What's the best "dude weed lmao" movie?

What's the best "dude weed lmao" movie?

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wow thats a bigger vocabulary than your average pol tard

hey so the same amount of words as Yea Forums!

Fuck there are so many mysteries that will never be answered in my lifetime. I’ll never learn so many things about the universe. I’ll die before we make it to other planets, before we find out what’s out there in the universe. And once I die that’s it, that’s the end. No afterlife, no more experience. Just my shitty wage job and the two or three times I got laid. I was just another flash of existence, a tiny fragment of the universe pondering itself for an attosecond. What a waste. I used to be suicidal, now I’m scared of death. Im scared of the nothingness, this is really it. This is all I get and I’m wasting it here, waging, or watching stupid bullshit on YouTube.

I've been shilling this movie too much lately, but I can't think of a more appropriate one.

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This is so clearly not true. If he'd said 'up to 50 strings of code' it would make sense. Language is so far removed from 'code' as to be a terrible anaology.

>shitsucking dilatorzoids have arrived

your verbosity irritates me. this isnt plebbit

What do mushrooms even talk about
"The soil was really good and moist today"
"Yeah top fucking stuff man"

Humans will not colonize another star system this time around, user. This isn't even a type 1 civilization.

Oh no! Have i angered you?

Your /pol/ boogeyman is as imaginary as you being a woman.

You should be better company to yourself.

Sci-fi is so whacky haha.

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I’m not a redditor, I don’t use discord and I don’t have any friends who would listen to this kind of stuff so I have nowhere to talk about it. The OP pic just reminded me there’s so much yet to be discovered that won’t come in my lifetime.

No. You're much too stupid to be taken seriously in the first place.

What's there to discover, retard? Some rocks flying through space? Some rocks in orbit? Some rocks sitting still?

It will be a feedback mechanism like your synapses are but this guy wants funding so he can pretend what we already know, that fungi are connected like a neural network, are chatting about the weather and calling the trees fags

Considering that most of /pol/ supports Ukraine and NATO these days you're correct.

Lmao this. Their entire vocab consists of
>kill yourself
>you will never be a woman

Lol made you reply

What a strange thing to get upset about

Elaborate, friendo

I honestly don't know if the unknown discoveries are worth the unknown losses. maybe someone in the future will look to our times and become angry at how we squandered what we had and what we can experience, simple things like forests and sunsets. things they can only experience through simulation.

>What a strange thing to get upset about
IFLS and hippies are two sides of the same cancerous, delusional coin.

Recommended reading...
The Enneads - Plotinus
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
Meister Eckhart - Complete Works
Self-Knowledge - Swami Nikhilananda
The Secret of Light - Walter Russell

That should assuage your fear of death a bit. Consciousness is eternal, the personal self is an illusion, and death is nothing but a misconception.

I'm not replying.

You are delusional

Redditor detected

I can shut on/off your consciousness at will just by making you breathe some gas lmao

>ask a question
>get an answer
>respond like a literal child
No more (you)s for the tranny


Yes, that's because my consciousness is bound to this body until my brain is no longer active.



No, you're just turning off the car.

what happens to your eternal consciousness when I slam you over the head with a sledgehammer and you become (more of) a retard?
and disassembling it for parts

>I will never have a psychic mushroom wife with a big butt who cooks me food

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I had faith up until a couple years ago, I believed in a God and all that (Christian by convenience, I’m saved because of Jesus and so on so I can do whatever I want), but I’ve taken a more realistic stance recently. Everything we experience is signals in the brain, our senses, memories, thoughts, they’re all electric bursts. There’s nothing outside of that, at least nothing we have evidence for. There’s also no evidence of anything about us being transcendent (eg a soul), so when we die and those electrical signals end, that’s it! I can’t comprehend nonexistence. I just can’t wrap my head around it. It scares me. It scares me that it’ll truly just end regardless of whether I felt it was fair, or whether I felt I did enough with my time.

