What happened to the horny teens trying to get laid trope?

What happened to the horny teens trying to get laid trope?

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it's literately true to life

2006 came around and it was no longer cool.

Non-chads having or wanting sex is problematic

The male gaze is SICK and DISGUSTING

This. Also it's for manchildren.



What was with retards wearing goggles

It was a different time


Fuck liberals being white is based sad fuck


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That was phase 1. We're onto encouraging child genital mutilation now and puberty blockers. Phase 3 will involve something similar to The Turner Diaries.

Zoomers are more concerned with safe spaces and complaining about their mental health.

Why are all the teens being played by 30 year olds?

Check my digits and then check the filename. Wanna beer bro?...oh yeah wear flip flops in the showers...you'll get warts..

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You will never be a woman, and a man will never gaze at you, ever.

then check 'em againyoutube.com/watch?v=zAZqlaDCLSI

Jesus, Trip. You’ve done it again. Checked

An awareness of rape culture happened, that's what.

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Social media and dating apps have exaggerated womens standards


seeIt was fashion at the time. It looked ridiculous but so does everything in retrospect if you lived it.

>you now remember they did American Pie with women as the main characters

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Straight to visit hell


Post the trailer for it. Let everyone know how vapid and unfunny it is!

Sex comedies are problematic now because we have to protect trans kids. Also you can't make jokes because someone might get offended.

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"But literally none of us are virgins!"


"Eww, 99% of the guys who go here are unfuckable. Except..."


Women live fundamentally different lives from men and even the movie couldn't escape this


this guy gets it
porn is free because it removes sexual motivation from the goyim
>if its free, youre the product

Honestly this.

Their core audience consisted of 13 year-olds trying to see tits for the first time.

This is one genre that I am glad to have seen die

Do all of the ladies end up finding true romance like at the end of the original American Pie Movies, or does it also invert it like the cast where they stay single and just get laid?

>horny teens try to subscribe to only fans

I never understood that shit either and I was in high school in Palm Springs, CA from 98 to 2002

What do you think? The main girl wins chad and the runners-up pair off with their beta orbiters

I think pic related killed off commercial theater releases of sex comedies instead of them going straight to video or whatever "Direct to DVD" is called now.

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Stopped at support our own women

they just do or don't, i don't think anyone actually tries these days

They evolved into films called 'Banana butt plug'. Films centered around LGBT propaganda, tales of coming of age and getting fisted

Imagine being this much of a modern wet blanket

Answered your own question - retards.

Story Synopsis for every 90's-00's sex comedy.

Guy wants girl
Guy fucks girl
The 10 year Olds in the theater laugh.

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Wow thanks for summarizing every youtube movie review in 2003 faggot

Sequels if the movie made enough money like the original American Pie movies did I guess? Was this made during the mid 2010s when a bunch of movies were being re-made with an all female cast and nobody watched them because your suspension of disbelief can only go so far?
inb4 incel Women in work environments clique up and are mean to each other. I've witnessed it. You think all of those women at that medical clinic really get along and don't trash eachother behind their backs? Thanks for reading my blogi I'm drunk. Also, Lauren Ambrose a cute and I learned what a dendrophiliac was from Can't Hardly Wait.

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It's painful how accurate this is despite forgetting to mention the token Chad antagonist.

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This comic is not at all depressing. What kind of fucking faggot goes ALL THE WAY to a bitches house without at first knowing she'll answer the door? This is bitch behavior. They've obviously been fuckin broken up for a while.

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Why doesn't she just tell him to grow a pair, or is that for him to find for himself? As in he has a lot of growing up to do.

Why are you asking a question directed to a comic? Do you need someone to talk to?

I'm asking the user who posted the comic. You might need someone to talk to if you have that low self-esteem shit image saved.

Uh...what low self-esteem shit image user? You ok? Is the image in the room now? I never posted any image.

Low self esteem issues...me!?...Pshhhhh...
I'm totally fine...

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Teens changed a whole lot in the last generation.

I think the next generation is going to be better though. Smartphones as we know them dropped in 2008 (incidentally the same year I graduated highschool). They didn't reach full market saturation for about five years after that. It really hasn't been long.

No one knew how to handle it. Everyone likes escapism, but the level of staring into screens got unreal. A ton of kids really quit looking at the world around them and went through puberty on feeds.

Even a whole bunch of 'cool kids' seem scared to really 'party'. Fuck, we got kegs and threw house parties with the help of older bros. They flake on everything, bail on one another and when they do hang out no one does anything but stare at phones and smoke out of personal vapes.

Also this, but it isn't nearly as a big of a problem when people have solid friend groups. If you have a squad at a party, they generally stick up for you and keep the dumb from happening. Many in current gen don't understand human interact enough to really have the 'squad', so when they meet up it is a wierd flaky free for all.

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Also, my point of reference is my wife's younger sibilings.

She's 30, family of four sibs is 14-19 cause big age gap. We've helped out with them a bit, so I've been in a position to spectate the current gen.

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People finally got tired of the seething jew self insert flicks

too rapey for today's standards