl but ur favourite movies" are about genocide
and everyone isn't a fucking retard is like
>yeah okay thats why we enjoyed it

pretty much what I said*

Tolkien has rejected allegory numerous times. Everyone buying into external narratives is detached from reality. Fantasy is not reality, it can have elements from real life but that does not make it so.

>>“How many people are being killed in attacks in Afghanistan? The Lord of the Rings is a movie that has no problem doing that [not separating civilians from enemies, apparently]. If you read the original work, you’ll understand, but in reality, the ones who were being killed are Asians and Africans. Those who don’t know that, yet say they love fantasy are idiots.”
What drugs was this yellow jew on?

He's a hack and the most overrated non-American director of all time. He's never heard of the concept of a character arc and all his movies drive home the same, on the nose messaging. He's been carried so fucking hard by his art directors and Hisaishis music.

Princess Monoke is the worst Disney movie I have ever seen. Who cuts off heads with arrows?

Nigga u gay and are probably trans so kill yourself

Yep, he's in denial tho

Troons love monoke, retard

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Aren't nazis the villains in Indian Jones movies?
What the fuck is his problem? I bet he loves how homogenous his country is

I wonder if he knows the history of his own country because Japan fought with the Nazis.

He's not advocating for diversity. He's being nationalistic, and is lambasting any Nippons who consume American media which doesn't respect Japanese people.

white supremacists probably think its jewish propaganda, brown people think it's white supremacist propaganda
you really cant win with casting a white man and it makes sense why they're trying to get them out of the industry altogether

Dearanged old fuck who cares what you think

>it's another "whites larp as frodo" thread

yea yea how could sauronman betray us, you fool

I think his point is white people are the pro and antagonist and all the brown locals are mostly just chaff. And then there is Temple of Doom.

I love Miyazaki now

Maybe brownies should make their own media in their own countries

Tbh, he's fucking right.

LOTR is still based if you consider the orcs to be the US mutts and asians and white alliance against mutt.

the japanese do and it shits all over white man movies about black people

Then again, Miyazaki went on to make With the Wind rises, where he glorifies the fucker who designed the Mitsubishi planes.

It's like wtf man?

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>make 3 hour long movie of a little girl walking around doing jackshit
>animate the mouth extra hard
Wow what a legend

they're cool planes

Spirited Away is basically a criticism of western colonizing asian culture.

But the real meat of Miyazaki has always been Mononoke-hime, it's this most war-like and political flick.

His problem is he hates you and like all liberal cuckold transsexual fetishists he hates whiteness.


The real meat is that he’s a tranny
You’re going to die

we're all going to die

Thank God for that. One day you'll have been on Yea Forums as long as I have at this moment and you won't fear death. You'll understand.

Cool, now ask him about Nanjing.

i've been here longer than you

Have you? You didn't even attempt to prove it. Explain after I've hidden your post and continue adding to my filter list despite having most of the board filtered.

ask about nani? nanjing? never happened.

>Yellow Jew
Nailed it.

Never happened but they deserved it, unironically

Have you watched the film, what did you think the tone was?

t. Weeb
Take it from someone who has lived throughout South East Asia - the Japs are hated for their subhuman actions during WWII. Most of these countries more or less hate each other but agree on this.

actual monkeys

Nope, but watching the trailer, I don't see the condemnation.

Miyazaki is an actual leftist who acknowledges Nanjing so you won't get him there.

Truly strange that he made The Wind rises though.

This yellow kike lives in a glass house.

>acknowledges Nanjing

Most japs acknowledge Nanjing except for their far right.

Oh wait, most japs don't even know Nanjing happened, they would be surprised if you bring it up.

It’s not strange retard he’s just an unashamed nationalist. He’d be honestly completely fine with you being murdered for his country, he’d have no qualms knowing you were bayoneted in your bed at night as a child even if you really liked his movies. He makes his movies for jap kids and any one else well that’s just extra money. Wind rise plane man is alright and gets celebrated exclusively because he’s a jap. If he were any other race Miyazaki would fucking hate him.

He's a leftist and denounces war all the times, even japanese ones.

He didn't even show up in the Oscar because US invades Iraq.

Is he the Japanese Alan Moore?

lol sure
Kindness and charity are almost never repaid
If you died in a war against his kind he would ignore it at best or laugh at worst
He’d make a movie glorifying the guy that did it before he mourned you at all

>muh afghanistan muh raycis
three nukes next time

And yet he hated eien no zero. I don't think he likes a lot of things, not even the movies made by his son.

Okay so he's based


I like his movies but he sounds like an insufferable faggot.

>in reality, the ones who were being killed are Asians and Africans
Imagine identifying with orcs

Is he talking about the orc miners?

He's talking about the flood, probably? But yeah I agree with him, it's like that episode of Black Mirror where the soldiers think they're shooting super roaches when in reality it's other humans and they're being blinded by whatever it is, same thing in LOTR with >all orcs bad, also
>Those who don’t know that, yet say they love fantasy are idiots.
It do be like that sometimes

>>“Even in the Indiana Jones movies, there is a white guy who, ‘bang,’ shoots people, right? Japanese people who go along and enjoy with that are unbelievably embarrassing,” he explained. “You are the ones that, ‘bang,’ get shot. Watching [those movies] without any self-awareness is unbelievable. There’s no pride, no historical perspective. You don’t know how you are viewed by a country like America.”
I get the overall point, but who fucking kills japs in movies? Like how many asians are killed by Indiana in all three movies?
And in LoR it's literally orcs and elves, the only human race is white. How can it be racist?

>He's talking about the flood, probably?
Then he doesn't understand the source material, probably?