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I actually copypasted a response I gave to another user a while back about the nature of consciousness. I'll start with the very basic stuff:

Our consciousness is the result of information in our grey matter interacting as it processes information gathered from the environment by means of the senses; this of course produces the experience of feelings, thoughts, actions and memories. Consciousness, as we experience it, is essentially the brain processing and interpreting feelings, and then using that information to modify our internal models of how the universe works according to how it actually works – it's felt uncertainty.

Now, while our experience in this world may be rooted in so-called physical processes, I don't believe the consciousness that humans typically experience is even close to being the highest form of it. But before I address this, it's important to understand a few things.

First of all, consciousness is not personal. The feeling of being an individual self is based on the need to discern differences in order to navigate the world. But the fact is, everything is connected. We are the result of an unfathomably complex sequence of events that led up to our existence as a species; these events account for (almost) our entire being, and will continue to echo inside us for the rest of our days; therefore, we all share essentially the same consciousness.



But we can't just trace everything back to evolutionary developments here on earth and call it a day. If you want to gain a complete understanding of consciousness, everything must be traced back to the source – i.e. God (or the universe if you prefer) in it's purest state. This source would have to be uncreated; it would have to be the simplest thing in the universe, but at the same time the most complex because everything it creates is a manifestation of it.

The way I see it, we are direct extensions of God the Father (the source) that allow it to explore it's creation through a variety of forms and sensory experiences. But more than that, we are essential to God's beingness because everything exists in relation to other things (or at least the illusion of there being many things).

You win the game when you realize the only thing that actually exists is God, and that everything but light, love and pure being is an illusion. If the illusion of the self and the notion that the physical world is all there is persists, you'll continue to be bound to it.

Your cow wanders into some shrubs, eats the shrubs. Shrub releases chemical to alert other shrubs to it being eaten. Shrubs start increasing their concentrations of toxins in order to poison the herbivore so that it will have to stop eating them sooner.

That doesn't mean they've got "language". Language is extremely complex and only humans can do it. It doesn't matter if your mushroom or your dog or your fucking monkey understands tens or hundreds or thousands of words. They still don't have language.

I’m super tired so I can’t really process what you’re saying but rest assured I’ll come back and read it later. But what I gathered is you believe in a transcendent consciousness because you believe in God. I just can’t believe in God. I used to, but I don’t anymore. I don’t know why it just kinda flickered and died, much like the rest of my passion and faith in other things. I feel hollow. I can’t make myself believe. I can only hope it’ll return at some point, but for now I’m lost in the darkness, waiting for the end.

>only needs 50 words to communicate

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Everything about you that you cherish is not part of your consciousness. Consciousness is the shitty, unsophisticated, dull-witted press secretary of the actual creature. It's ignorant about 99.99% of the things that go on inside of your head and your body, most of it by design. The consciousness is too retarded to manage even the simplest biological processes. It can't even manage social problems. It can barely fucking do math. You can be blind and think that you can see, or see and think that you're blind. You can look at a plate and CONSCIOUSLY only see half the food on it, even though your eyes and your brain is aware of all of it. You can consciously think that things are true that you KNOW not to be true because your brain will hide that knowledge from you, the same way that a CEO might hide things from their press secretary that they don't want them to accidentally reveal while interfacing with the media. Which is the purpose that the consciousness serves. To interface with other humans. And to do so poorly and ignorantly, so that, as a manipulation strategy, your true motives can remain hidden behind a veil of plausible deniability.

consciousness may as well be a synonym for ignorance and retardedness

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>But what I gathered is you believe in a transcendent consciousness because you believe in God
Not quite. It's not exactly transcendent because the idea that you're apart from other things is an illusion. Your consciousness doesn't transcend the body when your brain ceases to be active because consciousness itself doesn't exist at any particular location – your body just acts as a vessel for a particular KIND of consciousness.

I have a trinitarian view of God.
God the Father: the source which is eternally giving birth to the universe and itself simultaneously.
God the Son: 1st tier - conscious beings. 2nd tier - enlightened beings
The Holy Spirit - the essence of the God the Father (the source) which flows through everything (energy perhaps)

But ultimately it's all one. God is all that exists.

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So will vegans stop eating them now?

Aw that's so cute

I can sever the connection between your brain hemispheres and split your consciousness in two. your head will contain two independent consciousnesses, with two different opinions on everything that happens. they will also both constantly lie to each other and rationalize things to themselves to conform their perceptions of reality to their expectations of it. you could also do something similar by sedating half the brain at a time; your consciousness will be erased and replaced by a new consciousness generated by the unsedated part of your brain. which will then be erased and replaced by you again when your sedated hemisphere reawakens.

the consciousness unambiguously is something the brain does. it can trivially be manipulated in all sorts of interesting ways at will. although usually you don't wanna go around cutting up people's brains

You're talking about consciousness experienced through brains. I already addressed why I think this is missing the larger picture.

Pineapple express

chill out bro

Yeah, I'm talking about reality, at least as best as we're able to understand it by experimenting to build predictive models.

You're talking about your star trek fanfiction. Is it true? Who knows? Literally no predictive value. May as well be a stalker talking about how your celebrity crush loves you even though she's never seen or heard about or spoken to you. Actually, that would probably be less insane. But hey, whatever gets you out of bed in the morning. Just admit that that's its purpose: Not to be true or accurate; to be comforting.


Ah yes, dudebro movies. They encourage sin and should be avoided at all costs.

>Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle
>The Wolf of Wall Street
>Kevin Smith movies (Clerks, Clerks 2, Jay and Bob, etc.)
>The Hangover Trilogy
>Will Ferrell movies
>Jack Black movies (e.g., Tenacious D and the Pick of the Destiny)

Can't think of any more at the moment.


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>21 Jump Street and 22 Jump Street
>Adam Sandler movies

>yeah, I'm talking about reality, at least as best as we're able to understand it by experimenting to build predictive models
You're talking about models based on, what? Particles? Those are basically just the result of waves interacting with each other – they're illusory.

It's not "wishful thinking" on my part, as you're suggesting. It's logic combined with evidence.

1. The universe must function as a closed system that's eternally fluctuating because it would be completely illogical for it to begin and end (see: cyclic models of the universe. I prefer the 3-torus, which has actually been gaining some traction lately).
2. We all must come from the same source, and everything must return to the source in order for it to sustain itself.
3. I believe consciousness in it's purest state exists at the source. But the source is more like a feeling than a place – I believe it's an absolute state of love, bliss, and understanding without words.
4. God the Father fractured himself into fragments of consciousness (souls) because, as I said, everything exists in relation to everything else. One exists in relation to not-one... oneness exists in relation to not oneness... and the bliss of oneness can only be experienced and understood after experiencing and understanding the suffering of not-oneness.

This movie is a 1/10 sober. Get high 15 mins in to understand the dude of weed.

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fpbp but also obsessed

/pol/ here

invasion of the body snatchers the 80s one

Was released in '76. HAH! That'll show you.

Ok, but how would a mushroom respond if I masturbated and came on it?

kek i'm high right now and i ain't watching this. recently watched the first three movies and while they are amusing for their time, tommy was right when he recently said he's kinda sad that once weed got legalized it became corny to joke about it. idk why illegal shit makes people think it's x10 more edgy when in reality most people who do it are still dorks

It's just a trippy film about a girl with telekinetic powers being held captive by some mysterious organization that's run by some alien-like guy who experiments with hallucinogens.

Watch the trailer. You'll get the idea.

>/pol/ can't stop thinking of bodies being switched to something else

sin pagar alquiler

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i aint got no aquaducts

>Talking about any board without the slashes
Guess you can't blend in anywhere.

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unabsequially based


Calm down groomer